villain she defiant

Chapter 405 Your Majesty, He Wasn't Broken Sleeve 05

Chapter 405 Your Majesty, He Wasn't Broken Sleeve 05
944 dizzy.

The host is too direct! !
How could this kind of innocent boy in ancient times endure such direct words?

Sure enough, Changxi widened his eyes that were tired and drunk, and now they were in a state of shock.

"Xiaotang, what did you say?"

With a smile on his face, Di Tang approached him a little closer, and filled his glass with another glass of wine, "Did you come to Nightside for me?"


"Then do you want me to be happy?"

"I want to! Of course I want to..."

Changxi clenched the wine glass in his hand, looking at Ditang's face, his cheeks turned even redder.

Originally, he was ready to enter the palace, but now that Xiaotang is back, everything is fine again, happiness, he naturally tried to find a way to give it to her.

Thinking of this, his eyes became brighter.

Ditang saw his expression in his eyes, and really couldn't bear to wipe out this young man's passion.

944: ...Are you the one who can't bear it?

"So, I want to enter the palace."

944:? [Are you just going to have a showdown with him like this? ]
"Of course, beating around the bush is boring. He doesn't agree to kill him when the time comes."

As soon as she said this, Changxi's mind didn't turn around all of a sudden, he was still in the embarrassment and joy just now, and now he froze, "Xiaotang, what did you say?"

"I want to use your identity to enter the palace. I like everything in the palace. I could have been the emperor's concubine. If you just drive me out like this, everything is gone. I really can't be reconciled...!"

Ditang squeezed the wine glass and took a sip, his eyes full of snobbery.

944: ...What's the matter with the vicious female supporting role's déjà vu?
Sure enough, Changxi was even more confused. Is the person in front of him still his gentle and lovely Xiaotang?
How to enter the palace, everything has changed!

"Xiaotang, you use my identity to enter the palace? What do you want to do? Don't do such a dangerous thing, why don't we go home together? I, I will definitely take good care of you in the future, absolutely..."

He stretched out his hand and pinched Ditang's hand, talking anxiously, but Ditang directly interrupted his words.

"I can't go back. I'm used to the bustling night city, so why would I want to go back? I just want to enter the palace. If you really treat me as my former playmate and friend who grew up together, then help me this time. "

Ditang withdrew his hand to keep a little distance, and said: "As a reward, I will give you all the money in my hand, and you will never have to run around for money for the rest of your life."

She took out all the silver jewelry in her sleeve pocket and put them on the table.

Seeing this, Changxi shook his head and waved his hands, looking anxious and sad, "It's not like this, Xiaotang! I don't want your money at all, I just want you to be happy and stay away from that unfathomable palace wall!"

"Give you some time to think about it. To be honest, I have decided that I will not go back in my life. If you take the money and go to a remote town, you will live a richer life and marry a house you like. For a girl to be a wife, instead of indulging in fruitless facts, it would be wiser if she learns to recognize the reality."

After finishing speaking, Ditang took a bite of his big elbow.

"The taste is a bit off, but it's okay."

Changxi is in chaos.

He wanted to say a lot, and he said a lot, but the people in front of him didn't seem to be looking at him, and they were only concentrating on eating.

Ditang was finally full, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, got up and said, "I reserved two rooms upstairs, I'll go up to rest first, you should eat here and think about it."

She turned around and walked out the door. Chang Xi, who was sitting beside her, was stunned. He glanced at the money on the table. He had never seen so much money in his life, and his eyes were complicated.

Looking up at her figure again, I didn't expect her to become so strange.

Regardless of the people behind him, Ditang opened the door, and someone outside was also opening the door, and suddenly the two met face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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