Chapter 205 Game 21
Su Mu didn't know where Lou Ye was going to take her. This body had been relying on nutrient solution to maintain its basic life. It hadn't eaten for several days, so it was naturally very weak.

Therefore, she was hugged by Lou Ye along the way.

The man's clean breath smelled so good that Su Mu was intoxicated unconsciously, as if he had taken a drug, and fell asleep leaning against the warm chest of the man unconsciously.

A good night's sleep.

When Su Mu opened his eyes, he was in a monotonous room with cool colors. The surrounding layout and facilities were extremely simple, and everything was clean and spotless.

The nose couldn't help sniffing the white quilt, which was vaguely stained with the clean breath of a man.

She blushed slightly, and patted her face to dispel the charming thoughts in her heart, what was she thinking about.

Su Mu got up and got out of bed, opened the door and walked out.

The sun was shining on the light blue sofa, and the man's jade-like face seemed to be covered with a thin layer of golden light, which was extremely dazzling. He was holding a book in his hand, and his expression was extremely serious.

"Ahem, Lou Ye, where is it?"

Lou Ye seemed to have just noticed that he closed the book in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and there was an inexplicable emotion flowing in it.

The sunlight dyed those eyes golden. Su Mu almost thought it was that person who appeared again. He was in a daze for a long time, and he didn't even hear Lou Ye's voice.

"Who are you looking through me?"

The man's words were like a stone falling into the water, causing a huge splash.

Lou Ye is too perceptive, that's what he thought in his heart, but Su Mu didn't dare to make mistakes at this time, thinking she was desperate?
A common saying goes well.

Where there is life, there is hope.

"No, no, I just think you look good."

Su Mu made a sloppy look, and just passed by haha.

"Then stand there and watch enough."

Lou Ye didn't say anything, but a glint of darkness flashed in his eyes, like a flowing cloud, faintly exuding a hint of danger.

one hour later.

Su Mu wiped the sweat from his forehead, bent over, and couldn't help rubbing his knees.

What's going on, the original owner is too weak, just standing like this for an hour, the body can't bear it.

Lou Ye, a pervert, is looking for trouble for nothing, just sitting there motionless and watching himself stand for an hour.

It's just frenzied and devoid of conscience.

Just find someone to ask, is this something a normal person can do?

There is no such thing as a dog man.


Su Mu couldn't bear it and sat down on the ground. Anyway, she didn't care, she was too tired and couldn't stand up.


After living here for almost a week, Lou Ye would stay with her at home every day. It was said to be companionship, but in fact it was more like a disguised form of imprisonment.

She can only stay in the house and cannot go out. Someone will deliver everything for meals, and she can also use her mobile phone to connect to the Internet normally.

Su Mu is quite a homely person, as long as the family stores food, she can stay without going out for a month.

Lou Ye would go out every morning and didn't come back until evening. She probably went to the research institute.

During this period, Su Mu consulted a lot of information on the Internet. The promotional news about the virtual game seemed to be blocked by someone at once, and now few people would mention it.

There is no negative news on the Internet either.

Su Mu used hacking technology to investigate the information of the female advocate Xian. She was born in an ordinary family. Her parents had three children. She was the second child in the family, and her position was very embarrassing.

The eldest brother needs a dowry when he is going to get married, while the third child has made the belly of another girl's little girl bigger, so he can't get married without a gift of hundreds of thousands.

Zhang's father and Zhang mother couldn't get the two sums of money, so they were naturally anxious. As soon as they heard that this game was subsidized, they immediately sold their daughter.

Su Mu didn't know what to say. In a word, this family is the best. They were all born by the same parents. She couldn't understand why someone would be so partial.

It's not considered patriarchal, after all, Zhang's father and Zhang's mother's first child was a daughter, and they didn't abuse them. Instead, they were pampered as a baby. Zhang Xian's place was like Waterloo.

Isn't Su Mu bored? After checking the heroine, he checked the hero. Oh, this guy is actually an undercover policeman. He wanted to find out the secret behind this virtual game, so he entered the game of death.

In other words, Guan Han knew the secret of the game the whole time.

It was just too much fun.

In the plot, the male and female protagonists are still running around in various copies until the end, showing affection.

That is to say, the only person who really knows nothing is the female advocate Xian.

The original owner's wish was to get out of this death game, and Su Mu had almost completed it, but there were some small problems that needed to be resolved.

That is to get rid of the days of being locked in the house by Lou Ye every day like this. It is not difficult, after all, the mobile phone can be connected to the Internet. Isn't it fun to surf the Internet?The answer, of course, is happiness.

What Su Mu had to think about was what to do with the original owner after she left. This was the crux of the problem.

The second is this game of death, which she wants to destroy.

If you do this, you must confront Lou Ye head-on.

Su Mu really didn't want to become an enemy with him.

Besides, that person is really too smart, she can guess anything with a little clue, so she dare not bet.

The setting sun at dusk seemed to have finally ignited the afterglow, and the orange-red flames in the sky dimmed a lot, and gradually disappeared with the passage of time.

Su Mu brought out two dishes from the kitchen. Seeing that there were vegetables in the refrigerator, she casually made a dish of scrambled bean sprouts and potato cakes with eggs, and a seaweed egg drop soup.

Two dishes and one soup, perfect!

If you want to impress a man's heart, you must first impress his stomach. As long as Lou Ye eats the dishes he cooked, everything will be fine.

Su Mu couldn't believe that Lou Ye had the nerve to reject her because of her soft mouth.

Besides, she is the best at touching porcelain.

Oh, no, that's called stalking.

Well, it doesn't feel right either, never mind.

Anyway, as long as it can succeed, it is a good strategy.

Su Mu sat on the dining table with one hand propped on his chin, and waited quietly. Lou Ye usually comes back at this time, is there any delay today?

She touched the bottom of the bowl, and there was only a trace of warmth left, and the food would be cold if she didn't come back.

Su Mu took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the other party. After waiting for a few minutes, the other party did not reply.

The sky was completely dimmed, as if it had been painted with a thick layer of black paint, without stars or moon.

In the neon-bright city, the hustle and bustle of the world resounded, and every house was brightly lit.

Only when it came to Su Mu's place, it was pitch black, her fingertips touched the cold bottom of the bowl, and she also felt a piercing coldness all over her body, a faint sense of loss appeared in her heart, and the sad breath was like a bird that was abandoned by someone. falling kitten.

(End of this chapter)

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