super commentary

Chapter 51 Wrath of the Heavenly King

Chapter 51 Wrath of the Heavenly King

At the end of the first set, Lin Yue did not continue to comment on the game as usual, but played a song "When You Are Old".

When you are old
gray hair
When you are old
can't walk
napping by the fire

recall youth
how many people have loved you
happy hour of youth

admire your beauty
false or true

only one person still loves you

pious soul

This song was a very popular song a few years ago. The plain language directly hits the power of the soul.

In the real society, the elderly are a vulnerable group and are easily forgotten.

And who will not grow old?Who doesn't have an elderly person at home?
The reason why people pay attention to this topic is that they are afraid that when they are old, they will be lonely and forgotten.

The twilight of beauties and the end of heroes are the saddest things in the world.

As the music gradually played, Lin Yue switched to different images of great athletes, which made countless older sports fans sigh.

Jordan, Kobe, Pirlo, Totti, Ibrahimovic, Lao Wa, Wang Liqin, Sautin, Yang Wei, Liu Xiang and Bolt who just retired.

Everyone is a legend; every legend is a classic for a lifetime.

Of course, Federer, who is still sweating in the game, is indispensable.

When he was young, he was invincible, mighty and domineering. When he kissed the trophy, he shed tears of excitement, which made many people fascinated.

The back view of him turning around and leaving at the end is long and emotional, imprinted in people's hearts.

The singing gradually faded away, the figure faded away, the past overlapped with the present, Fei Tianwang was still persistent and resolute.

"Just now, I recalled with everyone those great athletes who left the field. They used to be our pride and our spiritual support."

"Everyone will grow old, but we will always remember the legends they once created."

"Federer, as an ageless legend who is still fighting, will continue to dedicate wonderful skills to us."

"As soon as the second game opened, Federer suddenly took the initiative to attack, with a forehand interception and a backhand slice, bursting out with unprecedented power."

"He used stable technique and changeable routes to suppress Nadal's forehand, which made him tired of coping and had no time to use a strong Nadal topspin."

"Originally, Nadal was a bottom-line defensive player with strong back-and-forth running endurance, but he is the king of clay after all, and he has no extraordinary advantage on grass."

"The ball is rubbing against the grass, the speed of the ball is faster, and the angle is more elusive. The changes are also more abundant. For Federer with comprehensive skills, it is like a fish in water."

"At this moment, King Fei took out all his treasured weapons. Flying knives, long swords, bursts, revolvers, submachine guns, mortars and even heavy rockets."

"Tennis diehard fans, you must study the video of this game repeatedly. This is the most detailed and comprehensive tennis technical guidance."

"Look at the strength of his arm swing, hip swing, and wrist. Although he is not violent, they are all just right. Every link, combined together, is finally transformed into the movement of the ball."

"The flight speed, trajectory, and angle of the ball were all brought into full play to achieve the desired effect. It was as if he had drawn it in advance, and it landed in the opponent's area with incomparable precision."

"It's not short of a goal, and it's not short of strength. Even Nadal is helpless."

"The ball flew past Nadal's feet and almost hit him, which made him very depressed. Federer won the first game 4:2."

"The scene was like a flash flood, and there was endless applause. Cheers to Fei Tianwang!"

"Sometimes, we don't know who is old. Looking at this young person, he is listless and old-fashioned, while a person with all white hair can be full of energy and smile."

"Old does not mean old, but mentally exhausted."

"As long as you have a strong fighting spirit, no matter how old you are, as long as you still have physical strength, you can burst out with incredible strength."

"Nadal, of course, is not an idler. He immediately used a fast and changeable topspin to limit Federer's impact, resulting in multiple rounds of contention, consuming Federer's physical strength, and suddenly came a backhand sling, the ball circled. Going over Fei Tianwang's head, falling in the extension line of the rear area, scoring cleverly."

"Although Nadal showed signs of counterattack, he was strongly suppressed by Fei Tianwang."

"It seems that the entire space is captured by his artillery fire. Nadal's return ball is completely under his control, and every attack of his implies multiple killing moves."

"Tianwang's plan is to follow every step and die at every step. Even though Nadal is now a master of technology, he has met Fei Tianwang who has returned to the peak of the past, and even surpassed it."

"Fei Tianwang is no longer fighting alone. He has inherited the fine traditions of the great Sampras and Agassi. At this moment, they are with Federer."

"Nadal has the famous Nadal topspin, but don't forget, King Fei, has the most terrifying 'hand of God'."

"His backhand topspin has a huge angle and is difficult to understand. It is a domineering weapon comparable to Na's topspin."

"The buzzing sound of the ball in the air rang in everyone's ears, echoing endlessly."

"Forehand spin versus top backhand spin, the two forces overlap and cancel each other out, making the ball spin endlessly."

"Under the action of the two forces, it is more difficult to determine the path of the ball. At this time, the ball flew to the area where Nadal was."


"Nadal flew to catch the ball, and the racket had already touched the yellow ball. Unexpectedly, the ball no longer hit forward, but slid along the racket shaft."

"It was so shocking that Nadal almost dropped his hand, and the ball had rolled to the side. Federer has already led 2:1 by one set."

Federer's outburst was beyond everyone's expectations, but because of Lin Yue's advance notice, it became logical.

Lin Yue also increased his popularity in the webcasting industry because of this accurate prediction.

Coach Lin, God's prediction, quickly became a hot topic on the Internet.

"Nadal, after all, is young and promising, has outstanding strength, and has a very strong psychological endurance. He will not be defeated by a momentary lag."

"Natou actually didn't take advantage of the Na-style topspin, but used the simplest smash and short block to hold Fei Tianwang, waited for the opportunity to give a meteor-fast crossing ball, directly defeated Fei Tianwang, and chased the overall score to the top. 5:4."

"The two of them showed their supernatural powers, and each showed their means. It was really indistinguishable."

"Federer's eyes are shining, this is the desire for the 18th Grand Slam trophy."

"Although he has already stood at the top of the world, he hasn't made any progress for many years. Now that he can display the pinnacle of skills, he is naturally eager to create another glory."

"Fei Tianwang actually sent a high throw back smash."

"His body is as straight as a bow and as fierce as an eagle. That little ball will be the prey in his mouth."

"With the help of the strength of the waist, abdomen and arms, and with the sound of howling wind, shoot the small ball."

"The ball, with the meaning of endless destruction, passed through Nadal's solid defense with unrivaled momentum."

"Fei Tianwang won the second set 6:4 with difficulty, and the two sides fought 1:1. It was wonderful, to be continued."

 Thank you for your clicks, favorites, recommendations, and rewards. We are about to enter the World Cup stage.

(End of this chapter)

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