After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 204 The Sinner (1 more)

Chapter 204 Sinner ([-]st update)
"go in."

After a long time, Mu Wu sighed and pulled Zheng Xiaen to enter the house.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Zheng Xiaen didn't plan to stay outside for a long time, so Mu Wu wanted to drag her in, but she didn't refuse.

However, just as Zheng Xiaen turned around, Zheng Xiaen suddenly felt an aura that made her extremely uncomfortable.

Zheng Xiaen shook off Mu Wu's hand holding her wrist, took a step forward, and was a hundred meters away in an instant.

Ah Hu in the Sea of ​​Consciousness also exploded at the moment Zheng Xiaen stepped out.

"It's that thing, why did it appear here?"

Ah Hu solemnly switched the screens on the monitor.

When switching to the gate of Zheng's old house, Ah Hu suddenly saw a disgusting black mist and stood up abruptly.

Xiaofu noticed Ahu's suddenly violent spiritual power and quickly poked his head out of the white jade bracelet.


Xiao Fa was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect the monsters to appear here so soon! ?
This is how the same thing?

Zheng Xiaen stood above the void, frowning, and checked the entire Zheng family's old house, but found nothing unusual.

"What was it just now?" Zheng Xiaen frowned tightly, not knowing what it was that made her feel uncomfortable just now.

"what happened?"

Mu Wu followed Zheng Xiaen's footsteps, looked up at Zheng Xiaen in mid-air, and felt a little puzzled.

He didn't feel any other breath just now, so...

What did she see?

Just when Mu Wu frowned and looked at Zheng Xiaen, he suddenly felt a breath of cold air blowing in his ear.

who! ?
Mu Wu's pupils shrank, and he turned around warily with a cold face.

However, what Mu saw and felt, there was no one!
"You are a sinner..."

Mu Wu could not feel the presence of anyone or any living thing, but that voice...

That strange voice kept lingering in his ears.

"You don't deserve to stay by her side, leave her!"

Mu Wu stood there in a daze, his eyes slowly lost.

Zheng Xiaen didn't know what happened to Mu Wu, she was always looking for the breath that made her very uncomfortable.

Zheng Xiaen felt very strange, she clearly felt the existence of that breath just now, but when she chased over, it suddenly disappeared?

Guan Ge, who has been lowering his sense of existence, also noticed Zheng Xiaen's strangeness. After seeing Zheng Xiaen leave, he also hurriedly chased after him.

However, Guan Ge who was catching up saw Zheng Xiaen first, but Mu Wu standing there with his head lowered and motionless.

At this time, Mu Wu, in Guan Ge's eyes, was like a sleeping demon.

There is no violent and out-of-control spiritual power on Mu Wu's body, nor is there any frightening aura.

However, Guan Ge seemed to see evil from Mu Wu's ferocious expression!
Guan Ge's expressionless expression revealed a hint of doubt.

"Miss Zheng, Mr. Mu is a little strange!"

Although Guan Ge is puzzled by Mu Wu's current state, he is Zheng Xiaen's friend after all...

Moreover, the only one who is most qualified to solve these matters here is the mysterious Zheng Xiaen.

Therefore, without thinking, Guan Ge told Zheng Xiaen about Mu Wu's current state.

Zheng Xiaen, who was looking for the uncomfortable aura with her eyes calmly, suddenly heard Guan Ge's words, and her heart suddenly thumped.

"Mu Xiaowu!?"

Zheng Xiaen suddenly appeared in front of Mu Wu, looking at Mu Wu's dark and evil eyes, he couldn't help but took a deep breath.

Ahu, who had been paying attention to the demon in his consciousness, subconsciously showed his sharp claws when he saw Mu Wu in this state.

Ah Hu looked at Mu Wu in shock and vigilance.

 I wish you all a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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