blood champion
Chapter 139
Chapter 139
01:19:18 开场不到1分钟,苏亚雷斯便被拉莫斯撞倒,捂着肩膀表情痛苦,看来这场比赛注定不会风平浪静(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:20:40 C罗左肋强行突破,为皇马赢得角球机会(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:20:58 J罗将球送到中路,巴萨第一点解围(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:21:20 皇马外围再度得球,两次尝试左路传中均被解围(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:21:44 开场以后,皇马的逼抢非常凶狠(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:22:23 Neymar breaks through with the ball from the left and cuts inward to the top of the arc. The ball looks like a shot or a pass, and it flies out of the baseline (Real Madrid 0:0 Barcelona)
01:22:46 巴萨控球时,伯纳乌观众发出巨大的嘘声(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:24:48 Pique made a wide-range diagonal pass to find Alba, who slanted to Suarez in the penalty area, Suarez returned, and Neymar's arc ball near the penalty area line went over the goal (Real Madrid 0:0 Barcelona)
01:24:51 可惜(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:25:12 本泽马试图发动闪电战,但刚刚突入禁区,便被巴萨后卫阻断(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:25:42 巴萨的中场传递出现失误,罗伯托的横传直接出了边线(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:26:36 C罗禁区右侧接球,晃过马斯切拉诺后传中,幸好巴萨后卫及时完成解围(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:26:44 逃过一劫(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:28:11 巴萨破门,进球的是苏亚雷斯(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:29:10 罗伯托中路带球突破,低平球斜塞给机敏前插的苏亚雷斯,苏神脚外侧撩射破门(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:30:33 此球由皮克从中场发动,罗伯托的最后一传也恰到好处(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:32:09 伊涅斯塔左路大范围转移,罗伯托停球回做,拉基蒂奇后插上劲射打高(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:33:14 开场的凶猛逼抢过后,皇马在巴萨的控球战术面前显的办法不多(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:33:44 马斯切拉诺在中场跟J罗相撞,似乎大腿受伤(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:34:21 一瘸一拐地去场边接受治疗(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:34:32 小马问题不大,重新回到比赛中(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:35:58 C罗在禁区内跟阿尔维斯抢位时,双方都有拉拽动作,主裁判判罚C罗犯规(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:36:53 巴萨又有球员倒地(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:37:10 这次是阿尔巴(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:37:22 抢球时被贝尔踩了一脚(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:38:35 苏亚雷斯中场护球,被瓦拉内从身后推倒(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:40:24 皇马中场传球失误,被内马尔抢断(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:40:45 无奈的J罗回追伸脚将内马尔勾倒(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:41:02 巴萨获得禁区前左侧的任意球机会(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:41:15 距离球门28米(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:41:37 内马尔右脚弧线球绕过人墙,选择偷袭右下角,但被准备充分的纳瓦斯扑住(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:42:20 巴萨卷土重来,罗伯托禁区中央的抢点射门高出(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:43:12 贝尔尝试右路带球突破,但被巴萨后卫夹击断下(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:44:30 马斯切拉诺禁区内再次倒地,场边的马蒂厄已经准备出场(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:45:04 从慢镜头来看,似乎是落地时抻了一下(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:45:29 第28分钟不到,巴萨非战斗减员,马蒂厄换下马斯切拉诺(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:46:30 Barcelona made a pass error in the backcourt, Real Madrid steals the ball and breaks fast, Modric goes through, Ronaldo kicks a shot from the edge of the penalty area, which is confiscated by Bravo (Real Madrid 0:1 Barcelona)
01:46:49 阿尔巴左路下底传中,为巴萨赢得角球机会(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:47:23 内马尔罚出的角球过于靠近门将,被纳瓦斯摘到(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:47:54 阿尔维斯战术犯规阻断皇马快攻,自己受伤的同时,还吃到黄牌(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:48:13 从慢镜头来看,他是被C罗用胳膊肘碰到了头部(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:50:24 皇马的BBC今天在进攻端还没有太抢眼的发挥(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:53:08 跑动距离方面,巴萨占优(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:53:51 As the saying goes, hard work can make up for one's weakness. Barcelona is not bad at all, but they are also diligent at Real Madrid. It is not surprising that the score temporarily leads (Real Madrid 0:1 Barcelona)
01:54:45 阿尔维斯痛苦倒地,肇事者似乎是水爷(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:54:58 抢球时无疑碰到阿尔维斯膝盖(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:55:07 没事,比赛继续(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:55:36 皇马的右路传中极具威胁,但巴萨连续两点抢先解围(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:56:43 比分扩大,内马尔为巴萨破门(皇马0:2巴萨)
01:56:56 看来梅西可以不用上了(皇马0:2巴萨)
01:57:46 Iniesta goes straight, Suarez and Neymar go forward at two points, Neymar receives the ball from the left side of the penalty area, and faces Navas with a push from the far corner (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
01:58:08 从慢镜头来看,似乎中路的苏亚雷斯处于越位位置,但内马尔并没有越位(皇马0:2巴萨)
01:59:51 场边的贝尼特斯无计可施,这样下去的话,皇马可能会在主场大败,CR7加油啊(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:01:22 内马尔回到本方半场接球,被瓦拉内从身后推倒(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:01:35 法国铁闸已经不止一次放倒内少(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:04:02 补时2分钟(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:05:38 Neymar breaks through from the left, and Suarez completes a wonderful collision with the wall on the left side of the penalty area. He returns from the baseline to find Su Shen, but the Uruguayan striker's strong shot is blocked by Marcelo with his head. Otherwise, Barcelona will half One game can seal the victory (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:06:06 The first half ended immediately, Barcelona led by two goals, SN really can’t stop it, Real Madrid has to work hard (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:20:29 下半场开始(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:21:03 双方均未调整(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:22:28 The BBC is sluggish, the Real Madrid defender goes crazy, Marcelo makes a long-distance attack from the left, dodges Pique's shovel, and hits the side netting with a volley from the edge of the penalty area (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:23:47 Real Madrid obviously stepped up their offensive. Bale made a cross pass from the left. Ronaldo kicked an angry shot from near the arc of the penalty area and was blocked by Bravo (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:25:37 拉莫斯禁区前沿放倒罗伯托,送给巴萨任意球机会(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:26:02 再进一球的话,比赛将就此失去悬念(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:27:03 Mathieu is just a cover. Neymar's right-footed arc shot over the top of the wall and went straight to the upper left corner, but was blocked by Navas with a single palm (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:27:52 巴萨再下一城,进球的是队长小白(皇马0:3巴萨)
02:28:01 花了(皇马0:3巴萨)
02:28:55 Iniesta goes straight, Neymar knocks a pass lightly with his heel, Iniesta follows up with a right footed shot and breaks the goal, as easy as a stroll (Real Madrid 0:3 Barcelona)
(End of this chapter)
01:19:18 开场不到1分钟,苏亚雷斯便被拉莫斯撞倒,捂着肩膀表情痛苦,看来这场比赛注定不会风平浪静(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:20:40 C罗左肋强行突破,为皇马赢得角球机会(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:20:58 J罗将球送到中路,巴萨第一点解围(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:21:20 皇马外围再度得球,两次尝试左路传中均被解围(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:21:44 开场以后,皇马的逼抢非常凶狠(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:22:23 Neymar breaks through with the ball from the left and cuts inward to the top of the arc. The ball looks like a shot or a pass, and it flies out of the baseline (Real Madrid 0:0 Barcelona)
01:22:46 巴萨控球时,伯纳乌观众发出巨大的嘘声(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:24:48 Pique made a wide-range diagonal pass to find Alba, who slanted to Suarez in the penalty area, Suarez returned, and Neymar's arc ball near the penalty area line went over the goal (Real Madrid 0:0 Barcelona)
01:24:51 可惜(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:25:12 本泽马试图发动闪电战,但刚刚突入禁区,便被巴萨后卫阻断(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:25:42 巴萨的中场传递出现失误,罗伯托的横传直接出了边线(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:26:36 C罗禁区右侧接球,晃过马斯切拉诺后传中,幸好巴萨后卫及时完成解围(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:26:44 逃过一劫(皇马0:0巴萨)
01:28:11 巴萨破门,进球的是苏亚雷斯(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:29:10 罗伯托中路带球突破,低平球斜塞给机敏前插的苏亚雷斯,苏神脚外侧撩射破门(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:30:33 此球由皮克从中场发动,罗伯托的最后一传也恰到好处(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:32:09 伊涅斯塔左路大范围转移,罗伯托停球回做,拉基蒂奇后插上劲射打高(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:33:14 开场的凶猛逼抢过后,皇马在巴萨的控球战术面前显的办法不多(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:33:44 马斯切拉诺在中场跟J罗相撞,似乎大腿受伤(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:34:21 一瘸一拐地去场边接受治疗(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:34:32 小马问题不大,重新回到比赛中(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:35:58 C罗在禁区内跟阿尔维斯抢位时,双方都有拉拽动作,主裁判判罚C罗犯规(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:36:53 巴萨又有球员倒地(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:37:10 这次是阿尔巴(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:37:22 抢球时被贝尔踩了一脚(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:38:35 苏亚雷斯中场护球,被瓦拉内从身后推倒(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:40:24 皇马中场传球失误,被内马尔抢断(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:40:45 无奈的J罗回追伸脚将内马尔勾倒(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:41:02 巴萨获得禁区前左侧的任意球机会(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:41:15 距离球门28米(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:41:37 内马尔右脚弧线球绕过人墙,选择偷袭右下角,但被准备充分的纳瓦斯扑住(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:42:20 巴萨卷土重来,罗伯托禁区中央的抢点射门高出(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:43:12 贝尔尝试右路带球突破,但被巴萨后卫夹击断下(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:44:30 马斯切拉诺禁区内再次倒地,场边的马蒂厄已经准备出场(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:45:04 从慢镜头来看,似乎是落地时抻了一下(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:45:29 第28分钟不到,巴萨非战斗减员,马蒂厄换下马斯切拉诺(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:46:30 Barcelona made a pass error in the backcourt, Real Madrid steals the ball and breaks fast, Modric goes through, Ronaldo kicks a shot from the edge of the penalty area, which is confiscated by Bravo (Real Madrid 0:1 Barcelona)
01:46:49 阿尔巴左路下底传中,为巴萨赢得角球机会(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:47:23 内马尔罚出的角球过于靠近门将,被纳瓦斯摘到(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:47:54 阿尔维斯战术犯规阻断皇马快攻,自己受伤的同时,还吃到黄牌(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:48:13 从慢镜头来看,他是被C罗用胳膊肘碰到了头部(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:50:24 皇马的BBC今天在进攻端还没有太抢眼的发挥(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:53:08 跑动距离方面,巴萨占优(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:53:51 As the saying goes, hard work can make up for one's weakness. Barcelona is not bad at all, but they are also diligent at Real Madrid. It is not surprising that the score temporarily leads (Real Madrid 0:1 Barcelona)
01:54:45 阿尔维斯痛苦倒地,肇事者似乎是水爷(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:54:58 抢球时无疑碰到阿尔维斯膝盖(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:55:07 没事,比赛继续(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:55:36 皇马的右路传中极具威胁,但巴萨连续两点抢先解围(皇马0:1巴萨)
01:56:43 比分扩大,内马尔为巴萨破门(皇马0:2巴萨)
01:56:56 看来梅西可以不用上了(皇马0:2巴萨)
01:57:46 Iniesta goes straight, Suarez and Neymar go forward at two points, Neymar receives the ball from the left side of the penalty area, and faces Navas with a push from the far corner (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
01:58:08 从慢镜头来看,似乎中路的苏亚雷斯处于越位位置,但内马尔并没有越位(皇马0:2巴萨)
01:59:51 场边的贝尼特斯无计可施,这样下去的话,皇马可能会在主场大败,CR7加油啊(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:01:22 内马尔回到本方半场接球,被瓦拉内从身后推倒(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:01:35 法国铁闸已经不止一次放倒内少(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:04:02 补时2分钟(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:05:38 Neymar breaks through from the left, and Suarez completes a wonderful collision with the wall on the left side of the penalty area. He returns from the baseline to find Su Shen, but the Uruguayan striker's strong shot is blocked by Marcelo with his head. Otherwise, Barcelona will half One game can seal the victory (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:06:06 The first half ended immediately, Barcelona led by two goals, SN really can’t stop it, Real Madrid has to work hard (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:20:29 下半场开始(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:21:03 双方均未调整(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:22:28 The BBC is sluggish, the Real Madrid defender goes crazy, Marcelo makes a long-distance attack from the left, dodges Pique's shovel, and hits the side netting with a volley from the edge of the penalty area (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:23:47 Real Madrid obviously stepped up their offensive. Bale made a cross pass from the left. Ronaldo kicked an angry shot from near the arc of the penalty area and was blocked by Bravo (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:25:37 拉莫斯禁区前沿放倒罗伯托,送给巴萨任意球机会(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:26:02 再进一球的话,比赛将就此失去悬念(皇马0:2巴萨)
02:27:03 Mathieu is just a cover. Neymar's right-footed arc shot over the top of the wall and went straight to the upper left corner, but was blocked by Navas with a single palm (Real Madrid 0:2 Barcelona)
02:27:52 巴萨再下一城,进球的是队长小白(皇马0:3巴萨)
02:28:01 花了(皇马0:3巴萨)
02:28:55 Iniesta goes straight, Neymar knocks a pass lightly with his heel, Iniesta follows up with a right footed shot and breaks the goal, as easy as a stroll (Real Madrid 0:3 Barcelona)
(End of this chapter)
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