blood champion

Chapter 113 Representing Barcelona for the first time

Chapter 113 Representing Barcelona for the first time

This time I was selected as a substitute for Barcelona, ​​because Barcelona's strength is not a question of winning or losing compared to Grenada, it is a question of winning a few goals.

Barcelona (433): Bravo; Vidal, Pique, Vermaelen, Mathieu; Turan, Busquets, Roberto; Messi, Suarez, Neymar
Granada (433): Fernandez; Furquier, Maines, Lumbang, Biraghi; Rico, Perez, Marcos; Sussex, Penaranda, Rochina ( Barcelona 0:0 Granada)
22:35:34 Barcelona start:

Goalkeeper: 13-Bravo;
Defenders: 3-Pique, 18-Alva, 22-Vidal, 23-Vermaelen;

Midfield: 4-Rakitic, 7-Turan, 20-Roberto;
Forwards: 9-Suarez, 10-Messi, 11-Neymar

22:35:38 Granada.
Goalkeeper: 13-Fernandez

Defender: 2-Longban, 3-Biragi, 12-Doria, 17-Mendez;
Midfielder: 11-Sexes, 20-Perez, 21-Kerxin, 23-Rochina;
Forwards: 26-Agbo, 27-Mast


(Barcelona 0:0 Granada)
23:02:54 比赛开始,巴萨开球,巴萨后场左侧边线球(巴塞罗那0:0格拉纳达)
23:04:11 罗奇纳外围的远射,率先威胁巴萨球门,前场右路远射高出(巴塞罗那0:0格拉纳达)
23:04:48 巴萨左侧角球,苏亚雷斯禁区内连续摆脱,拉基蒂奇禁区右侧远射远角打偏(巴塞罗那0:0格拉纳达)
23:06:11 梅西中圈妙传,阿尔瓦禁区内形成单刀,打偏了(巴塞罗那0:0格拉纳达)
23:07:22 拉基蒂奇中场传球,转移给左路的阿尔瓦(巴塞罗那0:0格拉纳达)
23:08:14 苏亚雷斯右路底线处传中,门将费尔南德斯封出底线(巴塞罗那0:0格拉纳达)
23:08:44 内马尔主罚右侧角球,第一点被格拉纳达抢到,巴萨后场重新组织(巴塞罗那0:0格拉纳达)
23:09:14 梅西右路内切,连续横向带球(巴塞罗那0:0格拉纳达)
23:10:04 After Messi scored the goal, Suarez deliberately missed, Turan made a cross from the left, and Messi scored a goal! (Barcelona 1:0 Granada)
23:11:58 巴萨中场组织,内马尔被铲倒,巴萨中场任意球(巴塞罗那1:0格拉纳达)
23:12:56 内马尔左路盘带,传中球被拦截,拉基蒂奇将球再次传入禁区被拦截(巴塞罗那1:0格拉纳达)
23:14:43 隆班抢在图兰之前,将球铲出底线,巴萨角球(巴塞罗那1:0格拉纳达)
23:15:59 Granada counterattacked with a long pass, Penaranda dribbled the ball, Barcelona quickly returned to defense, msn combination, Messi scored again (Barcelona 2:0 Granada)
23:16:55 内马尔左侧过人传中,苏亚雷斯不停球右脚垫传后点,梅西小禁区后点轻松推射得分(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:18:06 巴萨左侧进攻,内马尔中路进攻被拦截(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:18:35 阿尔瓦中场左侧犯规,格拉纳达中场任意球,大范围转移打左路(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:20:01 格拉纳达中场长传到右路,费尔马伦铲球破坏,巴萨反击(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:20:19 内马尔右路传中,球到后点,苏亚雷斯没有拿到(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:21:58 内马尔左路进攻,传到禁区内被解围(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:22:31 格拉纳达后场左侧开大脚解围,罗伯托分球给内马尔,巴萨配合失误(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:23:47 阿尔瓦中场和罗伯托配合,内马尔杀到禁区,梅西球传大了(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:25:01 Granada scored the ball in the midfield and attacked on the right. Penarandala got the ball in the midfield and Barcelona intercepted it from the penalty spot (Barcelona 2:0 Granada)
23:25:43 苏亚雷斯右路传球,梅西禁区内拿球被破坏出底线,巴萨右侧角球(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:27:03 (巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:27:28 巴萨右路角球,拉基蒂奇外围大脚吊禁区,梅西垫球到禁区被解围(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:28:55 内马尔和苏亚雷斯配合,后者面对空门打偏了!!!(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:29:45 格拉纳达后场连续推进,罗奇纳被侵犯(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:30:08 垃圾底气中场拦截,苏亚雷斯超远距离射门,太仓促了(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:31:27 Rochina made a foul on the left side of the frontcourt and made a big move. He was warned by a yellow card and missed the next round of yellow cards (Barcelona 2:0 Granada)
23:32:11 罗奇纳长传转移,打到右路,门德斯没有控好(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:32:57 Vermaelen headed to Rakitic, Neymar passed to Suarez from the center, Vidal crossed from the right, Messi outflanked from the center, almost staged a hat-trick, goalkeeper Fernandez made a contribution (Barcelona 2 :0 Granada)
23:34:06 Biraghi made a cross from the left in the front court, Vermaelen broke the ball out of the penalty area, Turan raised his foot too high, and gave Granada an indirect free kick in the front court (Barcelona 2:0 Granada )
23:38:28 内马尔禁区内一系列调整,射门打飞了(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:39:00 罗奇纳左侧横传,克尔欣接应,将球回传给了费尔南德斯(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:39:59 拉基蒂奇前场右路远射,打在球门后的支撑杆上,偏得比较多(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:41:09 Neymar organizes in the middle, Messi responds, Neymar sends a through pass, Suarez crosses from the left, Doria destroys the ball before Messi (Barcelona 2:0 Granada)
23:41:57 Suarez dribbled inside the penalty area and broke through the bottom line. Uche blocked the ball to protect the bottom line. Granada goal kick (Barcelona 2:0 Granada)
23:43:35 巴萨获得前场左侧任意球,梅西传到禁区,费尔南德斯将球击出(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:44:24 拉基蒂奇右路传中,内马尔后点左脚抽射,打在边网上(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:45:27 罗奇纳弧顶前沿左脚低射,球偏出右侧立柱(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:46:36 图兰禁区左侧脚弓推射,没有打上力量(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:47:11 (巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:34:45 格拉纳达一拨一射,佩雷斯的劲射打在人墙上(巴塞罗那2:0格拉纳达)
23:35:44 Turan was tripped with the ball on the left side of the front court, Barcelona quickly took a free kick, Neymar passed the ball, Suarez was offside (Barcelona 2:0 Granada)
23:36:45 Fernandez holds the ball in the backcourt, Granada hits the midfield, Rakitic fouls and tackles Rochina (Barcelona 2:0 Granada)

(End of this chapter)

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