blood champion
Chapter 135
Chapter 135 Superior Skills
18:36:35 河床禁区右侧横传,皮克顶出底线,河床角球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:37:38 Biudes takes a corner kick, no one at the end, and then passes into the penalty area, Pique grabs the first point (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:39:22 河床在后场控球,拉基蒂奇右路拿球,苏亚雷斯穿裆过人(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:40:38 克拉内维特中场铲倒了梅西,黄牌(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:41:19 苏亚雷斯禁区内头球回做,梅西抽射被封堵(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:42:17 梅西门前再次射门,巴罗维罗化解(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:43:07 刚才是伊涅斯塔外围送出妙传,梅西停球后转身就打,非常漂亮(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:44:37 Javier Mascherano cooperates with Alba in the backcourt, the river plate makes a big kick in the backcourt, Sanchez splits the side, and the pass is not good (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:45:26 Rakitic cooperated with his teammates on the right side in a small area, Iniesta passed to Neymar, Neymar fell to the ground, and the game continued (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:46:18 阿尔巴中场铲人犯规,黄牌,铲倒桑切斯(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:47:26 巴萨后场抢断,内马尔盘带带出了边线(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:48:37 河床后场开大脚,转移,回传给门将巴罗维罗(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:49:09 Rakitic made a long pass, looking for Neymar, looking for Messi for a small ball on the left, and did not get a chance to kick (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:50:04 皮克头球解围,河床犯规了,布斯克茨发任意球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:51:18 拉基蒂奇中场组织,梅尔卡多后场抢断(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:52:04 双方火气都不小,阿尔巴受伤(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:53:04 巴萨左侧任意球,被解围(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:54:07 巴萨由守转攻,梅西分给伊涅斯塔,拉基蒂奇传后点(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:55:06 内马尔左路转移,阿尔维斯后排插上打凌空,有些正(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:56:17 布斯克茨被踢倒,巴萨前场任意球机会(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:56:50 巴萨回传失误,阿拉里奥断球,莫拉远射没构成威胁(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:58:13 Pique headed to Busquets, the ball was lost, Sanchez got the ball from the right, Mascherano fouled (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:59:09 河床右路任意球,梅尔卡多头球攻门顶偏了(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:59:47 Messi breaks through the middle, loses the ball, River Plate steals the ball and counterattacks, offensive foul (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
19:01:17 阿拉里奥射门,稍微有些变线,布拉沃拿到球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
19:02:14 布斯克茨倒地,巴萨前场任意球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
19:02:53 Messi takes a free kick and enters the penalty area. The first point is River Plate. Barcelona takes the ball from outside (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
19:04:01 蓬奇奥中场踢倒阿尔维斯,黄牌,巴萨再次获得任意球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
19:05:03 Messi shoots from a free kick, Baroviro saves from the bottom line, Barcelona takes a right corner kick, the first point is still River Plate's (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
19:05:46 梅西进球了!(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:07:10 Messi splits from the center, Alves makes a cross from the right, Neymar nods to ferry, Messi stops the ball in the center and then scores (River Plate 0:1 Barcelona)
19:08:19 河床后场倒脚,长传到中场,拉基蒂奇分边(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:09:18 苏亚雷斯底线处横传,巴罗维罗将球拿到了(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:10:04 皮克中场分球,马斯切拉诺长传找阿尔巴(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:11:24 苏亚雷斯穿裆传球,阿尔巴越位(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:12:02 巴罗维罗禁区内控球,河床也没什么机会(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:13:14 River Plate takes a free kick, Sanchez takes the penalty, Rakitic fouls, tackles Beuds, yellow card (River Plate 0:1 Barcelona)
19:14:40 River Plate took a free kick to the left. Pique grabbed the first point and headed it out. Alves was hit by Alario's left elbow, which was not intentional (River Plate 0:1 Barcelona)
19:15:29 梅西右路挑球过人,但球出了边线,河床快发界外球(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:15:46 上半场补时1分钟(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:16:26 Javier Mascherano makes a wide-range transfer, the ball is on the right, Messi goes straight with his left foot, Suarez shoots wide (River Plate 0:1 Barcelona)
19:18:33 上半场比赛结束,巴萨1-0领先河床,稍后继续下半场直播(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:35:29 河床下半场连续换了两个人,马丁内斯和冈萨雷斯替下了莫拉和蓬奇奥(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:36:16 阿尔维斯右路传球,内马尔越位了(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:37:33 布拉沃后场倒脚,传给阿尔巴,巴萨传球失误(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:38:50 River Plate controlled the ball from the right, Busquets did not stop, Suarez single-handedly scored (River Plate 0:2 Barcelona)
19:39:46 布斯克茨中场传球,苏亚雷斯禁区内推射将球打进,49分钟(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:41:17 河床右路解围,获得了边线球机会(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:42:20 Mascherano makes a long pass, Iniesta cooperates with a short pass, Rakitic responds from the middle, Messi pushes in the penalty area, without strength (River Plate 0:2 Barcelona)
19:44:08 拉基蒂奇分到了左侧,内马尔横传,梅西差点又进了(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:45:14 内马尔突破,获得角球(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:46:08 河床换人,德留西替下比乌德斯(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:47:26 内马尔左脚弧线球远射,打得高了一点(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:48:51 苏亚雷斯脑袋被撞了一下,不过问题不大(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:49:12 River Plate went down the left, Alves fouled, and Neymar also fell to the ground in the penalty area. During this period, the two sides moved a lot (River Plate 0:2 Barcelona)
19:50:58 内马尔报复梅尔卡多,黄牌(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:51:53 河床角球,球在空中出界(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:53:22 内马尔左路控球,河床断球成功,这段时间双方在场上斗气(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:54:35 河床在右路进攻,球没有控制好,巴萨门球(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:55:16 河床右路进攻,巴萨断球,布拉沃后场开大脚(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:56:11 巴萨换人,罗贝托换拉基蒂奇(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:57:36 河床已经没有换人名额,巴萨还有2个(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:57:57 苏亚雷斯又进球了,头球得分(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:58:51 内马尔左路传中,苏亚雷斯后点头球将球顶进球门左侧,2场比赛进了5个(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:59:09 河床已经守不住了,后防线很是不稳(河床0:3巴塞罗那)
(End of this chapter)
18:36:35 河床禁区右侧横传,皮克顶出底线,河床角球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:37:38 Biudes takes a corner kick, no one at the end, and then passes into the penalty area, Pique grabs the first point (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:39:22 河床在后场控球,拉基蒂奇右路拿球,苏亚雷斯穿裆过人(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:40:38 克拉内维特中场铲倒了梅西,黄牌(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:41:19 苏亚雷斯禁区内头球回做,梅西抽射被封堵(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:42:17 梅西门前再次射门,巴罗维罗化解(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:43:07 刚才是伊涅斯塔外围送出妙传,梅西停球后转身就打,非常漂亮(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:44:37 Javier Mascherano cooperates with Alba in the backcourt, the river plate makes a big kick in the backcourt, Sanchez splits the side, and the pass is not good (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:45:26 Rakitic cooperated with his teammates on the right side in a small area, Iniesta passed to Neymar, Neymar fell to the ground, and the game continued (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:46:18 阿尔巴中场铲人犯规,黄牌,铲倒桑切斯(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:47:26 巴萨后场抢断,内马尔盘带带出了边线(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:48:37 河床后场开大脚,转移,回传给门将巴罗维罗(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:49:09 Rakitic made a long pass, looking for Neymar, looking for Messi for a small ball on the left, and did not get a chance to kick (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:50:04 皮克头球解围,河床犯规了,布斯克茨发任意球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:51:18 拉基蒂奇中场组织,梅尔卡多后场抢断(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:52:04 双方火气都不小,阿尔巴受伤(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:53:04 巴萨左侧任意球,被解围(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:54:07 巴萨由守转攻,梅西分给伊涅斯塔,拉基蒂奇传后点(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:55:06 内马尔左路转移,阿尔维斯后排插上打凌空,有些正(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:56:17 布斯克茨被踢倒,巴萨前场任意球机会(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:56:50 巴萨回传失误,阿拉里奥断球,莫拉远射没构成威胁(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:58:13 Pique headed to Busquets, the ball was lost, Sanchez got the ball from the right, Mascherano fouled (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
18:59:09 河床右路任意球,梅尔卡多头球攻门顶偏了(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
18:59:47 Messi breaks through the middle, loses the ball, River Plate steals the ball and counterattacks, offensive foul (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
19:01:17 阿拉里奥射门,稍微有些变线,布拉沃拿到球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
19:02:14 布斯克茨倒地,巴萨前场任意球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
19:02:53 Messi takes a free kick and enters the penalty area. The first point is River Plate. Barcelona takes the ball from outside (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
19:04:01 蓬奇奥中场踢倒阿尔维斯,黄牌,巴萨再次获得任意球(河床0:0巴塞罗那)
19:05:03 Messi shoots from a free kick, Baroviro saves from the bottom line, Barcelona takes a right corner kick, the first point is still River Plate's (River Plate 0:0 Barcelona)
19:05:46 梅西进球了!(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:07:10 Messi splits from the center, Alves makes a cross from the right, Neymar nods to ferry, Messi stops the ball in the center and then scores (River Plate 0:1 Barcelona)
19:08:19 河床后场倒脚,长传到中场,拉基蒂奇分边(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:09:18 苏亚雷斯底线处横传,巴罗维罗将球拿到了(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:10:04 皮克中场分球,马斯切拉诺长传找阿尔巴(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:11:24 苏亚雷斯穿裆传球,阿尔巴越位(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:12:02 巴罗维罗禁区内控球,河床也没什么机会(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:13:14 River Plate takes a free kick, Sanchez takes the penalty, Rakitic fouls, tackles Beuds, yellow card (River Plate 0:1 Barcelona)
19:14:40 River Plate took a free kick to the left. Pique grabbed the first point and headed it out. Alves was hit by Alario's left elbow, which was not intentional (River Plate 0:1 Barcelona)
19:15:29 梅西右路挑球过人,但球出了边线,河床快发界外球(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:15:46 上半场补时1分钟(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:16:26 Javier Mascherano makes a wide-range transfer, the ball is on the right, Messi goes straight with his left foot, Suarez shoots wide (River Plate 0:1 Barcelona)
19:18:33 上半场比赛结束,巴萨1-0领先河床,稍后继续下半场直播(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:35:29 河床下半场连续换了两个人,马丁内斯和冈萨雷斯替下了莫拉和蓬奇奥(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:36:16 阿尔维斯右路传球,内马尔越位了(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:37:33 布拉沃后场倒脚,传给阿尔巴,巴萨传球失误(河床0:1巴塞罗那)
19:38:50 River Plate controlled the ball from the right, Busquets did not stop, Suarez single-handedly scored (River Plate 0:2 Barcelona)
19:39:46 布斯克茨中场传球,苏亚雷斯禁区内推射将球打进,49分钟(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:41:17 河床右路解围,获得了边线球机会(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:42:20 Mascherano makes a long pass, Iniesta cooperates with a short pass, Rakitic responds from the middle, Messi pushes in the penalty area, without strength (River Plate 0:2 Barcelona)
19:44:08 拉基蒂奇分到了左侧,内马尔横传,梅西差点又进了(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:45:14 内马尔突破,获得角球(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:46:08 河床换人,德留西替下比乌德斯(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:47:26 内马尔左脚弧线球远射,打得高了一点(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:48:51 苏亚雷斯脑袋被撞了一下,不过问题不大(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:49:12 River Plate went down the left, Alves fouled, and Neymar also fell to the ground in the penalty area. During this period, the two sides moved a lot (River Plate 0:2 Barcelona)
19:50:58 内马尔报复梅尔卡多,黄牌(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:51:53 河床角球,球在空中出界(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:53:22 内马尔左路控球,河床断球成功,这段时间双方在场上斗气(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:54:35 河床在右路进攻,球没有控制好,巴萨门球(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:55:16 河床右路进攻,巴萨断球,布拉沃后场开大脚(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:56:11 巴萨换人,罗贝托换拉基蒂奇(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:57:36 河床已经没有换人名额,巴萨还有2个(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:57:57 苏亚雷斯又进球了,头球得分(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:58:51 内马尔左路传中,苏亚雷斯后点头球将球顶进球门左侧,2场比赛进了5个(河床0:2巴塞罗那)
19:59:09 河床已经守不住了,后防线很是不稳(河床0:3巴塞罗那)
(End of this chapter)
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