Chapter 80
It was another night of loneliness, the dark sky, unfathomable and unfathomable, drowning the love and hatred of the world.

What can make people endure sleepiness and not be calm for a long time?Football must be one of them.

It's been a week since the World Cup kicked off. Tens of thousands of fans go to work during the day and stay up late at night to watch the game. It can be summed up in two words: exciting.

This is different from an indulgent stimulus, this is a release of heroic feelings.

They imagine themselves as players in it, stepping into the game and becoming omnipotent fighters.

Feeling the wanton killing, feeling being surrounded, feeling being ordered in the face of danger, feeling invincible.

In the stands, the fans waving flags and shouting, the flags covering the sky, and the shouts that shocked the world are all exciting and wild.

This is a hundred times stronger than the sense of presence produced by playing games. It is no wonder that senior fans have bought tickets to feel the atmosphere on the spot. That is the real reality show.

Even if it's just one of the tens of thousands of people, and they can't find it at the scene, they still think of themselves as the happiest fans in the world.

One person, one world, everyone has their own thoughts, even husband and wife may have different opinions.

For most fans, the best way is to develop the other party into your own comrades-in-arms, so that there will be no differences.

In fact, most women are not too disgusted with men watching football. Although they don't understand it, they will never stop it unless the other party goes too far.

Tianyao is such a girl. She doesn't know football, but she can try to understand it for Lin Yue.

Lin Yue would not deliberately talk about these topics. Of course, Tianyao's language barrier also avoided this embarrassment.

This is mutual respect, it's not that there are no topics, but to find common topics, or to cultivate common hobbies.It's not difficult, as long as you are willing to sacrifice for him, it is very simple.

Compared with a person who loves each other, hobbies can be placed in the second place. If the other person understands you, this is a good balance.

Of course, some hobbies that affect health and are not active should be changed, such as drinking and smoking, and re-cultivate a good habit, and everyone will be happy.

Lin Yue habitually replied to netizens' messages, advising everyone to rest early and work hard.He couldn't bear to let everyone stay up all night, and threw another red bomb.

This time the scope was wider, more than 100 people were hit, and Lin Yue gave out 500 yuan. Although each person only had a few yuan, it was just for fun.

"Roben suffered a contusion on his left knee and will miss the group stage, but the Netherlands can break through and he will come back in the knockout round, but this time the injury cost too much."

Suddenly, a message came from the soul, causing a boundless chill in the night.

"What? Fortunately, the injury is not serious, but it will affect the state after all, as well as the group match. If the group is second, it is very likely to play against the first place in Group A, which may be Portugal. Even if Robben is not injured, it is still a victory. Half and half, it's really bad luck now."

Lin Yue wondered whether she should tell the news to netizens.

"You should sleep in peace. If you want to send a message now, how do you say it? To be honest, how many fans will be sad. Can they still sleep? Conceal it? It will also cause worry and doubt." Guo Jia's mental analysis road.

"Then what do you say?" This is not allowed, and that is not allowed, Lin Yue is a little anxious.

"Sleep! Send it again tomorrow morning, as long as it is earlier than the official, just say that the left knee is contused, and enter the daily observation."

Well, that's all. Lin Yue knew that she couldn't send a message now, and she was shocked, let alone so many fans.

He was so preoccupied that he didn't want to fall asleep, but Shenhun forcibly closed the six senses, allowing him to fall asleep quickly.

When I woke up, the sky was bright, it was already 7:[-], Lin Yue turned on the computer, and sent the edited Robben injury report, no matter what to reply, quickly wash up, change clothes, go to Pick up Tianyao.

Today is cloudy and the temperature is 27 degrees. Although there is no wind, it is a sunny day if it is not stuffy.

Tianyao is going to Huiren Academy of Art to attend two classes in the morning, which will end at 10 o'clock, so that the two of them can go shopping and eat by the way, and there is enough time.Tianyao went to class, Lin Yue waited bored in the car, she was quite patient at first, but then she felt bored, so she got out of the car, locked it, and went to a jewelry store across the street, while making Tian Yao picked up the trinkets and passed the time.

This small shop is less than 20 square meters, but it is very full, almost from 20 centimeters from the ground to 20 centimeters from the top.The passage in the middle can also allow two people to pass by.However, Lin Yue's stature can only pass by one person.

The style is very complete,
The price is also very suitable. Bracelets, hairpins, and handbags worn by girls, bracelets, watches, ashtrays, pen holders that men like, and even cartoon pendants for children. Here is one word: all.

Lin Yue picked out a bracelet and a football key pendant, and after paying the money, she left the jewelry store.It was so small that it made him a little short of breath.

In the outside world, although the sun is not enough and the breeze is not coming, but fortunately it is spacious, Lin Yue stretched out her arms contentedly.

"Get out of the way, someone is stealing something." The spirit suddenly issued a warning.At the same time, it turned Lin Yue's head in one direction.

Lin Yue was startled, seeing a short young man in black clothes 3 meters away from him, following a fat 50-year-old aunt, who seemed to be holding a blade in her hand, trying to cut open her purse to steal money.

"What should I do? I don't care, what do you mean by telling me to avoid it?" Lin Yue questioned Shenhun.

"In your current society, hooligans know martial arts, and no one can stop them. The old lady is down, and no one dares to help her. You boy, don't be brave. If you can't do it well, if you can't explain it clearly, just pretend you didn't see it. "

"You old guy, why do you think so? If I can't see it, forget it. If I see it, how can I ignore it." Lin Yue laughed angrily, kept walking, followed the two people in front, that guy was about to strike up.

"Hurry up and find a way to give me flexible skills, and then find a way to leave evidence to prove my innocence. Hurry up!" Lin Yue gave Shenhun an order.

It was too late, the thief had already made his move, the blade turned slightly, and had already touched the purse.

Lin Yue kicked her feet sharply, and her fat body rose into the air. In an instant, her spirit was urged, she swung in the air, moved three meters away, and slammed her right leg.

The movements are relaxed, sharp, and done in one go, but it's just coming out of this fat body, which is a bit funny.

Bang, he kicked the guy on the right shoulder, kicked him out and rolled over, and he also cut a hole in the leather bag.

The old lady turned her head and screamed. She had never seen such a close-range street fight. Before she could see what was going on, she fainted from fright.

Lin Yue didn't care about the old lady anymore, and stepped forward to chase the little man.He had the command of the soul, his courage was strong, and he felt as light as a swallow immediately.

However, that little man is obviously good at small and lightweight skills, and he is very familiar with the surrounding terrain, jumping up and down, slippery like a fish, and can always avoid Lin Yue's pursuit.

Suddenly, he got into a T-shaped road and went to the left one. When Lin Yue entered, he saw a mess of vegetables and leaves, and the man had disappeared.

Lin Yue didn't feel tired after chasing all the time. When she stopped, it seemed that all the strength exerted by her spirit was dissipated, and her heavy body also became clumsy.

Forget it, the little thief is cheap, but fortunately, the old lady was not stolen, but she was too scared.

He swayed back to the scene of the accident. At this time, a group of people had already surrounded him, but no one dared to go up to help him because he might be afraid of causing trouble.

Lin Yue also hesitated, but since he has already caught the thief, he is not afraid of trouble. The key is not to let the old man lie down like this all the time!
He quickly communicated with the spirit to seek a proper solution.

"There are so many people here, they can all take videos to testify for you. Besides, I will give you a force to wake her up quickly. Then, there will be no trouble."

Lin Yue no longer hesitated, separated from the crowd, and came to the old lady. The people around were surprised and admired. This young man did what he was hesitant about, and they could only testify to Lin Yue.

Lin Yue felt a chill in his right hand, he put his right hand on the old man's vest according to the instructions of the soul, and the coolness passed into her body, and she woke up leisurely after a while.

Seeing so many people around her, she was overwhelmed. People told her that she passed out and this fat guy saved her.

"Ah! It's you! Someone slashed my wallet, you beat the thief." The old lady hurriedly tore off the purse, and there was a hole on it, like a split mouth.

She hurriedly counted the money and checked things, and then smiled at Lin Yue: "Thank you, young man, without you, I would have been stolen."

What?This young man is so kind, he caught the thief first and then saved others. There are not many people with such high moral character nowadays.

At this time, a middle-aged man who was not tall and wearing glasses separated from the crowd, called the old lady, and asked about the situation.

When he turned around and saw Lin Yue, he was shocked! "You are the commentator Xiaopang, coach Lin?"

Lin Yue was also taken aback, she didn't expect to be recognized here, it seems better to keep a low profile.

"Well, I'm Lin Yue." Lin Yue didn't hide anything.

"Ah! It's really you. I'm your loyal fan. I didn't expect that you saved my mother today. Not only are you a good commentator, but you also have a better character." The uncle held Lin Yue's hand and praised him non-stop.

"It's Coach Lin, you are so great." Suddenly, many fans flooded out from the crowd, wanting to take a photo with Lin Yue, which made Lin Yue very embarrassed.

Huh, huh, a few police whistles came from a distance. It turned out that after such a commotion, the place was completely blocked.

In the beginning, it was the excitement of watching thieves chased and the old man fall to the ground, but later it turned into a celebrity fan meeting.

Lin Yue hurriedly moved to a spacious place to talk and take photos with the couple and many fans, and the others were also dispersed by the police.

The elder brother kept thanking him and wanted to give Lin Yue some money, but Lin Yue refused, and finally signed and took a group photo with them, which was the end of the story.

(End of this chapter)

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