villain she defiant

Chapter 289 The Commander Has a Secret Disease 04

Chapter 289 The Commander Has a Secret Disease 04
Early the next morning, Ditang was pulled up.

Before she even opened her eyes, she was dressed up.

Xiao's family still prepared her in the old school wedding dress, red wedding dress and big hijab.

The wedding dress is also considered exquisite.

Ditang thought of the knife in his bosom, so he didn't ask them to help him get dressed, and instead hid the knife in the lapel of his red wedding dress.

944 couldn't help muttering, [You're not afraid of scratching yourself...]
"Do I look so stupid?"

[...No, I'm stupid! ]
Chunlan came in to comb her hair and said some words of advice.

She always hoped that maybe her daughter would be very popular with the Commander, and she would not be as rumored.

Ditang didn't say anything, since she was the original owner's mother, she respected her.

Hopeless expectations are self-deception.


Ditang was wearing a red wedding gown and was driving in a car for an unknown amount of time.

Because she sleeps with her eyes closed.

Conserve your energy.

When we arrived at the commander's mansion, the car stopped.

A woman came up to meet her, supported Ditang and entered through the side door, without even setting off a firecracker behind her.

The deserted one doesn't look like marrying a concubine at all.

Not to mention the ceremony, even the shadow of the Commander was not seen.

It was delivered directly to the room.

The wedding room has been arranged a little bit, the room is quite big, but the location is not the main room, but a side room.

After the old woman helped her in, the door closed.

Ditang quickly took off the hijab and looked for something to eat in the room.

In order to get married, they didn't give her anything to eat, saying that she wanted to keep in good shape.

Does this look like it!In this world, I didn't even take a bite of a hot and full meal.

While complaining, Ditang sat down on the chair in the room, took the cakes on the table and ate them, they were all not good enough, she poured herself another glass of wine, just about to take a sip.

Put it down again, and fell down.

944: [What's wrong?Master Ditang, is there something wrong with this wine? ]
"Others may not be able to smell it, but it smells a bit wrong to me, so I won't drink it. I see what the commander is doing."

Ditang just ate some food and waited in the room until dark.

I didn't see half a shadow coming.

After waiting until she was extremely sleepy, just as she fell out of bed and was about to sleep by herself, there was movement outside the door.

She immediately sat up again and took the hijab to cover it, but she didn't know where she threw the hijab. She was looking around, but the door was pushed open.

Standing at the door was a young man in an officer's uniform, with sword eyebrows and cold eyes. He was dressed in a very majestic and straight suit, with a gun pinned to his waist, and he was full of murderous indifference.

This guy is the Commander, Li Jianghan.

Li Jianghan walked in with a cold expression. The adjutant behind him saw that the bride had lifted her hijab by herself. This was the first time I saw him. He was a little dazed, and quickly realized that he reached out and closed the door behind the commander.

There were only the two of them left in the room.

Only then did Ditang see the red hijab, so he picked it up, went to the bed and sat down, and put the hijab back on like a normal person.

Li Jiang watched her do all this with cold eyes, and he didn't go over to take off the red hijab, but sat down at a table beside him, poured a glass of wine with a jug, and put it aside.

Then he said in a cold voice, "Take off the hijab and come over."

This emotionless, extremely indifferent voice has a taboo and cruel taste.

Di Tang didn't care to appreciate it, but lifted his hijab and looked at him.

The purpose of this guy is to stun her with a glass of wine, and then start working?
What to do?
944: […]
Ditang thought for a moment, but walked over with a relaxed face, and sat down on the stool beside him.

The closer they got, the stronger the smell of bloodlust.

Ditang carefully looked at his face, and then his eyes fell on his chest, feeling a strong urge to take out the knife from his shirt and stab it.

There is this excitement in the whole air.

Her eyes are really straightforward.

Li Jianghan didn't like this sight, tapped lightly on the table with one hand, and said impatiently, "Didn't you hear me? Drink up the wine."

The tall and domineering sight, if it is an ordinary girl, I am afraid that it will be frightened.

But Ditang's expression was flat, and his eyes flicked, "Since we are married, why only pour one glass of wine?"

"Talk a lot?"

"I can't talk?"

"I hate talkative women."

This kind of disrespectful and domineering appearance makes him want to be knocked off his head.

Ditang took a deep breath and succumbed to the gun on his waist, "My last sentence, ask the kitchen to get some pork roast chicken or something, I'll eat it before drinking."

Li Jiang's cold and bloodthirsty eyes swept over him, naked and frightening.

How many lives were on their hands?
In this turbulent era, occupying this place, with the post of commander, can probably be guessed.

Ditang didn't intend to head-on, and cast a cold glance at the little ball of the system that turned her into a weak chicken again. 944 called out wronged, the mission world is like this and it has nothing to do with it!

She lowered her head, held her face in her hands, looked at the glass of wine in front of her, and sighed.

She said nothing, and she didn't reach for her glass.

In this suffocating air, 944 was a little nervous.

The host is too strong.

Will he be directly shot by the boss?
Li Jianghan glanced across Ditang's face, frowned slightly, and said towards the door: "Someone bring some food here."

The food was brought in quickly, but the servant lowered his head and didn't dare to vent his anger. He put the food on the table and went out immediately.

The door closed again.

The aroma of this food has spread in the house.

Ditang didn't care what the expression of the person next to her was, anyway, she had to eat until she was full.

While she was devouring, Li Jianghan got up and left the table, walked to the other side of the room, sat down and smoked a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and then exhaled a puff of smoke.

The smoke lingered in front of him, and his facial features were so excellent, there was an unreal coldness.

Ditang didn't know how many cigarettes he had smoked, but only knew that she had eaten the food in front of him bit by bit.

I also ate two bowls of rice and wiped off the soup on the plate.

Finally finished eating, she picked up the wine glass and drank it.

944: [!You drank it! ]

Ditang put down the wine glass, turned to the smoker over there, and said, "I drank it, do you want a drink too? I'll pour it for you..."

She put down her wine glass, closed her eyes, and shook her head, "Why do you feel so sleepy?"

Li Jianghan not far away looked at her indifferently.

Then I saw her collapsed on the table and passed out.

Finally dizzy.

Li Jianghan snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, Leng Mou got up and went over, stretched out his hand to lift her chin, grabbed her chin and tilted her face to one side, exposing the side of her neck, her eyes fell on her neck very directly.

Suddenly his gaze retracted, the hand that was holding her chin was released, and he moved forward slightly to hook her neck with his arms, and dragged her to the marriage bed mercilessly.

Throwing it on the bed, he let go.

Kneeling on the bed with one knee raised, he pressed on it.

(End of this chapter)

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