super commentary

Chapter 36 God Level Lore

Chapter 36 God Level Lore
"In the past, the Spurs looked at Duncan in good times and Manu in desperate situations. Unfortunately, neither of them is here now."

"The Spurs arranged a formation similar to football penalty kicks, with Parker serving from the outside, and the other four were arranged in a line from low to high with their backs against the basket."

"Squeeze the Cavaliers behind, no matter how they get rid of the defense, they will never be able to turn to the front."

"At this time, Parker passed the ball and passed the ball to Adelaide at the farthest end. Adelaide turned around and shot immediately after receiving the ball."

"Hibbert also jumped up to intercept in the air, and James also quickly moved over to assist in the defense."

"The ball didn't go to the basket, it flew to the midfield."

"Not good. After serving the ball, Parker immediately entered the field and cruised beyond the three-point line. Due to the Spurs' back-to-wall defense, the Cavaliers all stayed away from the center line. At this time, Parker became an unguarded player."

"Although Owen has squeezed out at this moment and chased Parker, it is still a step too late."

"I saw this ball, shuttled rapidly through the air, pushing a long beam of light, and flew towards the net."

"3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second."

"A huge palm, dragging the ball in the air, and the ball hits the net. 101:100."

"The whistle blew, the cheers shook the sky and the earth, and went straight to the sky."

"It was only at this time that everyone found the owner of the palm that covered the sky. It was Leonard."

"James sighed, such a wonderful tactic is really invulnerable and impossible to defend against."

"In one attack, the classic tactics in football and basketball games are perfectly combined."

"The combination of reality and reality, both movement and stillness, three-pointers, pick-and-rolls, passes, air cuts, all used properly."

"On the surface, Aldridge, Parker, and Leonard all played their best in this round, but in fact, Mills and Green also contributed a lot."

"They completed three consecutive high-quality pick-and-rolls in just over 8 seconds."

"First of all, Owen, Xiaocha, Randall and others are completely prevented from death, forming a situation where Parker is completely vacant."

"Secondly, when Parker had an opportunity, he deliberately released Irving to keep everyone's attention on the perimeter."

"Then, they took the opportunity to block James, Randall, etc., allowing Leonard to easily cut into the penalty area."

"Adelaide has attracted Hibbert's defense, Xiaocha can't prevent Leonard's surprise attack at all, he just needs to make up the ball."

"This kind of interlocking lore can only be thought out by Bobo Zhugeweiqi with careful thinking, and only he dares to try it."

"Only the Spurs are able to carry out the game stably to the end at a critical moment of life and death, showing such an exquisite tactic."

"This will be a textbook tactic that will last forever. The Spurs survived a desperate situation and won a battle of dignity."

"Leonard finally used his actual ability to prove that he is the current leader of the Spurs."

"There is me in a desperate situation, and I am not afraid of James. After Duncan, Kawhi is arrogant."

"After this game, the total score has become 3:2, and the next game will be moved to the Spurs' home court."

"Can the Spurs continue to perform miracles with this victory? Let us pay attention together in two days, thank you everyone."

Lin Yue finished the commentary of the game, feeling unprecedentedly happy.

As soon as he walked around the live broadcast table, more than [-] well-dressed young people poured in from outside the door.

"Coach Lin, my little brother is willing to be your pawn. I will do my best for you." Zhang Jie shouted with a smirk on his face.

"Professor Lin, please accept me as your wife." A tall, long-haired beauty showed her love boldly, which made Lin Yue at a loss for a while.

Lin Yue shyly took photos with everyone, and patiently signed everyone's name on the T-shirt.

The crowd dispersed, but Lin Yue had already become a god in their hearts.

"Professor Lin University, the editor-in-chief is here!" Wang Xiaobing greeted him with a smile.Obviously, Lin Yue became a blockbuster and received the attention of the leaders.

Lin Yue walked into the editor's office and couldn't help being surprised.

Editor-in-Chief Liu sat side by side, and the chief seat was Wang Hui, the general manager of Tianfang, and two people in suits and leather shoes. Although Lin Yue couldn't remember their names, she knew that these two were directors of the company.

He didn't expect that his commentary would attract the attention of three senior leaders, which really flattered him.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Li, and Mr. Zhang, this is the talented commentator of our company——Lin Yue." Editor-in-chief Liu apologized.

Lin Yue bowed and saluted, thinking in her mind: Is this meeting good or bad?
Soon, he got a hint from the soul:

"Don't worry, this time they just saw your potential and want to build you with all their strength. Of course, they will also use you to make money, but this is a crucial turning point in your life for you, and you must seize it."

Only then did Lin Yue sit on the sofa at the side with peace of mind, waiting for inquiries from several leaders.

The tall Mr. Li is the second largest shareholder of the company. He has been in business with Mr. Wang Hui for many years and has strong market development capabilities.

Mr. Li said loudly: "Lin Yue, I've heard your commentary before. It's very unique and wonderful. Today's commentary is really hot. Do you know what kind of miracle you have created?"

Lin Yue said modestly: "Thank you for your appreciation. I just worked hard. I don't know what kind of miracle I have created."

"Hehe, you're quite humble. It's been less than a month since you debuted, but you actually created a hit rate of more than 81 million fans. You beat all the live streaming platforms in the country, including CCTV, with a share of more than [-]%. This is the first time in the history of China's Internet." The more Mr. Li said, the more excited he became, his eyes were full of hot light.

As an investor who has been in the Internet age for many years, he understands what these data mean.

Lin Yue has become an Internet guru, and the Internet topics he sparked will become hot spots for a long time.

"Ah, I didn't know that there would be such a good result. I have to thank the company for providing me with the opportunity." Lin Yue was obviously a little uncomfortable with the sudden happiness.

"Lin Yue, you don't have to be humble, I've been optimistic about you for a long time." Mr. Wang stretched out his big hand to congratulate Lin Yue, and Lin Yue hurriedly got up to thank him.

"Lin Yue, we just did some research. In view of your excellent performance, we decided that you can become a regular employee in advance and enjoy the company's regular employee treatment from next month. In addition, this month will give you a bonus of 5000 yuan. The company will sign a formal contract with you .” Mr. Wang readily agreed.

If this was Lin Yue who was ignorant before, she would definitely be grateful.

But Shenhun told him that although the company will greatly increase Lin Yue's treatment, compared with Lin Yue's future commercial value, the company is obviously making a lot of money.

Moreover, with Lin Yue's popularity today and Guo Jia's super insight, she will definitely get better rewards if she leaves Tianfang.

But this is not what Lin Yue wants now. He needs to consolidate his foundation, and then he will be able to advance and retreat freely.

Therefore, Lin Yue didn't show the slightest expression, but just smiled slightly, which seemed even more unpredictable.

"Lin Yue, the company is very optimistic about you, a young man, and decided to build you up, design an image for you, and carry out publicity and promotion. Let your popularity become permanent. You, the company's future super star anchor, how about it? Do you have confidence?"

At this time, Mr. Zhang with a mature face spoke up. It is said that this man was once a staff officer of a certain military department. He has cultivated a calm and capable temperament during his many years in the military. He has an active mind and a tough style. He is a headache for many people in the business world. .

He doesn't speak out easily, but Mr. Wang and Mr. Li regard him as a teacher and leader, and value his opinions very much.

At this time, his words of praising Lin Yue were definitely not on a whim, but after his careful consideration.

This is also the result that Lin Yue wants, and this is also the most suitable development direction.

Lin Yue said with a smile: "I am indebted to several leaders, and I appreciate them. I will definitely do my best."

"Well, as for how to package, promote, and develop corresponding products, I will leave it to the planning team to complete. Next week, the heads of relevant departments will discuss the feasibility of the plan. Lin Yue, you must participate." Mr. Wang said happily.

"Thank you for the cultivation of the leaders. I will take my leave first." Lin Yue walked out politely.

"Senior, thank you very much, let's go, I'll buy you a drink to celebrate our happy cooperation."

Lin Yue excitedly took the Han Dynasty wine sacrificial artifact and walked under the warm sunshine, while the clouds in the sky drifted silently.

 Thank you for your support, your favorites, recommendations, and rewards are the greatest encouragement to Little Wolf, thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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