villain she defiant

Chapter 444 Your Majesty, He Wasn't Broken Sleeve 44

Chapter 444 Your Majesty, He Wasn't Broken Sleeve 44
Ditang's goal is nothing more than to encourage her to leave here.

For one thing, it can save her life and stop living like a puppet.

Second, Su Jue can take the opportunity to ask the Grand Tutor for his daughter, who is the queen, but escaped from the palace privately, bringing shame to the king.It is a major matter that has to be pursued.

Sang He was originally a person with a wild personality, but after being suddenly sent to the palace by his father, his temper gradually smoothed out, becoming hesitant, fearful and fearful.

Ditang's words only made her run away in a hurry.

This reaction on the contrary shows that her heart has been shaken, and she likes Qingxi.

She went to Qingxi again and told him about Sanghe's poisoning.

Qingxi only felt suspicious, "How did you know?"

"How you know is not important, what is important is that if she stays in this palace for one more day, she will live one day less." Ditang stared at him closely, "Do you want her to die here?"

Qingxi's expression was slightly complicated, "She is the current queen, she cannot leave here, she belongs here."

"She's not anyone's queen, she's just herself, she's Sanghe. She's like a walking dead every day in the palace. You must have seen her every day. If you want her to live happily and healthily, help her Bundle."

Qingxi's slightly pale face showed torment, and his lowered eyes seemed to be making up his mind.

But he didn't answer her right away.

Ditang never gave up, and finally on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the implementation of the escape plan was ushered in.

She's not selfish either, it just so happens that the two potential hidden dangers are gone, which is good for her main goal of capturing the male lead.

944 was very worried, [Lord Ditang, aren't you afraid that after Qingxi left, the hero's temperament would change drastically and he would make a big mistake? ]
"Didn't he kiss me before? It means that his sexual orientation is already clear, he likes women." Ditang said with a smile, his expression changed, "Also, Qingxi is Su Jue's only relative in this world, let him stay away from court. He will be a blessing if he is with the woman he loves."

During the night banquet in the Mid-Autumn Palace, Qingxi escaped from the palace with Sang He, who was pretending to be an eunuch.

The escape route was still customized by Ditang, it was the same route that her little bamboo horse used to take.

That route is perfectly safe.

But Ditang pretended to be Sanghe and delayed the time. After they left the palace, someone came to ask the queen to go out, but only found a lot of luxurious clothes.

She failed to go to the banquet in her own right.

But turned into small flying insects to watch.

Not long after, everyone at the banquet knew about it.

The cheerful atmosphere dissipated, and Su Jue ordered people to chase him. He became very angry, very angry, and pointed at the Tai Tuo's nose to ask for responsibility.

Master Tai Tu was very surprised, and faced Jun Wei's anger, he explained repeatedly.

"There must be some misunderstanding! Your Majesty, you must find out!"

"It couldn't be more obvious. The daughter you tried to send into the palace has only been a queen for more than a month, but she ran away from the palace. Did you tell me to play an orphan?"

After Su Jue finished yelling, he smashed the flagon on the table.

The ministers below knelt down one after another, terrified.

The Tai Tu lord raised his head and cried out his grievances, "Your Majesty, my little girl has committed such a big mistake, I will definitely bring her back and send her to your Majesty to deal with it."

Su Jue looked at all the officials with cold eyes, "It's better to be like this, otherwise I will never forgive you."

Di Tang watched coldly from the sidelines, and suddenly wondered if Su Jue knew about it?
Because although his acting skills are good, she doesn't feel half sincere or sad.

And deliberately concealed Qingxi's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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