villain she defiant

Chapter 401 Your Majesty, He Wasn't Broken Sleeve 01

Chapter 401 Your Majesty, He Wasn't Broken Sleeve 01
Qin Zhi gave all the family property to Ditang, "I heard that you signed an unequal contract, and I will give you all of them. It is up to you to use it for litigation and return it. It is my repayment for you."

"Want to break with me?"

"That's not how words are used."

"So, I still have a chance?"

Qin Zhi raised the corner of his mouth, "Wait for me to come out."


The production crew of Fushen was suspended due to Qin Zhi's reason, and the capital party appointed Jian Kong to take over Qin Zhi's role.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, and Ditang is often tripped by him, but she is not an easy person to provoke. Later, Jian Kong thinks that she is a lunatic, and anyone who is a lunatic has to hide.

Because Jian Kong's temperament is much different from the original Qin Zhi's, and the acting skills also made the director's heart ache, so the director and screenwriter adjusted the script while filming, and the final broadcast effect was surprisingly satisfactory.

That is, the spark between Qu Yan, who plays the heroine, and Di Tang, the second female lead, is really subtle and wonderful.

The whole drama is also very good-looking, but the hero Jian Kong has become the most broken existence.

It became the object of traffic complaints for a while.

Ditang didn't come to the crew's celebration banquet, Qu Yan sent a message to ask her, she replied: I'm going to meet an important person.

During the three years, she was waiting outside the prison gate. Qin Zhi, who had slightly long hair, had a slender figure, and he saw her immediately, his eyebrows and eyes darkened.

"Welcome back."

She spread her arms and smiled.


He walked towards her and hugged her tightly.



[Clang clang clang!Congratulations to Lord Ditang for completing the mission! ]
[Accumulate 20 points, get a prop card! ]
944 said excitedly, and at the same time cleared the memory of the host's last world.

Ditang felt very calm, "What kind of item card?"

[Transformation card!Just at any time, you can transform, such as objects, animals and so on! ]
"Can't you become a human?"

[Uh... this transformation card doesn't have this function yet, but Lord Ditang.... ]
"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started!"

Ditang cut it off and got ready.

Hurry up to pass the level, hurry up to leave and return to the original world!
[Okay, right now! ]
944 acted immediately, starting the next world data.

Countdown, 3, 2, 1...

【Ding! 】


The neck hurts, the remaining memories are in the mind, the neck was pulled open by the knife, blood, the blood in the mind.

Ditang stretched out his hand to cover his neck, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a bloody and chaotic scene.

In a luxurious and magnificent palace, the lamps and candles are shaking, and the ground is dripping with blood...

The system quickly delivered the plot, the king of the Li Kingdom was dissolute, old and incompetent, he listened to the slander and killed his loyal ministers, the traitor was in power, and the people were in dire straits.

Even after the city was attacked tonight, the king of Li still favored his concubine.

This concubine is the original owner, the daughter of a small family in the Su family. She was forcibly taken away and sent to the palace because of her beauty. Under the main sword.

Di Tang could feel the pain in his neck, that sword must have been very sharp, and the hero Su Jue must have struck very ruthlessly!
[Lord Ditang, the hero Su Jue is the king of Fandi County and the son of Princess Li Guo. Today he personally overthrew the royal family and entered this hall! ]
944 hurriedly introduced the plot.

Ditang has no time to listen, at this moment, the faint king is going to use her as a shield to sacrifice his sword, this is the timeline going back to the moment before his death!
Su Jue stabs with his sword!

(End of this chapter)

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