villain she defiant

Chapter 181 The Brother Next Door Doesn't Like People 02

Chapter 181 The Brother Next Door Doesn't Like People 02
Ditang salivated when he smelled the fragrance, and immediately approached, "Okay, then I'll eat it with reluctance."

"Wait a moment!"

Duan Shiyi was frightened, and stared at her with wide eyes.

"My master, it can talk!!?"

Ditang didn't expect that he could hear himself talking. If this guy really loved his cat, he wouldn't have disposed of the talking cat, right?

"It's probably because you and I share the same mind. People and cats will have such a tacit understanding after getting along for a long time."

Duan Shiyi took a deep breath, and said excitedly: "You mean only I can hear it, and others can't hear it, but I understand the cat language?"


As Ditang said, he couldn't wait to bite the chicken chop.

Duan Shiyi looked at her as if it was a new thing, "Then I'll listen to you when you talk. I didn't expect your human voice to be particularly aggressive compared to your meowing voice."


"It really is my cold cat, I like it so much."

Another burst of licking the cat.

Ditang hates being interrupted while eating, "If you don't want me to make another cut on the back of your hand, just take it away from me."

"Yes master!"

Duan Shiyi squatted aside to watch her finish eating, and cleaned up the empty plates with a satisfied face.

After washing the dishes, I was shocked.

"Damn it, my dinner is gone!"

Ditang: ...

It turned out to be a second-hand product.

Duan Shiyi soaked bucket noodles and sat on the sofa, lovingly looking at the cat nestling on the sofa.

Di Tang squinted at him, this man has cat cakes!
"Let me ask you, do you know the person next door?"

"I just moved here, who lives next door?"

Duan Shiyi said as he opened the paper cover of the instant noodles, the aroma wafted out, his appetite increased greatly, he picked up a fork to pick up a fork of noodles, quickly put them into his mouth, and happily slurped the noodles.

Seeing him eating so deliciously, Ditang made her want to eat noodles too, but she dismissed the idea, "Say hello now and take me with you."

"What?" Duan Shiyi looked at her sideways, "Why did you go to the next door to say hello? Do you know some secret? There is a dead body in the next house? Is it a perverted murderer?"

Di Tang rolled his eyes, "I think too much, but I'm handsome and I want to see you."

Duan Shiyi cried bitterly, "You have changed your mind! Fat Bureau, I am your shit-shoveling officer, you can't like other men!"

Ditang: "..."


"Ding dong."

Duan Shiyi held the cat in his arms and pressed the doorbell opposite.

It rang for a long time, but no one came to open the door.

"Aren't you at home?"

"It's past ten o'clock in the evening, should I go home too?"

Duan Shi put his ear to the door and rang the doorbell again.

"No movement, probably no one."

He touched the cat in his arms, "Give up, there is no one next door."

Ditang's cat ears are very sensitive, and he can clearly hear the movement inside, but he doesn't open the door.

Is it really the one who doesn't like people and doesn't want to deal with people? !

"You put me down, you go back first."

"Fat Ju, you don't mean to run away from home, do you?"

"Count to three."

For a while, Yi felt that the cat in the house had become a spirit, and his tone of voice was so offensive!
He put it down and went back to the house, watching the movement outside through the cat's eyes.

Then I saw my master raised his paw and patted the door opposite.

This? ? ?
Di Tang held the attitude of giving it a try, since he had nothing to do when he was full anyway.

The door suddenly opened from the inside, and a man was driven out.

The door slammed shut again.

For a while, Yi Yi's eyes went straight.

Holy crap, isn't this person Chaoyan, the youth overlord of the era?

(End of this chapter)

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