Chapter 49

In the end, the meal was still not finished, Bai Yongqin packed the food as soon as Song Weiyi left, and went home with Song Weizhi, who was a messy mandarin couple in front of him.

It was noon, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and there was no cloud in the sky. Occasionally, a few birds flew over in a hurry, adding a bit of vividness to the blue sky.

The two walked into the community side by side, and on the way they ran into the little boy who hit her with snowballs in winter, he seemed to be getting fat again, Song Weiyi just glanced at him carelessly, then scared the child and went straight behind her mother.

"Come in." Song Weiyi threw the shoes on the ground, pulled on the slippers and went back to the bedroom, without giving Song Weizhi a look.

Song Weizhi felt that he might be doomed, he dawdled outside for a while before he opened the half-hidden door and went in, and he smelled smoke as soon as he entered, the window of the room was not open, the smoke was scattered above her, Make her look like a fairy.

"Sister." Song Weizhi carefully opened the window and sat beside her, with his head lowered, as if a primary school student had made a mistake.

Song Weiyi licked the burnt cigarette ash into the trash can, put one foot on the horizontal bar under the chair, leaned back, looked a little lazy, but said with a bit of anger in her tone: "Who told you to mess around. "

Song Weizhi lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

"You think your sister is stupid, how can I not see that he likes me, you really think that the sentence 'I like you is known to the whole world, only you don't' really exists." Song Weiyi dimmed the cigarette butt and threw it away into the trash can, looked at the unsmoked cigarette with a bit of 'tsk tsk' twice, and then said: "I have avoided him so deliberately, and forced me to be with him, I I thought our tacit understanding was pretty good, but I didn't expect it to be so bad."

Song Weizhi really didn't see that Song Weiyi knew about this and deliberately avoided Bai Yongqin. He always thought that she didn't know, and thought that as long as Bai Yongqin was brave, the two of them would be possible, but he didn't expect this sister to know everything.

"However." Song Weizhi suddenly thought of the fact that she said she had someone she liked, and asked cautiously, "Which library do you think it is?"

"It's true." Song Weiyi didn't want to hide it from him: "That man is Qi Nian, the last time I went to your school when the winter vacation was approaching, didn't I say to go to the book city, and then I met him, I was Didn't I tell you?"

Thinking about it this way, Song Weiyi seemed to have told him about her unrequited love for Qi Nian, and instantly became angry, kicked him, and said: "Didn't I tell you that I love Qi Nian! You are still messing up!" Arrangement, are you courting death?!"

This sentence directly evoked Song Weizhi's memory, and he retorted clearly: "You said it yourself, you like him, but it's not to the extent that you have to, you only recognize him as one in your life, so I help you arrange of."

Song Weiyi felt that their thoughts were not on the same level and they couldn't communicate at all, so she kicked them out annoyed, not forgetting to ask: "Keep it secret."

Song Weizhi waved his hand perfunctorily.

After closing the door, Song Weiyi suddenly felt better, she moved the chair and sat in front of the window to enjoy the scenery.

Most of May has passed, and the dead branches in winter have long grown lush and dense. There is a small rose garden in the community, which blooms very beautifully in this season. You can see it when you look in the direction of Song Weiyi's room. A whole piece, the roses are bright red, each with their heads raised in the gentle spring breeze.

Looking at this piece of roses, Song Weiyi suddenly thought of Qi Nian, and the thought of chasing him popped into her mind, if she didn't catch up with him, maybe her whole life would be like today, she would be very conflicted when sitting with other men for dinner or even going on a blind date And think of him.

but chase
She has never chased anyone before, other boys are chasing after her, she has no experience in this area, the good mood just disappeared, Song Weiyi didn't feel pretty when she looked at the rose, and pulled it hard The curtains blocked the light and plunged into the bed.

Song Weizhi outside the house was apologizing to Bai Yongqin, but Bai Yongqin just said 'nothing' and stopped replying to his messages.

The moon rolled up into the dark night sky little by little, and the stars beside it were eclipsed by the contrast. The lights and shadows flickered on the ground, the sound of horns rose and fell, and the neon lights flashed various colors.

It was almost the end of May at this time, and the class that had graduated for three years was called together by the class leader. Their class was famous in high school, but later the school forced in a few wealthy students. Afterwards, their grades all receded, and the girls who were at the top were distracted by those bastards. They were supposed to study at Yunhai University like Song Weiyi, but now they only studied at a university that was almost at the bottom of Yunhai City.

Zheng Pipi was able to make jokes with everyone in the class, and when he saw Li Chengcheng who was sitting in the middle like a courtesan, he praised him "sincerely": "Yo, Cheng Cheng, you're so beautiful again, I think the boys would all stick to it." Here you go."

Hearing this sentence, Li Chengcheng felt complicated in his heart. Everyone, look at me and look at you, and finally changed the topic.

Who in the class didn't know that these two people didn't get along with each other. Li Chengcheng was very unhappy when Zheng Pippi and Xu Jiayi's high-profile love affair was in the second year of high school. I went to teach her a lesson, but at that time she already had a punishment on her body, Song Weiyi stopped her in fear of making things worse, but she stopped her actions but not her mouth, Zheng Pipi was just like this all day long. She had connoted her so far, but Li Chengcheng didn't dare to say anything after hearing it. After all, she refuted it, which was tantamount to admitting in disguise that she connoted her first, and she endured it until now.

Halfway through the dinner, the room was filled with the smell of alcohol and smoke and the noise of the boys. Song Weiyi was very upset when she heard these voices. She took a cigarette lighter and a mobile phone from her pocket and lowered her head to Zheng Pipi's ear. He said, "I'm going to the toilet." Then he left.

The moment the door was closed, the noise was also cut off. Song Weiyi left and opened WeChat. Qi Nian's WeChat was placed at the top, and the message stayed half a month ago. Song Weiyi touched her cheek with the tip of her tongue, and laughed at herself: "If I don't look for you, you won't look for me."

She lit a cigarette butt outside the bathroom, and as soon as she exhaled, she heard the sound of a woman struggling outside. Song Weiyi looked out and saw a woman in a red slim dress being entangled by a drunk man. What do you want to do with him.

"Forced." Song Weiyi watched the drunk man's eyes gradually become fierce. She actually drank a lot in it just now, and suddenly her blood boiled. She didn't think much, so she took the broom in the corner rushed up.


 Thank you Xiaobai for the recommendation ticket
  Thank you ten 66 seventeen red beans

  Thank you for the cute monthly ticket
  Sorry for being late again
  I must set the alarm clock tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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