our champion dream

Chapter 130 Anti-reversal

Chapter 130 Anti-reversal
In Tottenham's indiscriminate bombing, the game time came to No. 605 minutes, and Tottenham's shooting statistics soared, which fully explained their advantage.

But it would be wrong to say that Manchester United had no chance at all. Manchester United also launched several counterattacks, but the quality was not high.Most of their shots were scrambled to the baseline, marked by Tottenham centre-back Joel Luka.

As the game time passed, it was impossible for Manchester United to maintain this kind of fast-paced and high-intensity game, and they also needed to stop and catch their breath.

Li Xiaoming is well aware of this. There has never been a team in this world that can maintain this kind of game rhythm for 10 minutes.He also tried his best to save his physical energy in this fast-paced game. After a period of training, Li Xiaoming's physical fitness has reached a relatively good state. In addition to the relatively relaxed situation in the first half, he needs to work hard in the game. Only when you are holding a bayonet can you continue to contribute your own fragrance.

And what Manchester United is asking to do now is to be more patient than their opponents.

When there is an offensive opportunity, don't be too anxious. If it is not a good opportunity, Manchester United would rather choose to give up this attack than rush to pass the football to the front, and then easily hand over the ball to Tottenham.

For Manchester United, he feels the worst outcome of this game is a draw.Although only one point is scored, Chelsea will take the opportunity to widen the points gap, but the score of 2:2 has already appeared, what else can we do?If you can't win this game, at least don't lose, right?The three points that came at hand have become one point, and this point can no longer be turned into zero points.

After the mentality is corrected, the perspective of seeing problems will be different.

After the counterattack opportunity comes, Manchester United will not be too anxious to blindly push the football forward and hope for luck.

For him, the success rate is far more important than the number of shots.This is also the experience of a wealthy club at work.

What is needed now is not radicalism, but stability.

Tottenham have far surpassed Manchester United in the number of shots in the game, but the score is still 2:2, and there is no difference.

Manchester United are patiently waiting for Tottenham to take a breather and relax.That's their chance to kill the game.

After all, it is a super giant that has won the league championship for three consecutive seasons, and there is still some self-adjustment ability on the court.

And when the whole team calms down, the opportunity Manchester United wants will come.After all, football is a one-person sport, and Tottenham’s strength is also very strong. It is impossible for there to always be a scene where a player is alone in the savior of Longtan. To complete the overtake of the score, it is more necessary to have a team cooperation between.

The style of European football also emphasizes the whole.

From No. 605 minutes, Tottenham have gradually slowed down. This is no secret, anyone with experience in watching football can see it.Their offense is no longer so resolute, and the speed of passing the ball has slowed down a lot. The long-term non-stop high-speed running makes them breathless.On the other hand, for Manchester United, most of their frontcourt players returned to defense after halftime, and they didn't run too much, so they maintained enough momentum to countercharge Tottenham.

From the perspective of the scene, this is a time for Tottenham to breathe, and it is also a time for Manchester United to counterattack.

Tottenham fans cheered non-stop. In their minds, this was a temporary adjustment for the team. The purpose was to attract the opponent out, and then continue to attack with force. Many fans understand the ball. It can be clearly seen from the above that Manchester United's defense line has been continuously compressed, so that Tottenham do not have enough offensive space, so they need to give Manchester United a little breathing space to lure Manchester United's defense line up.

In the eyes of Tottenham fans, this is just a tactical policy of Tottenham.

However, in Li Xiaoming's eyes, this kind of tactics can also be an opportunity for Manchester United, because it takes only two or three seconds to score a goal, and the project required for offense is no more than 5 minutes at most. Finding the loopholes in Tottenham's defense is what Li Xiaoming needs to do, and it's what Ferguson needs him to do.

No.70 Two minutes, not long after Tottenham had just slowed down the pace of the game, Manchester United got a chance to attack.

But when the football fell to Li Xiaoming's feet, he controlled the football and turned around on the spot. While protecting the football, he also lost the opportunity to pass the ball forward. Finally, he passed the football to the person behind him. Beckham.

It is equivalent to voluntarily giving up this opportunity to fight back.

In the eyes of some anxious Manchester United fans, this is a very regrettable and incomprehensible thing-why doesn't Manchester United pass the ball forward?Not so good chance?But how can you know if the opportunity is good or not if you don't pass the ball forward?And if you don't pass the ball forward, how can you have a chance?Let's not talk about whether the opportunity is good or not. If there is no chance, what is the point of talking about whether it is good or not?
However, Li Xiaoming, who controls the offensive rhythm on the field, can't hear those voices of doubt. He is playing according to his own rhythm and plan.

Tottenham felt that it was a good thing that Manchester United failed to make a fast break this time. Some Tottenham fans even felt that Manchester United was completely scared by Tottenham. Just like the two boxers on the ring, Manchester United was pressed by Tottenham. He was beating wildly in the corner, and now even if the opportunity to attack was in front of his eyes, he didn't dare to try it.

Tottenham's previous offensive was indeed crazy, and the momentum they showed was indeed enough to scare many people, so this kind of speculation is normal.

But this seemingly correct guess may not be the truth.

And this feeling of goodness can be counterproductive - it's fine for the supporters to feel good about themselves, and if the players feel good about themselves, then something will happen.

No. 705 minutes into the game, and it seems that it will enter the last 15 minutes. At that time, Tottenham, who are not reconciled to only getting a draw at home, must increase their offensive efforts.

During the 7-minute tactical adjustment process, Tottenham's goals were not threatened.The Tottenham players take it for granted that Manchester United are no longer able to threaten their goal. Now that there is not much time left in the game, they should try their best to launch an attack and try to score a goal in the remaining time, and then complete a goal. Classic big reversal.

But just when they were about to speed up, possession of the ball fell to Manchester United because of a pass error.However, the Tottenham players did not panic. After losing the ball, they did not retreat quickly, but surrounded the Manchester United players in the frontcourt, hoping to directly steal the ball and launch an attack.

Anyway, Manchester United were frightened by their previous offensive...

When Beckham passed the football to Li Xiaoming from the backcourt, there were two Tottenham players running towards him, one left and one right.

Facing the impending siege, Li Xiaoming didn't control the football as much as possible this time. He turned around and passed the football directly with his heels!
The football passed between two Tottenham players who were about to close the gate and surround Li Xiaoming!

When the attention of the two Tottenham players was attracted by the football, Li Xiaoming quietly turned away from them and ran forward.

This is a very rare move for him not only to pass the football forward, but also to follow him in the recent period.

However, the attention of Tottenham's players was all attracted by football, and few people noticed him.

Li Xiaoming passed the ball with his heel and passed the football to Nani in front.

Nani was a Manchester United player who scored a goal in the first 3 minutes of the game. He has skills and speed and is an excellent candidate for a counterattack.Of course, it will attract the attention of defenders even more.

Li Xiaoming's decisive pass gave Nani a chance to get the ball without anyone defending him. After he stopped the ball and turned around, there was no one to defend him.

After turning around, Nani rushed forward with the ball.Soon he encountered a block from Tottenham players.

Under such circumstances, he assigned the football to Rooney who was pulled to the wing.

Rooney received the ball from the wing, but with Tottenham's defense set up, he didn't have a good chance to go in.

Either pass directly from the wing, but this kind of offensive efficiency is too low. With Owen's height, nine times out of ten he can't reach the ball at all.Directly breaking through into the penalty area alone to see the full-back Dawson who is waiting in battle, Rooney is not sure of success.

Manchester United's attack reached a stalemate here.

Tottenham's players returned to their positions one after another, leaving less space for Manchester United.

As long as they are patient, it is basically difficult for Tottenham's offense to create any more threats.

Under such circumstances, Nani took the initiative to run to Rooney, seeking cooperation.

But his run also attracted the attention of Tottenham's defensive players.

A Tottenham player will post it soon.

Nani ran towards Mark, and Rooney was slowly dribbling the ball towards the center.

When the two are crossing, it is the time when Tottenham's defense is most focused. There are too many routines of passing the ball after crossing and changing positions. defense.

In the eyes of many people, when Rooney passes behind Mark, Nani will pass the reverse football to Rooney, and at the same time he will cover for Rooney, allowing Rooney to break through from behind him, and he can also help Rooney Block the Tottenham player marking him.

This is a very classic crossover passing routine.

But Nani did not do this. When everyone thought he would pass the football to Rooney, he pushed the football directly to the middle!

There, there is dawn!

"Li!" Martin Taylor shouted excitedly. "He has no defense!"

Because of Rooney's running position, the attention of the Tottenham players was attracted by Rooney, and no one expected that Liaomei would advance forward.

It wasn't until Nani passed the football that Li Xiaoming returned to their field of vision.

But at this time, it seems a bit late...

Facing the football passed by Nani, Li Xiaoming took the initiative to adjust his running and went forward. When he was about to run in front of the football, after his normally swinging right leg fell, he did not stop the ball, but suddenly shot With force, his calf whipped out like a whip, and at the same time he turned his ankle sideways and pushed towards the incoming ball.

The football was kicked by the inside of his left foot, but it didn't fly up. Instead, it ran forward quickly against the turf, drew an obvious arc on the turf, and went straight to the lower left corner of the goal!
It was a sharp, quick shot.

Because this kick was too concealed and too sudden, when the football rolled towards the goal, the Tottenham goalkeeper realized that the opponent was shooting, not a through ball.So he rushed out and fell to the ground to save him.But for the goalkeeper, the ground ball is the most difficult to throw, because the speed of the goalkeeper falling to the ground is slower than that of them flying up.Not to mention a ground ball heading towards a dead end!
Cudicini missed the ball and the ball rolled over the goal line before him...

"Li—an incredible shot!!!" Martin Taylor exclaimed when Li Xiaoming shot suddenly. When Li Xiaoming ran towards the football, he actually thought that Li Xiaoming would stop the football or pass the football directly , kick a through ball or something.

Who would have thought that Li Xiaoming would shoot directly from outside the penalty area!
Moreover, this shot was too subtle. Before he kicked the ball hard, there was no warning. Judging from his movements, it was very natural, just an ordinary running to catch the ball.

Who would have thought that he would be so crisp and neat in the last effort, and he would shoot a goal?

This is a football kicked entirely by swinging the calf, but the suddenness and angle are tricky, and the speed is very sharp!

Although Tottenham goalkeeper Cudicini made a save, his reaction was half a beat too late.

"The goal is scored!!! Li! He played the key role of Tottenham Hotspur again! This shot was very sudden and beautiful!" Martin Taylor shouted excitedly. "Manchester United took the lead again with ten minutes left in the game, 3:2!"

At the moment when the football entered the goal, Tottenham's White Hart Lane Stadium, which had been noisy for a long time, suddenly fell silent.

The fans of Tottenham never expected that under their stormy offensive, Manchester United could not lift their heads up, and they could even fight back!

After scoring the goal, Li Xiaoming ran towards Nani who passed the ball to him with open arms, with a happy smile on his face.

After waiting for so long, he finally got such an opportunity, one hit kills him!He was very pleased with his performance in this offense.

Of course, Nani's pass is also very beautiful.Nani does not have to pass the football to himself, he can also pass it to others, and he can even force a shot.

But Nani made a beautiful and correct choice.

Two people hug.

Rooney turned and rushed forward, followed by Beckham, Rooney and other Manchester United players.

During the period of Tottenham's crazy attack, every Manchester United player was under tremendous pressure-it would be too shameful if they were reversed by the opponent when they led by two goals at the beginning!
Well now, they still have hope of victory.

When Li Xiaoming scored a goal, Ferguson was also very excited, and he waved his fist vigorously.

Now he has no time to think about whether it would be a bit ironic compared with the previous easy lead if he only won by a narrow margin in the end.He feels that as long as he can win, getting three points is more important than anything else!

He had been gloomy since Tottenham's equalizer and finally smiled.Then Ferguson immediately called Fletcher and Park Ji-sung to warm up from his own. Now what Manchester United needs is to hold on to this result.

Compared with the elated Manchester United players, Tottenham are a little confused.When the situation is so good, how can they concede the ball?

(End of this chapter)

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