Pirate Fantasy Moonlight

Chapter 82 Ready to Go

Chapter 82 Ready to Go
"Are you afraid of being alone?" The voice of hell echoed in Allen's mind.

"No...no." Allen yelled, woke up from his sleep, and got up from the bed.

He collected himself, looked around, stretched out his hand again, and looked down at himself who was soaked all over. His pupils dilated sharply, and a deep sense of fear was revealed from his eyes.

"Is this a dream?" He sat there blankly, staring blankly at his hands and said, "What's wrong with me?"

Suddenly another wave of dizziness hit, and the strong sense of oppression forced Allen to feel dizzy, and his body sitting on the bed kept shaking.

That bewitching jet-black glare once again flowed in Alan's pupils.At this time, a black star imprint suddenly appeared in the crescent moon imprint above Allen's head, shining with dark black light, echoing the silver-white crescent moon.

"Are you afraid of being alone?"

That hellish voice came to Alan's mind here.

"You... who are you?" Allen shouted.

Suddenly everything returned to calm, and the dizziness oppressing Allen suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the black star mark on his head also disappeared with the dark glare in Allen's pupils, leaving only Dark dots of starlight.

Everything returned to calm again, and Allen returned to normal again. At this time, he was still drenched, his pupils were extremely dilated, and he stared blankly at his hands, motionless.

"I... what happened to me?"

Allen looked around for a week and found that he was staying in his own room as usual.

He got up, sat on the bench and poured a glass of water, gulped it down, and sat there to collect himself.

"Damn it, I must be sick." Allen said with a guilty conscience.

"No, I have to ask Xiaotian, it might be that guy's fault."

"Xiaotian, Xiaotian."

Allen went into the spiritual world and started yelling.

"What's the name of the wave?" Xiaotian, transformed by divine thoughts, appeared in front of Allen.

"Fuck, Xiaotian, let me tell you that I have been ill recently, and I feel very weak and have hallucinations all the time. Am I terminally ill?" Allen said, looking at Xiaotian with a mournful face.

"You are sick, you just found out today?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm telling the truth, last night I kept hearing some idiot asking me if I was afraid or not, it made me shudder..." He paused for a moment, as if he couldn't bear to look back on that memory.

"And let me ask you, did we stay on the roof last night to watch the moon?"

"What the hell? Look at the moon, I said you won't really get sick." Xiaotian looked at the nervous Allen and said with disgust.

"Fuck, you really didn't watch the moon with me. It's related to the happiness of the rest of my life. Don't lie to me."

"Who lied to you? Besides, I'm going to watch the moon with you? Are you eating too much or I'm short-circuited?" Xiaotian opened his eyes wide and shouted at Allen.

"Fuck, is it possible that I'm really sick?" Allen was shocked, lowered his head and stopped arguing with Xiaotian, muttering to himself.


And Xiaotian looked at the nervous Allen, and disappeared into the spiritual world after saying a word.


Time passed slowly. Although Allen's life was disturbed by that strange experience, since then, Allen's life has returned to its original state. Over time, Allen also forgot about that incident.

A week later, Allen just woke up in the morning without opening his eyes. As soon as he opened the window, a figure suddenly appeared outside the window.

"Fuck, what the hell!" Allen opened his eyes suddenly and yelled.

"The task is here, ready to go."

After Gray spoke briefly to Allen, he disappeared from Allen's sight.

"Fuck, your uncle, you won't go through the door when you send a message?" Allen cursed out the window with his eyes shining.

Of course, all of this was selectively ignored by Gray.

Soon, all the members of the fourth independent team of the Rice Treasure Hunting Team that Allen was in gathered in the conference hall of the Rice Treasure Hunting Team.

As soon as Alan arrived, he found that the other nine people had already arrived, sitting on chairs and talking.

"What's the matter? Are you going to go to the ruins of Yata?" Alan stepped forward and said to the old ghost.

"Yo, vice-captain, you're here." The old ghost had a cigarette in his mouth, took a deep puff and said, "The dwarf captain has assigned a task to our independent team, and wants our team to be the vanguard. Go to Yata first. Explore the surroundings of the ruins."

"I knew at that time that the bastard regiment leader would have no good looking for us, so let ten of us go first, wouldn't that be death?" said the tall and thin man in the team.

"Is it so serious? Those dryads are so difficult to deal with?" Allen said, looking at the excited man.

"Vice-captain, what Lao Bai said is right." He took a deep puff of cigarette, and continued: "The last time we entered the ruins of Yata, we went with a large army, and the scale was almost the size of the entire Yata at that time." The combat power of the island, even if it is barely entering the ruins of Yata."

"That's right, now that dwarf captain wants ten of me to go, doesn't he want us to die?" The man named Lao Bai was very excited in his words.

"That's not the case." The old ghost waved his hand, signaling Lao Bai not to get excited.

"The last time we attacked the ruins of Yata, although we ended in failure, the enemy also suffered heavy losses, and this operation is definitely not limited to our Rice treasure hunting team, and other treasure hunting teams will definitely send personnel to go there. Go investigate."

"You mean that after the last attack, the dryads suffered heavy losses, so it's not very dangerous for us to inquire about the news this time?"

"That's right. After all, the team leaders are not fools. It's not good for him to let people die in vain." The old ghost explained to the team members with a smile.

"Then when are we going to leave? Now?" Allen walked up at this time and asked the old ghost.

"Don't worry, deputy captain." He dismissed Allen with a smile, then walked to the center of the conference hall, and said to the team members: "Our mission this time is to explore the ruins of Yata. Look at the situation of the enemy, and we have a small number of people and great mobility, if possible, it is best to find a shortcut with the least number of enemies."

The players nodded.

"Then when are we going?" Allen asked again.

"You have to ask the captain about this." The old ghost laughed, and pointed to Gray who had kept his head down and remained silent at the corner.

Allen looked along the old ghost's fingertips and found Gray, and turned his head away in a bad mood, without saying a word.

Hearing the team members discussing him, Gray raised his head rarely, looked at Allen and the others and said, "What, the discussion is over? Let's go then."

After speaking, Li Li stood up, swayed the black robe on his body, and walked out of the meeting hall.

(End of this chapter)

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