villain she defiant

Chapter 322 The Bamboo Horse Has the Status of a Demon Lord 02

Chapter 322 The Bamboo Horse Has the Status of a Demon Lord 02
It is really difficult for Ditang to adapt to the identity of this baby.

Because at this time, I really have no power to restrain the chicken, and I am in a state of being slaughtered by others.

To be fiddled with.

"Why don't you just start with the big ones, it doesn't make much sense when you're young. It's so annoying."

944 doesn't know what the story of this world is all about. Although it is a system, it really doesn't know anything.

In order to comfort the host and avoid being scolded, I hurriedly said, [Master Ditang, there may be important plot points when the world was young, and it would be nice to let you experience the love of your parents since you were young. ? ]
After hearing this, Ditang thought for a while, and then said so.

What was she like as a child?
It seems that I don't have any memory at all. Whenever I have memory, it's the days when I was regarded as a devil.

But she has lived for tens of thousands of years, and she probably forgot about it after a long time.

She doesn't care too much.

But it can be seen that the husband and wife of Orion's family are very happy with the arrival of this child, and they chose the name solemnly.

Tangjin, it is April at this moment, and the begonias are blooming, and the flowers are blooming like a brocade. They also hope that the children will also bloom delicately and beautifully in the future, and it will get better and better.

The name doesn't matter to her.

What I'm concerned about right now is probably...

was force-fed.

Ditang is resisting, resisting!

But she couldn't resist, she was already useless, could a newborn baby refuse it! ?


Really fragrant.

944: […]
Ditang went to bed when he was full, and it was like this every day.

The Chen family and his wife also took care of them very carefully. During the day, when Chen went out to hunt, Xiuyue watched the children embroider some embroidery to supplement the family income. The family enjoyed themselves happily.

But one day, Chen Zuo was hunting outside and came back near night. He not only brought back the prey, but also held something in his hands.

Xiuyue hurried forward, worried and said: "Why are you late today?"

Her eyes suddenly fell on the burden in his arms, "Whose child is this...?"

At this moment, the baby in Chen Zhu's arms seemed to have just been born, covered in blood, but neither crying nor fussing, and his open eyes were a little dull.

Chen Chuan hurriedly handed the child to her, his eyebrows and eyes were straight, and he said in an unbelievable tone, "I picked it up by the river, and it was washed to the shore by the water. I checked and it seemed that no one was injured. I don't know which family did the crime. Throwing away the child..."

Xiuyue quickly hugged the child and wiped the blood on her body with hot water. There was really no trauma, but where did the blood come from?
"Didn't it be picked up by wild wolves?"

After putting away the prey, Chen Zuo washed his hands, came over to take a look, shook his head and said, "If there are really wild wolves and they can survive, then it's God's help."

Xiuyue touched the child's face, "No matter what, this child is so pitiful, we have to take care of it. Especially after having A Bao, I can't see such a poor child even more, just let this child and A Bao be a good friend." Partner, it’s good to grow up together.”

"Listen to you, it's just more food, we can still afford it."

"Then you should give me another name. Our Abao's name is Tangjin. What do you think the child should be called?"

"The child I met in Jinglijiang is another boy, so let's call it Jingyu."

Xiuyue smiled and hugged the child, "Okay, that's a good name. Jingyu."

But the child in her arms didn't cry or laugh, her eyes were dull, and she didn't respond to how she teased her.

She was a little worried, "Sanggong, quickly see what's going on with this child, is he a little silly because of this accident..."

Chen Chu shook his head, "I don't know, the child doesn't understand after going through this at such a young age, we just treat him like our own."

The baby is still a baby, after a while Xiao Jing was coaxed to sleep by Xiuyue, and then carried to the room and placed in the cradle, this cradle is quite big, it is not too crowded for two babies.

She patted the quilt lightly, then glanced at her daughter who was sleeping soundly, and then left the room.

After she went out, Ditang opened his eyes and looked at the child next to him.

"Who is this child? Another one is born so soon? It's unreasonable."

944: […]
"Will this child be my future target?"

944: [...unknown for now, don't worry, take your time and the plot will unfold. ]
"You don't have the child's data?"

[That, no. ]
Ditang rolled his eyelids, forget it, let's live a boring life.

Another wasted day, eating hands, eating hands.

Time passes day by day, Ditang grows up day by day, and the days of breastfeeding are also a spectacle, such as two children, one on each side.

She is a majestic devil of the Three Realms... Hey, let's not talk about it.

Ditang continued to breastfeed.

Then she also found out that the guy opposite might be a fool, he eats slowly and eats less, and his eyes are dull. When she was teething in six or seven months, that guy didn't grow teeth.

When she was one year old, she started babbling and calling mother.

The guy didn't say a word.

By the time everyone was three years old, that guy still couldn't even speak, his teeth had grown, and he didn't speak at all.

Everyone in this Goutou village said that the child was a fool.

I don't know where it was picked up from.

Ditang is taller than him, so she preempted the title of elder sister, and when she saw other adults mocking or children bullying, she would protect this younger brother.

If he is the future male lead, wouldn't she lose points if she doesn't protect him?

Therefore, although she is also three years old, she has the mentality of protecting the cubs.

People in Goutou Village say that she will grow up to be fierce in the future, not at all like her mother who is gentle and gentle.

Ditang: "You want to take care of it?"

She was so powerless against the unintimidating voice of this young tooth.

She took the silent, stupid child home, and her voice was soft and cute, brainwashing on the road, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you in the future, I am good to you, you must remember to know, every bit of it Remember, even though you don't speak, I know you can see it, right?"

She said she went to see the children.


The idiot is really an idiot, with a blank face and dull eyes.

"Could it be a mistake, this guy is not the hero of this world at all?"

944 hastily said: [I didn't say yes! ?The plot is unknown, and the male lead is unknown, so don't worry. ]
Forget Ditang's temper.

When she was seven years old, Ditang was half a head taller than Jingyu, she was even more eloquent, and her momentum had grown a bit.

But Jing Yu still didn't speak, Chen Chu and Xiuyue both regretted that the child was a mute, and he couldn't hear anyone if he couldn't speak for a long time.

Ditang patted his little brother on the shoulder, "You'd better not be the male lead, otherwise I'll really encounter a big problem."

Although he doesn't speak, his eyes are not as dull as when he was a child, they are much brighter, and they are as deep and bright as stars.

These words made him look at Ditang.

(End of this chapter)

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