Chapter 199 Game 15
dong dong dong.

Su Mu has knocked on more than a dozen rooms one after another.

Friendly players can chat, and occasionally exchange some unsalty news.

The irritable players will naturally be scolded a few times, either they don't open the door, or they want to do something after opening the door, and finally they are subdued.

She started to investigate from the floor she was on. There were 25 rooms in the entire corridor.

Su Mu made a lot of noise, one after another someone would open the door and come out to have a look and chat, which also ruled out some people.

There are only 7 rooms facing the row of stairs that have not been checked.

Su Mu's room is one of them, so there are only 6 rooms left.

She waited quietly for a while, when the door suddenly clicked open.

Lou Ye was wearing a silk pajamas with a lazy expression, a white towel was hung around his neck, and his short thick black hair was dripping with water.

"Is something wrong?"

"No no no."

Su Mu explained in embarrassment, and immediately closed the door before the other party reacted.

She continued to repeat her actions, knocked on the remaining doors one by one, and kept negotiating.

The line of sight fell to the last room at the end of the corridor.

Su Mu's room happened to be next door, the second to last room.

She knocked on this door for five or six minutes, and the people in the nearby rooms came out to watch the excitement, but the people inside were just indifferent, or maybe the people here...

The scarlet eyes from last night flashed unconsciously in Su Mu's mind, full of ruthless coldness and primitive desire, which made people tremble with fear.

"Is anyone there? I kicked the door in without saying anything." She took a step back and kicked the door hard.

The wooden door couldn't withstand the strong attack, and opened with a click.

The players who had been watching the excitement from behind gathered around one after another, and the gap in the door gradually widened under the attention of the public.

Su Mu rubbed his aching legs, his gaze touched the scene in the room, and he couldn't help but gasped.

There was an uneven layer of soil scattered on the ground, which was somewhat dry.

There are some leftover black hairs beside the messy wide footprints, as if left by some unknown creature.

The sunlight magnified the shadow of the window, and a bloody thing was falling in the center of the light, and the human hair was particularly obvious.

This is the severed head of a man.

On the big bed, there was a gnawed Qi Qi Ba Ba, whose bones were faintly exposed, lying quietly in the shadows.

The air froze slightly for a few seconds, as if everything was frozen.

Su Mu resisted the nausea in his stomach and secretly pinched his palm. This scene was too scary.

I almost threw up the meal I just ate at noon.

The onlookers couldn't help but vomited it out, and there was an unspeakable sour smell all around.

Before these people could react, Su Mu hurried into the room to search for clues.

Although disgusting is disgusting, hope to find something useful.

She carefully stepped over the place with footprints on the ground, and her eyes stopped on the bloody head.

There was a familiar stench in the room.

Su Mu felt as if he had heard it somewhere, and something flashed in his mind, as fast as a shooting star, and he couldn't catch it.

Looking closer, I feel sick even more.

Her face turned pale involuntarily, and she seemed to have no blood in her body.

Suddenly, a burst of warmth covered the palm of his hand.

Su Mu's body froze, she turned around and slammed into the man's arms, and the clear breath lingered, and she felt a little better.

Lou Ye changed his clothes at some point, his eyes were calm and confident, calm and calm, as if the scene in front of him was beyond his control.

He really is a pervert, right? He doesn't change his face. He doesn't mean he's a frequent murderer, so he's used to it?

Su Mu couldn't help but fill in his brain with the magnificent 100 million-word history of the underworld's shady boy's fortune and struggle. Tsk, the world of the boss is scary!
"Stay here, I'll go."

The young man's voice was clear and gentle, gently sweeping through his heart, tickling, and seemed to have a special magical power.

Lou Ye squatted on the ground, a chopstick escaped out of nowhere, lightly poked his bloody head, and then threw the chopstick away.

He got up and walked to the soft bed, carefully observing the condition of the corpse, frowning slightly, as if he had encountered some difficulty.

Lou Ye stood in the shadow, his face was a little more solemn, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of haze.

"Lou Ye, how's it going?" Su Mu trotted a few steps and was about to go over when he was grabbed by the other party.

There were more and more players surrounding the door, and some of them were brave enough to keep pouring in.

However, the space is so big that it becomes crowded when there are too many people.

Lou Ye protected Su Mu all the way to the empty aisle, and other people who heard the news walked by from time to time.

"Lou Ye?"


The young man responded softly, holding his hand tightly, and led Su Mu all the way to his room.

"Now let's talk about what you found."

Lou Ye nodded slightly, leaning on the sofa, his tense expression stretched out, like a lazy big cat, he said calmly: "The part where the head is separated from the body has some bumps. The marks, but they were bitten off by something sharp, the marks are very obvious."

"There are some black hairs in the deceased's mouth, which means that the thing covered his mouth to prevent him from making any sound, otherwise he would have been discovered last night."

"Black hair, two footprints, this thing is a creature that walks upright. If it is an animal, it is more like an orangutan, a monkey, or some mutated species."

"Awesome." Su Mu gave Lou Ye a thumbs up. He was indeed a villain, and his thinking was clear.

Lou Ye still looked calm, as if he remembered something, suddenly stared at Su Mu for a long time, then slightly turned his gaze to look out the window: "Your position is too close to the dead, the chance of you being attacked is very high. Big, of course, it does not rule out that it will attack other people, and for the time being, only one person is dead and there is no pattern, or there is no pattern at all."

The man's low voice slowly blew past his ears, Su Mu seemed to understand something for a moment, could he be worried about me?
Thinking of the pair of scarlet eyes in her dream last night, she was almost sure that the target it would choose to attack tonight must be herself.

Women's sixth sense is sometimes so unreasonable.

Su Mu also had no conspiracy, and honestly confessed his dream last night.

Lou Ye frowned even more after hearing this, and then opened it again, tapping his index finger on his thigh, his expression suddenly turned into a hint of playfulness, as if the previous seriousness no longer existed: "You stay with me at night. "

The girl's stunned expression successfully made him laugh.

There was a muffled laugh in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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