villain she defiant

Chapter 422 Your Majesty, He Wasn't Broken Sleeve 22

Chapter 422 Your Majesty, He Wasn't Broken Sleeve 22
Ditang's pupils shrank slightly, and a sense of familiarity hit her soul.

In the hall of lights, the person in the high position looks like that person.

It is clearly the same appearance.

Different ages, different places, different identities, she looked at him like this, her mind was in a trance, clearly everything was different, but it seemed like she hadn't seen him growing up for a long time.

The door of the palace was closed, blocking her view.

Ditang's eyes calmed down, and he smiled self-deprecatingly.

For some reason, the target of every world is the face of the little mute.

But it's not him at all, he is obedient, like the lake, always calm and unsmiling.

Did the little mute after disappearing also fall into this world of endless quests?
Although this idea has been rejected by Xiao Qiuqiu.

But she still had a bit of a stubborn belief that this must be a joke played by old man Tiandao.

Su Jue and Qing Xi did not know what they were discussing in the main hall, but they never came out anyway.

In the middle of the night, Qingxi only came out. He was already weak, but at this moment, it seemed that a gust of wind could knock him down. When he walked out of the palace gate, he was still a little unsteady.

Ditang stretched out his hand to support him, and Qingxi thanked her with sideways eyes.

But he frowned for a moment, "On you..."

Ditang thought to himself, isn't this sprayed with floral fragrance to cover up the original smell, can this be recognized?
Qingxi: "Is it the smell of vinegar?"

She quickly raised her long sleeves and smelled it left and right, her face turned dark, it must be because she disliked the smell of sweat on her body! ?
But it's not that obvious, is it?
This guy has a really unique nose, even dogs can't compare to him.

She backed away a little.

Qingxi frowned and left.

It was late at night, and Su Jue was still busy before the case.

When he finally seemed to be sleepy, he decided to take a bath and rest, and the Jun, who didn't let anyone come to wait on him, let Sang He in this time.

The temple door is closed.

Tao Tao couldn't bear the spirit of gossip, and approached in a low voice: "The daughter of the Tai Tuo came in as a palace maid, and she waited so close. After all, the emperor is a man. How could he endure the attraction of beauty? This time, I'm afraid she's going to sleep, but It's a little weird that this person who is not right and speaking is just serving the bed like that."

But Di Tang said: "What's strange, what's not strange about this man, Your Majesty?"

"That's true." Tao Tao nodded in response, suddenly shut his mouth again, and looked around, for fear of being overheard.

Looking back at her, seeing her clutching her stomach with a painful expression on her face, she hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"My stomach hurts suddenly, I'm going to go to the toilet first, you stay here first."

"Hey, you have so many things to do, go quickly!"

Ditang immediately disappeared, feeling like eyes and ears were watching her, Su Jue really still doubted her.

She really went to the toilet, and then turned into a flying insect and flashed away.

Flying into the hall, the veil of the inner hall has been lowered, and among the misty white gauze, is Su Jue who is undressing beside the bathtub.

What about undressing alone?

There was no sign of Sanghe.

Di Tang was slightly surprised, why didn't Sang He come to serve him?

She flew around looking for it, only to find that Sang He was in the corner outside the veil, fainted on the ground.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she expressed some sympathy for him, probably because the back of the neck was slashed, and it must have been very painful for Su Jue to attack him.

But Su Jue is really not a womanizer, such a fresh and lovely woman will hurt her next time.

After going through such a lot of trouble, is he trying to convey to the outside world that he is not a broken sleeve, and to send a signal to the Taifu that his daughter is here to sleep?

While Ditang was thinking, he had already flown inside, and Su Jue had already taken off his coat while the steam was steaming.

This man takes his clothes off really slow.

She stared for a moment.

944: ...

(End of this chapter)

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