Chapter 79 The cub at home is too clingy

"Let's just say, the sun is shining at noon, so we can't pick a time in the evening."

She's almost bald!

Jin Siwen pulled the sun hat and turned on the complaint mode.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, the entire group dressed in a low-key manner.

Oh, except Wilder...

At noon in the summer, he was wearing a black leather jacket.

Standing in the crowd, the reflection is dazzling.

"Just say you're playing cosplay when you leave the port."

Cen Qing patted Wilder on the shoulder, and automatically kept a certain distance from him.

It's over if you pretend you don't know.

Once you wear sunglasses, no one loves them.

Outside the port, two Cayenne parked on the side of the road.

A few strong men in black and white suits held umbrellas and waited for Cen Qing and others to arrive.

It kind of feels like a gangster.


The strong men bowed to J with a respectful gesture.

"Wuhu, I can't tell, you've done so well in Fenghai."

Wilder's attention was instantly attracted by the luxury car, and he even whistled a few times.

Live like someone who has never seen the world.

"Didn't you see this scene when you were a thief?"

Anyway, we are also 'world-renowned' gangsters.

Hundreds of treasures have been passed on, and a Cayenne has become such a worthless look?

"Don't say I really don't have one, I usually travel on two legs."

Wilde rubbed his chin and answered very seriously.

Although he is a good thief, he only likes to steal that kind of shiny gems.

Besides, if he steals, he will only hide it by himself, so why would he want to sell it.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, our time is coming!"

J took a deep breath of the air in Fenghai City, and his exaggerated laughter gave Cen Qing another headache.

Can their team really complete the mission?
"Relax, don't underestimate J, his title of 'King of Fenghai' is not for nothing."

Lukes, who has been in the killer world for many years, of course knows what kind of ruthless character J is.

Be ruthless to yourself, and even more ruthless to your enemies.

As for how he got into this position, the bloody story probably wouldn't be finished in three days.

Several people got into the car, and the accompanying technicians changed the precise positioning of their bodies with three clicks.

In this way, Qi Liang could only see their false positions.

"WOW, I smell freedom."

Wilder opened the car window, yelled, and almost sent Cen Qing away.

Pulling him back, Cen Qing gritted his teeth and said,
"Are you afraid that others will not know that we have returned to Fenghai City?"

Although there were not many people who saw Wilder's face before, but there are so many pedestrians on the street, there is no guarantee that there will be one in ten thousand.

"Oh, Miss Cen, take it easy, this street is under my jurisdiction."

J poured himself a glass of red wine in a leisurely manner, as casual as he wanted.

But he does have the qualifications!
After J was imprisoned, his power remained in its original state.

But as for whether the subordinates wanted to replace him, Cen Qing couldn't guarantee it.


A mortar hit the side of the car. Fortunately, both cars have been modified, and the glass only cracked three large cracks.

The red wine overflowed due to the violent movement of the vehicle, staining the white shirt on J's chest red.

"Tsk, I really can't hold back."

"The tiger is not at home, and the monkey is the king. If there is one thing to say, it's time for your subordinates to clean up."

Taking out a piece of paper and handing it to J, Jin Siwen narrowed his eyes slightly, flashing with excitement.

"How to deal with it, I will listen to my baby."

J winked at her, with an obedient look, and his tone was even more unreasonably soft.

At this time, J still has time to flirt with Jin Siwen.

It can be seen that his psychological quality is first-class.

However, they are running for their lives now, hey!

Before Cen Qing finished complaining, another one ran towards them.

"I said, shouldn't we also fight back?"

He hasn't done anything for a long time, and his shooting skills are rusty.

It's just a matter of practicing with these gangsters.

"what ever."

J spread his hands, never doubting Lukes' ability.

"Do I need to keep you alive?"

Pulling the safety catch of the gun that he carried, Lux asked politely.

"No, play to your heart's content."

When the window button on the upper floor was turned on, J was the first to lean out, and there were two shots with bang bang.

Lukes: ...

How about giving me a chance to practice?

The chasing vehicle braked suddenly, but the driver was thrown to the side of the road soon.

The chase continued, and the mortars became more intensive.

Pedestrians screamed and left, and the vehicles on the road kept dodging for fear of getting hurt.

And if such a thing happened in the bustling neighborhood, it would naturally not escape the eyes of the Fenghai police.

The familiar alarm bell rang, and J waved his hand towards the vehicle behind him,

"Now that you have made your choice, be ready to meet God at any time."

J pressed the red button in the safe, looking very pleased.

Long before he left, even if he arrived, some people would not be honest.

Therefore, he installed remote-controlled bombs in each vehicle in case of emergency.

No, he used it just after he came back.

There was a bang, and there was an explosion sound from behind.

And Lukes didn't even shoot a single shot, his face full of aggrieved.

He said there was a bomb earlier, so what kind of gun does he have?

The vehicles chasing behind them exploded one after another, almost blocking the entire road.

And the police car that had just arrived could only be forced to change its way.

"The long-lost excitement!"

Both sides were flanked by police cars, J turned the steering wheel and directly hit the police car on the right.

The modified car was just different, and the police car was slammed over on the side of the road.

Scared the spectators into pale faces and shouted to God.

"Just get rid of them, we still have business to do."

Jin Siwen was not surprised by this kind of chase, and was extremely calm.

But the most urgent task is to take out the bombs of these people.

And, find that traitor!
"Baby, is the business I understand the business you said?"

J gave her an ambiguous look, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was exaggerated to the extreme.

"Hey, drive hard, I will give you whatever you want."

Tapping his nose with his fingertips, Jin Siwen coaxed him like a child.

But the eyes are full of pampering and connivance.

Cen Qing and the others in the back seat of the car were about to overturn the dog bowl!

They shouldn't be in the car, but under it.

"Sorry, the cub at home is too clingy."

Seeing the stagnation in the atmosphere, Jin Siwen smiled apologetically at them.

But the meaning of showing affection is obvious.

Crowd: ...

Is it too late for them to jump off the train now?

The siren of the police car was heard everywhere, accompanied by several gunshots.

But hitting a vehicle is like hitting cotton.

Do you really think that his bulletproof device was installed for nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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