blood champion

Chapter 137 Lightning Goal

Chapter 137 Lightning Goal
23:04:54 本泽马中场直塞,C罗禁区左侧右脚扣过埃切伊塔,右脚抽射得分,这是C罗本赛季第20个西甲进球(皇家马德里1:0毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:05:35 皇马取得闪电式进球,开了一个好头啊(皇家马德里1:0毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:07:05 Bilbao made a cross from the left, the ball was too big, it went straight to the back, no threat (Real Madrid 1:0 Athletic Bilbao)
23:08:56 Real Madrid fell in the backcourt, Ramos returned to Carvajal, Ronaldo stepped on a bicycle on the left and fell in the penalty area, but the referee did not judge (Real Madrid 1:0 Athletic Bilbao )
23:09:45 Bilbao made a cross from the right, Aduriz headed for the ball and missed the top, Real Madrid's defense is really tough (Real Madrid 1:0 Athletic Bilbao)
23:10:23 科瓦契奇禁区内腾空扫射,被门将伊赖索斯化解(皇家马德里1:0毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:11:24 毕尔巴鄂扳平了,皇马一个低级失误(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:12:32 Varane made a pass back to Navas and made a mistake. Erasor smiled and sent the ball directly into the empty goal. This is Erasor's first goal in La Liga (Real Madrid 1:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:12:55 双方传球成功率,皇马71%,毕尔巴鄂67%(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:13:55 毕尔巴鄂左侧传递,转移到右侧,皇马开大脚解围(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:14:51 莫德里奇中场转移,分给克罗斯,皇马中场连续传递倒脚配合(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:15:59 C罗左路突破,埃切伊塔拦截犯规,黄牌(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:16:42 Cristiano Ronaldo took a free kick from the left, a floating ball, passed into the penalty area, and went directly out of the far baseline (Real Madrid 1:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:17:38 瓦拉内中场与阿杜里斯争抢头球,胳膊肘有动作,黄牌(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:18:28 瓦拉内真是倒霉啊,开场一个超低级失误送大礼,这又是一个黄牌(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:19:58 毕尔巴鄂竞技左侧起球,纳瓦斯直接将球摘了下来(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:21:17 阿杜里斯刚才才禁区内抢到头球攻门的机会,在与拉莫斯的争抢中占得了上风,纳瓦斯表现不错(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:22:41 Real Madrid kicked the ball from the left side of the frontcourt, Modric organized the midfielder, split the ball to the right, and Danilo assisted (Real Madrid 1:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:23:43 达尼洛发出前场右侧边线球,本泽马中路策应,C罗越位了(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:24:19 卡瓦哈尔与本泽马在前场配合,德马科斯被铲了一下(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:26:02 达尼洛禁区右侧迎球冲顶,非常有威胁,被伊赖索斯化解(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:26:43 达尼洛右路又来了,卡瓦哈尔左侧与C罗配合,科瓦契奇中路直塞被拦截(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:27:24 Kroos splits the midfield, Carvajal and Kovacic cooperate, Carvajal makes a cross, Ireisos attacks (Real Madrid 1:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:28:21 皇马在后场倒脚,分球到右侧,莫德里奇大范围转移(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:29:34 毕尔巴鄂横梁!天啊,皇马躲过一劫(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:30:56 巴伦西亚加左路传中,阿杜里斯前点蹭射打中了横梁(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:31:33 C罗禁区内打门,被伊赖索斯扑出(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:32:05 (皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:32:28 达尼洛禁区内倒三角传球,本泽马推射被拦截下来(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:33:55 Carvajal made a low pass from the left, Ronaldo made a follow-up shot from the middle, was blocked, bad luck (Real Madrid 1:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:35:01 阿杜里斯禁区右侧轻松突破,德马科斯抢射打偏了(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:35:40 (皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:36:56 Varane splits the side, Cross midfielder responds, splits the ball to the right, Ronaldo knocks back from the side (Real Madrid 1:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:37:48 C罗被绊倒,但比赛继续进行,卡瓦哈尔回传克罗斯(皇家马德里1:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:38:16 J罗进球了!!!(皇家马德里2:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:39:30 Danilo made a pass near the sideline, Jrono cut and adjusted, volleyed with his left foot at the top of the arc, and the ball hit the far corner (Real Madrid 2:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:40:32 萨温禁区右侧凌空抽射,球打高了(皇家马德里2:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:41:35 皇马-毕尔巴鄂射门比:7-7 (皇家马德里2:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:42:21 毕尔巴鄂中场长传,直接传出边线,皇马后场界外球(皇家马德里2:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:42:59 Cristiano Ronaldo breaks through from the left, throws the ball from the sideline, Carvajal comes and sends it to Kovacic (Real Madrid 2:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:43:57 Carvajal and Kovacic fell back and forth, Real Madrid attacked from the right, Ronaldo was tackled, and Valencia added a yellow card (Real Madrid 2:1 Athletic Bilbao)
23:45:21 莫德里奇右侧角球传中,科瓦契奇禁区外抽射,打飞(皇家马德里2:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:46:40 C罗禁区线前沿送出传球,克罗斯接应转身打门,漂亮,3-1 (皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:47:48 一个压哨进球,皇马上半场3-1领先(皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:48:20 皇马上半场防守端漏洞太多,看看下半场有没有调整(皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
23:48:41 各位网友来预测下,皇马下半场会不会轻松拿走3分(皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
00:03:34 下半场比赛开始,毕尔巴鄂赢得了一个前场任意球的机会(皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
00:04:13 拉波尔特禁区内没有抢到点,皇马后场球,纳瓦斯分到左侧(皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
00:05:25 (皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
00:05:58 球场上一个花絮,裁判阻挡了皇马的传球(皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂
00:06:55 Bilbao attacked from the right, De Marcos forcibly overtook on the right, Carvajal was passed, but the threat was not great (Real Madrid 3:1 Athletic Bilbao)
00:07:24 克罗斯直塞球,和J罗配合,齐达内在场外有些着急(皇家马德里3:1毕尔巴鄂竞技)
After all, Zidane is under a lot of pressure now. If this game is tied or lost, then Barcelona's advantage will become greater and greater.

(End of this chapter)

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