Chapter 124

After chatting with the women for a while, Grandpa Song sighed deeply, and said, "Qi Nian, you must treat Yiyi well."

Qi Nian smiled dignifiedly: "Grandpa, don't worry."

At night, the sky hangs in the air like a black curtain, with occasional birds flying across the sky, Qi Nian and Song Weiyi sit together and listen to opera with a few old people, he asked in a low voice: "Will you go to my place tonight?"

"Okay." The two communicated below as if they were cheating on each other.

Seeing that the time was 08:30, several old people were yawning again and again, Grandma Song hurried away with a smile: "It's alright, alright, let's all go back to our respective homes."

"Then mom, let's go." Ye Shenghua and Song Jian had just left before Grandma Sun proposed to go home.

Grandma Sun was already too sleepy, and she hurriedly leaned on crutches to go home. As soon as her front foot stepped out of the living room door, she retracted her foot and said to Qi Nian, "I don't need to leave the doorknob for you tonight."

Qi Nian leaned on the sofa, with his long legs wide open, raised his eyelids and looked at Grandma Sun with a smile: "Grandma, it's my wedding night."

Grandma Sun laughed immediately: "That's what I mean, you two pay attention, don't be too late."

Song Weiyi's face turned red immediately, she quickly lowered her head, Qi Nian protected the shy rose with one hand and put the other hand behind her head, and smiled helplessly: "Grandma."

"I understand." Grandma Sun said goodbye to Grandma Song with a smile.

Grandma Song, who was sitting next to her, said happily: "Okay, you two young couples, go home quickly, I can't stand the trouble here."

Qi Nian blushed to the ears when Grandma Song said this, and he put his fists around his mouth to pretend to cough, "Good grandma."

Grandpa Song followed Grandma Song with his hands behind his back and also said: "Go home early and rest."

"Okay, Grandpa." Song Weiyi knew how her blushing had become, and she didn't look up the whole time.

In the living room, there were only two young couples whose faces were blushing. Qi Nian rubbed her head and joked, "Why are you shy? It's not a matter of time."

Song Weiyi raised her head abruptly, her blushing face leaked out, she looked extra alluring, she looked at Qi Nian's blushing face, and said with a smile: "Aren't you too. Well."

Qi Nian clasped her head with one hand and put the other on her waist. Song Weiyi had lost a lot of weight over the years but still had muscular lines and was very firm. She took advantage of the time to breathe and said, "Go back."

The end sound was swallowed by Qi Nian, and it took a while to let her go, Song Weiyi lay on his chest with little strength, gasping for breath.

Qi Nian waited for her condition to improve before saying: "Go home."


The car was parked outside the alley, and the two walked side by side under the street lights. The god who had fallen into the darkness was finally pulled into the sunlight by the angel.

Qi Nian stopped for a while on the way, and threw a box of BYT directly on the back seat of the car. Song Weiyi looked at the measurements and took a deep breath: "You, you, you, are you serious?"

Looking at her, Qi Nian smiled and said, "It's not like I'll use it all at once." Then he raised his finger and touched the outline of Song Weiyi's face in an impertinent way: " you think it's too little?"

Song Weiyi's face turned red again: "I didn't!"

Qi Nian looked very reluctant: "Don't be shy, we are legal, and they can't control them for a day and a night."

Song Weiyi straightened his head immediately: "You drive your car." She sat at the farthest place from him, quietly biting her nails, she was very nervous.

Qi Nian drove the car very fast today, and the time to get home was 10 minutes less than usual, he took Song Weiyi home with a muffled voice.


Qi Nian closed the door with a bang, clasped her shoulders and pressed her against the door, his warm lips searched for each other, only the sound of sucking and clocks remained in the room.

Song Weiyi pushed Qi Nian's chest vigorously with his hands, but he didn't move at all, and only asked after he had kissed enough: "What's wrong?"

Song Weiyi was so weak from being kissed by him, if it wasn't for Qi Nian holding her waist, she would have sat down on the ground, Song Weiyi gasped and said, "Go take a bath."

"You wash first."


After recovering her breath, Song Weiyi took Qi Nian's clothes and went to the bathroom. The display in the bathroom has not changed from four years ago, even the brands of shampoo and shower gel have not changed. , Two fingers unbuttoned.

The warm water rushing through Song Weiyi's body gave Song Weiyi a sense of reality, all of this was true. They finally got married, and finally no one stopped them.

Qi Nian took a shower very quickly, Song Weiyi's hair was half blown, and he hurried out wearing a bathrobe.

Song Weiyi turned off the hair dryer and looked at him in surprise: "So fast."

Qi Nian pursed his mouth, took the hair dryer in her hand, and said, "You can't say that men are fast."

Song Weiyi was helpless: "You can get involved in that aspect of everything."

Qi Nian looked at her in the mirror, and said with a smile, "It's obvious that you think wrongly."

Song Weiyi's long hair fell behind her like a waterfall. She was wearing Qi Nian's white shirt, which was as long as her thighs. She looked up at Qi Nian: "I love you."

Qi Nian bent down and kissed her, "I love you too."

The flat bed suddenly sank, the person on the bed was lingering, half of Song Weiyi's shirt was taken off, Qi Nian called her name and said "I love you" over and over again in a daze, Song Weiyi's hands hooked his The neck responds to his love.

In the middle of the night, the two of them were leaning together, each with a cigarette in their fingertips, smoking slowly, Song Weiyi suddenly suggested: "Let's quit smoking."

Qi Nian agreed: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, the two each took another stick, looked at each other and smiled, Song Weiyi was able to say nasty words casually after just now, "You did a good job just now."

Qi Nian put his hand on the outside of the bed, and the other hand lazily walked over her body, as if to seduce her, and his voice was full of lust: "I can continue."

Song Weiyi turned her head away and pretended to cough: "You can't."

Qi Nian smiled, took the last puff of his cigarette, the cigarette butt was pressed in the ashtray, bent over to hug Song Weiyi, resting his head on her lap, "I miss you so much, baby."

Song Weiyi inserted her fingers into his hair, lowered her head and kissed him: "I miss you too."

Qi Nian leaned into her arms and hummed coquettishly, "I'm sleepy."

"Go to sleep."

Qi Nian's hands were very dishonest, Song Weiyi was so angry that he wanted to tie them with a rope, he immediately hugged Song Weiyi and swore: "Baby, I won't move anymore, I swear!"

Song Weiyi was sleepy for a long time, and now she is in a state of wandering consciousness, "If you touch me any more, I will throw you out."

"Okay baby."

The moon peeked out at the newlywed couple. There were clothes and tissues all over the room, and a couple embracing each other on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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