Fast Travel: Debt Repayment Strategy

Chapter 106 I rely on food to dominate StarCraft 2

Chapter 106 I rely on food to dominate StarCraft 2
There are only a few dozen nutritional supplements. Even if Su Mu saves food and expenses, he can only last for a month at most. Thinking about the taste, it is unflattering. Do interstellar people grow up eating this kind of food?
They really suffered, and they didn't appreciate the charm of food at all.

He couldn't live without Desolate Star for a short time, and he had to find food that he could eat as soon as possible.

Finding food is the special skill of our big foodie nation. After all, the impressive record of eating a species to extinction is not empty.

Although the flesh of these natural plants and star beasts has toxins, it is not impossible to get rid of them.

Mental power is precisely a kind of supernatural power. If you want to get rid of the toxins in natural plants, you need at least C level.

Su Mu is currently a fragile ordinary person. I don't know if he will be poisoned to death. This kind of poison seems to only target supernatural beings, and it is slowly accumulating.

The world eats the most food, just a little bit of poison, even if she dies, she will not take any nutritional supplements, it is too unpalatable.

Su Mu had already made a decision in his heart, took out the dagger from the space button, and tried to wave it in the air a few times, which was quite smooth.

She walked out of the cave and stepped into the wild jungle. It seemed that she saw a lake on the way just now. It would be good to get some fish and fresh water.

唦 唦.

The breeze carried the leaves and fell into the lake, causing ripples. The blue lake surface was shimmering under the cover of vegetation, and there was a sense of dream.

The interstellar lake is quite beautiful.

At least she rarely saw such clear lake water when she hadn't crossed over.

A trunk was broken from the tree, and it was whittled into spikes with a dagger.

Su Mu rolled up her trouser legs and was ready to go into the water. It was convenient for her to spear fish because she could see the bottom of the lake.

This place is simply a fish's paradise, but this fish is not slippery, and it runs so fast that it took a lot of effort to catch one.

The body of the fish is long, the head is big and wide, a bit like a grass carp, but the size seems to be mutated, it is several times bigger.

Her stomach is not big, at least one is enough for her to eat two meals.

Moreover, when Su Mu caught fish, his clothes got wet. He had to go back to warm himself up quickly, otherwise he would catch a cold and be doomed.

In this wilderness, there is nothing, and the sickness can only be endured by oneself.

She hurriedly cleaned up the fish by the lake, took some fresh water and put it into the space button, and then returned to the cave with the fish.

The flames on the fire, already dying, rose again.

Su Mu sat by the fire, wrapped the fish with leaves collected on the road, then wrapped it with mud and put it into the flames.

After dealing with these, she took off her clothes and put them on the fire to bake.

When the clothes were almost dry, Su Mu hurriedly changed them, and then used a branch to hook out the mud.

After it had cooled down a bit, it broke the surface soil with stones and picked apart the leaves with a dagger.

A fresh smell of fish fills the air instantly, tickling people's hearts.

Su Mu couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and used a dagger to cut off a small piece of flesh. As soon as it was put into her mouth, it was so hot that her tongue was speechless, and she couldn't bear to spit it out.

The fish meat melts in your mouth, and the fresh fragrance ripples throughout the tongue. It's so delicious that you want to swallow it.

Eating it this way has a primitive taste, and it will be even more delicious if it is combined with those seasonings.

Su Mu came back to his senses and was about to continue eating, but the ground was empty.

Um?Where is my girl's fish?
Who stole it!
His ferocious eyes searched around the cave, and finally locked on the little white puppy in the corner, rubbing its belly.

Taking someone's food is like killing one's parents, the feud cannot be shared.

Su Mu said that she would take this white dumpling as a sacrifice to comfort her wounded heart today, and then she flew violently and hit the ground.

"Oh, it hurts to death."

A certain white group stood aside, with a look of disdain, as if he deserved a beating.

With a stinking face, Su Mu patted the dust off her body, quickly got up, her face was expressionless, and she was annoyed that she couldn't catch a puppy, which was a great shame in her life.

The little white dog's speed seemed a little unusual, but she didn't think much about it.

"You ate the fish that I worked so hard to cook, and you must pay for it, or I will let your blood splatter on the spot today!"

Su Mu said a harsh word, and then waved the dagger in his hand to show his ferocity.

Jun Yan heard these words after waking up from the berserk state. Looking at the mess around him, he already had a guess in his heart that he actually robbed a little cub of food.

Fortunately, his subordinates are not here, otherwise it would be a shame.

But recalling the fish he had eaten before, he felt that the saliva in his mouth seemed to be secreting again.

This thing has not been stripped of toxins, so it doesn't matter if you eat it by yourself, but the little cub can't eat it, is she so poor?He couldn't even take the nutritional supplements.

Thinking in his heart, Jun Yan quickly dodged into the jungle.

"Hey, don't run away!"

Su Mu yelled and chased to the entrance of the cave, but the little white milk dog had disappeared.

The anger in my heart was like a punch on cotton.

Wait for me, don't let her see this thief again, the next time she sees him, she will definitely tear it into pieces.

The ruthless cold wind whizzed past, making my heart more desolate.

Su Mu shuddered, and was about to get up and go back to the cave, when he heard some trivial noises.

The little white milk dog that had already escaped came over with a bottle of nutrition in its mouth.

It put the thing under Su Mu's feet, and seeing that there was no movement from the other party, it groaned, as if it wanted to ask her to take it away.

Su Mu felt at ease in an instant. After all, he was still a good dog with a conscience. He knew how to compensate himself, but why did he have an inexplicable urge to itch.

She picked up the nutrient solution on the ground. The letter s was engraved on the exquisite bottle, which was obviously an S-level nutrient solution.

The original owner was born in the Imperial Yun family. Her biological mother had passed away long ago. Her biological father remarried, and her stepmother was not very kind to her. She was a little transparent at home.

Originally, there was still a supply of D-grade nutrients at home, but after being kicked out, Yun Yi was penniless. If she hadn't sold some clothes, she wouldn't even be able to afford E-grade nutrients for 10 star coins.

Yun Yi's family didn't give her any pocket money at all, she barely had enough food, clothing, housing, and transportation to live on. The clothes were expensive brands, but it was just for the sake of the Yun family's face.

If it wasn't for the fact that the original owner sold some clothes at a low price and replaced them with e-grade nutrients and daggers when he was kicked out, Su Mu would really have nothing and nothing.

Now if a dog casually takes out a nutrient, it is an S grade. This is simply a public execution. Is there such a big difference between humans and dogs?
(End of this chapter)

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