The great devil, he commits crimes with beauty

Chapter 62 The irritable emperor, you have to be good 16

Chapter 62 The irritable emperor, you have to be good 16
Caidie reminded Fubai in a low voice.

Fubai nodded slightly, her eyes moved, and her lazy gaze fell on Concubine Shu.

Well, the eyes are not bright enough, the vestibule is not full enough, and there is gray air lingering between the brows.

I guess I'm going to be unlucky recently!
Withdrawing his eyes, he walked towards the front of the hall with lotus steps, and smiled at the empress sitting above him, "Greetings to the empress."

Concubine Shu was dissatisfied with being ignored, she pouted and wanted to say something, but was shrunk back with a stare from the queen.

"Sit down, I wonder if my sister is still used to being in the palace?"

Her position was above the other concubines and closest to the queen. When the queen asked, she still nodded in response.

"That's good. I'm new to Chu, if my sister needs anything, please send someone to talk to me."

Fubai continued to nod.

Well, she's just a nodding machine with no emotion.

Afterwards, the queen said some commonplace topics, and let everyone disperse.

After leaving Yikun Palace, Fubai went to the Empress Dowager's Ci'an Palace.

In the Yikun Palace, the queen still maintained her posture of inviting everyone to come, "This noble concubine is really getting more and more beautiful. I thought she looked good enough at the palace banquet that day, but I didn't expect that she could even wear ordinary casual clothes and look like no one else." flavor."

As he spoke, a trace of envy appeared in his eyes, and his hands gradually touched his face. He had a medicine jar, and after taking medicine for many years, no matter how good his complexion was, he would be tossed away.

Zhihua stood beside him, seeing the empress like this, his heart ached, and he hurriedly spoke to comfort him, "The empress is naturally beautiful, but the slaves look at the imperial concubine just like that. If you really compare it, how can you compare to the empress."

"Just your sweet mouth."

Hai Xinlan glanced back at her with a genuine smile.

"Look, the days of Ansheng in the palace are coming to an end."

"That's not true. I feel that the Empress Dowager will personally mention the selection to the emperor within a few days. At that time, the palace will be full of excitement. But no matter how they make trouble, your position will not be shaken, empress."

Zhihua is the queen's dowry girl, and she grew up with her, so she naturally knows what the queen thinks, and knows what to say to make her happy.

"I think it's time to get sick."


Concubine Shu returned to her palace, smashed several teacups angrily, and kept cursing in her mouth. In the end, she resented the queen instead. She was clearly complaining for her. No, hypocrisy, true hypocrisy.

If she were the queen...

I wanted to continue talking later, but was hurriedly persuaded by the maid beside me.

"Your Majesty, this is the palace, you must not ignore other things when you speak, if someone listens to you, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Hmph, I just can't get angry."

Just now she was angry, but now after Daisy said it, Concubine Shu stopped her previous words.

The queen is not in good health, so she ordered that the daily greeting be removed, and it was re-regulated to the 15th day of the first day.

Today's greetings are because Fubai first entered the palace and must ask for it.

On the second day, Fubai had a full sleep and didn't wake up until lunch time.


Cai Die is the first-class maid of the Huafu Palace, serving Fubai personally. Hearing the voice from inside, she pushed the door and walked in.

"Your Majesty, are you going to wake up?"

"Well, you can tell the palace servants to prepare meals first, I will dress myself, I am hungry after sleeping."

Cai Die was surprised, she didn't know that her master was so lethargic, if she put it on the masters of other palaces, she might have visited the imperial garden several times, should she also remind the empress to go out for a walk?
Maybe I can meet the emperor by chance!
 PS: Tickets_| ̄|●

(End of this chapter)

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