The great devil, he commits crimes with beauty

Chapter 115 The irritable emperor, you have to be good 69

Chapter 115 The irritable emperor, you have to be good 69
After the morning court, Chu Xiuyao went directly to Yikun Palace, and after explaining some things to the queen, he returned to the imperial study.

The expedition was imminent, and there were a lot of things to prepare. Chu Xiuyao was so busy that he never left the Imperial Study Room.

I didn't have any free time until the evening.

The moment she stepped out of the door of the imperial study room, she looked up at the sky, and finally walked in a certain direction with firm steps.

When they arrived at the Huafu Palace, Fubai was having a meal. When she saw him coming, she was slightly surprised. She was about to put down the bowl in her hand and stand up to salute, but was stopped.

"Is the emperor ready to eat?"


"Then, does the emperor want to use some here?"

"it is good."

From the beginning to the end, Chu Xiuyao never took his eyes off her face.

Fubai pretended not to know, and ordered someone to go to the imperial dining room to bring some dishes and buy a new set of bowls and chopsticks.

The imperial meal was quickly put on the table, and Fubai insisted on not talking about food, and devoted herself to eating the whole time.

Occasionally, seeing that she was too busy picking up a certain dish, Chu Xiuyao would help to put some more into her bowl, and as for the dishes that were farther away, he would directly do it for her.

He picks it up, and she eats it.

It's just food, there's no need to make it difficult.

After a meal, he didn't eat much, most of it went into Fubai's stomach, and he managed to get full.

It was cold outside, she was too lazy to go out, and walked around the hall on her stomach.

Chu Xiuyao stayed by her side. She turned in circles, and he followed her in circles. He was not impatient at all, and even had a smile on his lips.

"Don't go."

After walking around for a couple of times, I always felt that the atmosphere was weird, and I slumped on the floppy bed like a fool, and then fell down and didn't move.

In fact,
A group of people in a panic.

"Little coward, what do you think he's here for?"

"It's a foul. He's lost weight and looks better. Woohoo!"

Damn lustful habits.

"Little coward, can you say something?"


"Little coward~"

No matter how Fubai called Xiaodou, the other party just yelled, then fell into a state of playing dead, pouted his big butt, buried his cat face on his stomach, and refused to listen.

"Little Counselor!" The call suddenly became serious.

But his beauty is one thing, and what happened before can't be erased. Thinking of those things, and looking at the beauty that has been dangling in front of his eyes, it doesn't seem so good.

"Fu'er, do you still blame me?" Chu Xiuyao sat on the edge of the collapse, couldn't help but slender fingers moved up to poke her cheek, the soft touch hit her, his mind moved slightly, and he smiled, "He's really a big-tempered little guy."


I'm so annoying.

His fingertips were slightly cool, and when they slid across his cheeks, they felt numb like an electric current, and Fubai couldn't help but blush.

"You are the emperor, and my concubines dare not."

As he said that, he moved to the position inside, and his entire slender back faced Chu Xiuyao.

Chu Xiuyao let out a long sigh. During this period of time, he had already understood her position in relation to him. Seeing her like this now, he just felt cute, and a rare boy-like smile appeared on his face.

The big palm slowly moved up, holding Fubai's small hand on the waist...

The moment he grasped it in his palm, he felt that the vacancy that had been left for a long time was filled.

"Fu'er, would you like to listen to my story?"

Listening was an inquiry, and Fubai was actually not given a chance to refuse, a low and soft voice slowly poured into his ears.

Seemingly dissatisfied with his self-assertion, all the small hands wrapped in the big palm moved, and pinched the soft flesh of his palm fiercely.

So the man smiled slightly.

"...don't laugh."

"Okay, don't laugh."

Chu Xiuyao straightened his face and fell into memories.

 PS: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaba: I still admire this face.
  Vote for the duck, let the dog emperor confess in the next chapter, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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