Chapter 8 Magic Mirror 7
At night, the sound of frogs bursts, accompanied by the rustling sound.A round of weird full moon hangs in the sky, and the surroundings exude a faint color like blood mist. There is not a single star, and it seems that except for the bright moon, the rest of the sky is as deep and terrifying as a black pool.

Oil lamps were blown out one after another, and there was no more light in the room.

All the maids in this mansion live together with five people, and they all sleep on a big bed. Su Tao sleeps against the wall, and Ren Qing is next to her closely, and the other side is far away from those NPCs.

What is it like to sleep with a group of NPCs?
There is clearly a person lying beside him, but there is no temperature, no breathing, no turning over, it seems transparent, like air, but!Once your movements are a little bigger, the NPC next to you will sit up suddenly, in the dark, with your eyes open like a ghost, repeating without the slightest ups and downs: "Don't move when you sleep, don't move when you sleep. Do not move……"

They didn't lie back on the bed until there was no sound.

Don't ask Su Tao and Ren Qing why they know it, it's because they have experienced it themselves.

Ren Qing didn't come back to her senses for a long time, her heart was beating loudly, but she still had to carefully lift off her quilt, and with a "swoosh", got into Su Tao's quilt, Hold her tightly.

The temperature on Su Tao's body made Ren Qing gradually calm down.

Su Tao patted Ren Qing's back and whispered in her ear, "Be good, don't be afraid. As long as the voice is quieter, they won't be like just now."

"Yeah." Ren Qing nodded, tangled in her heart for a long time, and finally decided not to drag Jiujiu down because of herself, she approached Su Tao again, her voice was pitiful, "Jiujiu, go Well, I, I'm not afraid anymore."

"Huh? Really?" Su Tao has been with Ren Qing for so many years, so she knows exactly what's on her mind. She was terrified of ghosts since she was a child, "Forget it today, let's talk about it next time."

"No, no need." Ren Qing took a deep breath, and slowly let go of Su Tao, without making a sound, he pushed Su Tao with his hand, the meaning was obvious.

None of them had ever experienced such a weird thing. They were drawn into a game inexplicably, and it was still a game that would kill people.None of them will know what will happen as time goes by.

Only hurry up to find clues, and try to find the clues to clear the customs as soon as possible.

Su Tao naturally knew the stakes. If Ren Qing stayed here, as long as he didn't make a sound, he would spend the night safely. Thinking of this, she gently touched Ren Qing's head, and said softly, " good……"

Su Tao left.

Ren Qing was the only player left in the whole room, and she could only hear her own breathing. When she thought of the three living dead lying next to her, Ren Qing's hands clutching the quilt couldn't stop shaking, her eyes She closed her eyes tightly, afraid that if she opened her eyes, she would see something bad.

And when Su Tao gently closed the door, the mechanical sound appeared again.

[Warning warning, character ooc, small black house warning. 】

again? !
As if Su Tao didn't hear, she closed the door and continued to walk out.

The alarm bell in my head rang loudly, [Warning, warning, character OOC, small dark room warning, player Su Tao please return to the house immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. 】

 NPC (Friendly): Don't move while sleeping~~

(End of this chapter)

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