Chapter 55
Zhao Chao served each of them a bowl of rice, because it was cooked before they came, so the average amount of rice was not much for each of them.

Ditang's bowl of rice soon bottomed out.

And Fu Huayan didn't move at all, and didn't take a few mouthfuls of food.

So Ditang turned his gaze to him.

His eyes were staring, and his saliva seemed to flow out.

Fu Huayan was very disgusted and pushed the bowl in front of him, "Eat, eat!"

Ditang took the bowl over, smiled sweetly at him, and began to eat.

Cooked fish soup soaked in rice, served with shredded pork with green peppers, she ate all of them in her stomach.

After eating, he licked the corner of his mouth and said to Zhao Chao, "Teacher, it's delicious."

He usually eats alone, but today he is happy to have such a supportive student.

"It's as good as it suits your appetite."

The meal was almost finished, so Fu Huayan got straight to the point.

"Zhao Chao, this school girl is a little disturbed psychologically, please show her."

Zhao Huan probably also guessed that he came because of this, nodded, "Okay, wait until I finish washing the dishes."

in his study.

Ditang was sitting on a deck chair, Zhao Huan was sitting next to her, and Fu Huayan was sitting on the other side.

"Do you not mind?" Zhao Chao confirmed again.

If Ditang disagrees, he can throw Fu Huayan out at any time.

Ditang smiled, "I don't mind."

After collecting the money, how can I mind.

Zhao Huan nodded, with a gentle expression on his face, "Okay, let's start."

"Say what you want to say, I'm listening."

His voice was very gentle and pleasant, and the lights in the room were dimmed.

Very quiet.

In fact, Ditang didn't have any troubles, and some of them were probably——

"I'm poor, I don't have enough to eat, the old man in the family is a gambler, and the family is as poor as a bottle, but the old man is useless and beats people, my mother was beaten badly, and I was beaten badly, but in the future It won't happen. Killing people is not acceptable in this world, so I have no choice but to make his life worse than death."

She said it was all very peaceful.

Doesn't sound like someone who's been suffering and oppressed for a long time.

Fu Huayan was listening by the side, was what she said true or false?

There will be a kind of person who twists and explodes in depression for a long time, and she may be this kind.

If not made up.

"You know it's not right, you want to fight, you're brave."

Zhao Chao said in a soft voice, but he also had strength, "A sinful father, the damage left behind is far beyond everyone's imagination, so you want to get rid of him and make him suffer, yes, such a person should be punished .

But there is more than one way, we can take the help of the law, take up arms..."

"That's too cheap for him." Ditang interrupted him, raised his eyes and smiled at him, "Teacher, I won't break the law, don't worry."

Later, she replied calmly to what Zhao Huan said, seemingly revealing everything, but she was an outsider with a high defense line.

Calm, indifferent, and cold-blooded.

Ditang yawned and got up from the recliner, "Teacher, thank you for your hard work today."

"Student Wang Yuetang, you can still talk to me in the future..."

"If the teacher treats you to dinner, I'll come over." Ditang blinked her right eye and smiled playfully.

Zhao Rong smiled helplessly.

Fu Huayan looked at Ditang even more carefully, what kind of person is this?

Can live so carefree and self?
"what time is it?"

Di Tang asked him.

Fu Huayan recovered his senses and looked down at his watch, "09:30."

"Then I have to go home."

At this time, Chen Songmei probably arrived home.

Leaving from Zhao Chao's house, Ditang supported the motorcycle, "I'll take you this time."

(End of this chapter)

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