villain she defiant

Chapter 353 The Bamboo Horse Has the Status of a Demon Lord 33

Chapter 353 The Bamboo Horse Has the Status of a Demon Lord 33
Outside the door, there was a policeman who was walking on horseback, and he was startled when he saw a gust of wind blowing past his eyes.

Looking back, Jing Yu also came out of the house, carrying something in his hand, and flew up to the roof.

Catch:?Is this newcomer so powerful!

"Hello? What are you doing?"

He called out, but got no answer.

He stepped back and stretched his neck, looked up, the moon in the sky was half blocked by the clouds, and he could only see two people sitting on the roof, which were vague shadows, but it felt particularly beautiful.

"Isn't that his little cousin?"

The catcher shook his head quickly, put aside his strange thoughts, and continued to stride back to the door.

On the roof, Ditang looked up at the night sky, his long hair was loose, and he was sluggish.

Jing Yu sat next to her, didn't say a word, just put the shoes in his hand aside.

Ditang knew that he was by her side, and her mind was confused. She could be very cruel and just be siblings with him from now on, and only look at the task, but why did she feel a little bit sad in her heart?

This feeling flashed from the bottom of her heart, and she was startled.

How can there be such a feeling?

She never cared about anyone's life or death or feelings.

She is just a devil in the eyes of everyone, even if she has been imprisoned in the Black Water River for tens of thousands of years, she has nothing to worry about except for revenge.

But it seems that except for the little follower, I care a little bit.

After all, her knife was gone.

The little mute must have taken it.

And he looks like him.

Ditang lowered his head and looked sideways at the person next to him. He had an identical face.

She reached out and pinched his face, just like in her memory, those eyes were as deep as a pool.


She suddenly narrowed her eyes and smiled.

It's an unscrupulous laugh.

"Do you see how many stars there are in the sky?"

Jing Yu heard the sound and looked up at the night sky, it was pitch black without a single star.

The dim light in his eyes was fading little by little.

Ditang glanced at him, didn't say anything, got up to straighten his clothes, and jumped off the roof.

Lands lightly.

The policeman at the gate was shocked. The cousin in this situation is also so good at it?
Di Tang cultivated Qi since she was a child and grew up, opening up the meridians to improve her inner physical fitness. Although this mortal has some physical limitations, she has reached her physical limit and just needs to break through.

The limit can be broken in less than three months.

Ditang left from here and walked to the street, intending to find an inn to rest for the night, but every inn was closed.

Not even a light.

Lanterns without candles swayed in the night wind.

It's dark and cold tonight, and there's no one on the road.

It's a weird smell.

944 trembling: [Master Ditang, it seems that today is the Hungry Ghost Festival. ]
"So what, I'm still afraid of ghosts?"

Ditang let out a soft snort, and was speeding along the road, when a cold light flashed, she dodged sideways, and seven or eight men in black jumped to the ground, facing her with long swords in their hands, and surrounded her.

Di Tang looked around, and raised his eyebrows, "Where did you come from?"

One of the men in black said: "We won't kill you, as long as you obediently hold your hands and catch you!"

"That's unforgivable."

Ditang drew his saber from behind, but there was no saber!

The clothes were changed by the little idiot, and the kitchen knife was still with the little idiot.

There is no weapon in hand at this moment, it all depends on one hand!

The seven or eight men in black stabbed at them with their swords, and Ditang exerted force on his toes, and his figure rose into the air, his clothes fluttering, and when the long swords came together, he sank and stepped on the swords.

The sword of the man in black sank, and he drew the sword with force in his hand—Ditang hooked the corner of his mouth, tapped his foot lightly, and turned around to kick a few people, and the man in black fell back.

Almost immediately the sword was drawn again.

Didn't give Ditang a chance to breathe at all!
But she doesn't need a chance to breathe, and it's not difficult to escape from a few people. The harder the opponent fights, the more excited she is.

The seven or eight men in black never thought that the person their client asked them to capture would be so fierce, they fought back relentlessly, and the long sword also scratched her, but they didn't feel afraid, but the blood seemed to stimulate her, which obviously seemed to be Why is this handsome young man full of hostility?

Now, the other half of the money may not be available, and it will be injured instead. It is not worthwhile to think about it.

So several people looked at each other and retreated quickly.

Seeing this, Ditang didn't pursue him either.

Instead, he casually tore off a piece of cloth from the corner of his clothes and wrapped it around the wound on his arm.

944 said worriedly: [Master Ditang, who the hell wants to arrest you! ]
Ditang glanced at it, "Do you still need to guess? When I come here, if I offend someone, whoever wants to arrest me will naturally."

[Wang Yanhong? ! ]
"I know their identities. It must be uneasy for the vixen, because there is always a risk of being exposed, so it is necessary to completely shut me up, so that she can feel at ease. But I don't understand, directly Just find someone to silence you, why are you just arresting me?"

[Is that young lady kind? ]
"Let's have a look."

After tying up the wound on his arm, Ditang headed towards the home of the richest man in Shuangxi Town, Lord Wang.

Before arriving at the mansion of the richest man, in a large bamboo forest not far away, there were lights and human movements.

It was the men in black and the young lady Wang Yanhong who was carrying a lantern.

Ditang approached quietly, but not too close to avoid being noticed by the fox.

One of the men in black said: "He escaped, I didn't expect his skill to be so good, we were all injured!"


Wang Yanhong was dressed in white, with a small flower in her ear.

The small white flowers seem to be Dai Xiao's flowers.

The men in black bowed their heads and let themselves be scolded.

One of them said: "But her arm is injured, if we increase our manpower next time, we will definitely be able to catch him!"

"It's too late." Wang Yanhong whispered.

The man in black couldn't hear what she was saying, and asked, "What?"

Wang Yanhong's expression turned cold, and she flicked her sleeves, telling them to go away.

The men in black withdrew.

In the dark bamboo forest at night, Wang Yanhong stood motionless, she reached out and stroked the wooden hairpin on her head, her expression was extremely gentle, but in an instant she was extremely indifferent.

Ditang could feel the seductive aura emanating from her body, which had already covered up the tenderness just now.

Could it be that Wang Yanhong is in a contest between the fox and the eldest lady at this very moment?
It's exciting to imagine.

But what did she mean when she said it was too late?
944: [It's so far away, you heard it too? ]
"I guessed from the mouth shape."

944:?This look is too good? !

Ditang thought to himself, what purpose did Wang Yanhong want to capture her for?And the time for that goal is running out, at most two nights today and tomorrow?
That's why the fox and the eldest lady had a dispute?

[You can also see this? ]
"Smelling the smell, when the vixen's charm is strong, it must be the time when the fox shows its power."

(End of this chapter)

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