After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 358 Inauguration Ceremony! ? (2 more) 2000+

Chapter 358 Inauguration Ceremony! ? (Second update) 2000+
Zheng Xiaen didn't care what Zou Chu was thinking, anyway, she had already guaranteed that Lei Yinuo would not die.

Not long after Zheng Xiaen left, he met Guan Ge who planned to report to him.

"Aren't you injured?"

The first time he saw Guan Ge, Zheng Xiaen saw the arm hanging around his neck, and with a restrained expression, he said, "Why didn't you take a good rest?"

After hearing Zheng Xiaen's words, Guan Ge shook his head solemnly, "The task must be completed first, otherwise we won't be able to rest at all."

Zheng Xiaen raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

She naturally understood what Guan Ge meant by not being able to have a good rest.

That is to say, if his mission is not completed, he cannot rest in peace.


Zheng Xiaen shrugged, found a small booth closest to them, and sat down.

"The Zheng family, how is the arrangement going?"

Not long after Guan Ge came back, and even before his injuries were properly treated, she gave Guan Ge another task.

That is to arrange those who leave from Zheng's house.

Although Zheng Xiaen said that he disbanded the Zheng family, he didn't really let them go.

After all, the Zheng family is not a heinous person, but they are too cold-blooded towards people and things.

"According to your wishes, miss, they have all been sealed with spiritual power and sent to the mortal world."

Zheng Xiaen listened and nodded.

In fact, Zheng Xiaen is still very relieved about Guan Ge's ability to handle affairs.

"You ask Guan Shi to take some people there and keep an eye on them secretly. I'm afraid they will cause trouble in the mortal world!"

Zheng Xiaen lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and felt that it would be better to find someone to watch them.

Coincidentally, I heard that Shan Yuanxi arranged for Guan Shi to enter the mortal world again, to bring the newcomers to continue training, and by the way, let them pay more attention to them.

"Yes, ma'am."

Guan Ge nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "By the way, miss, do you need to talk to the suzerain about this?"

"Whatever, it doesn't matter if you say it or not."


Guan Ge nodded to Zheng Xiaen, and then began to prepare to notify Guan Shi.

"Sister, why do you plan to come to Hell?"

As soon as Guan Ge left, Mo Ling's figure suddenly appeared at the place Guan Ge had stood before.

"What are you doing in the underworld?"

Zheng Xiaen heard the sound, glanced at Mo Ling, and then asked very doubtfully.

"Sister, have you forgotten that you still have an induction ceremony?"

Mo Ling smiled and squatted at Zheng Xiaen's feet, leaning on her lap, "Sister, you know, I've been waiting for a long time for this inauguration ceremony."

Zheng Xiaen looked at Mo Ling's clean little face with a bright smile, subconsciously raised his hand, and placed it on Mo Ling's smooth long hair.

In my impression, there seems to be such a little girl who likes to lie on her lap and just look at her with a smile.

But when did that happen?
Zheng Xiaen frowned suspiciously, as if it had been a long time ago.

In fact, from the first time, when she recovered from the tyrannical emotion, Zheng Xiaen had a strange feeling.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but since that time, she has had the feeling that she has lived for a long, long time.

There is also a feeling that she seems to have a lot of things that she can't remember.

However, there was no problem with her memory.

What about that feeling of emptiness and loneliness in the soul?


Mo Ling didn't hear Zheng Xiaen's answer for a long time, so he looked up at her very puzzled.


Seeing that Zheng Xiaen still didn't respond, Mo Ling raised his head and called out in doubt again.


Zheng Xiaen suddenly responded in doubt, looked at Mo Ling who was puzzled, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sister, what are you thinking?"

Mo Ling tilted his head and asked curiously.

"I was thinking, why, from the very beginning, have you been calling me sister?"

Mo Ling was stunned, stood up from Zheng Xiaen's feet, and sat on a stool nearby.

However, she did not answer Zheng Xiaen's question for a long time.

Seeing that Mo Ling didn't speak, Zheng Xiaen didn't find it strange.

In fact, even though she is the ruler of the underworld now, when it comes to some things, they won't talk to her at all.

"Could it be that before I became Xia Ge, I stayed in the underworld?"

Even if Mo Ling didn't answer, Zheng Xiaen still had a way to find out some answers.

Just like now, when Zheng Xiaen's words just came out, Mo Ling looked shocked.

Obviously, I didn't expect Zheng Xiaen to ask so directly.

I didn't expect that she would ask such a question.

Seeing Mo Ling's expression, Zheng Xiaen restrained his expression, and slowly flattened the curvature of the corners of his lips.

"Hey, little Mo Ling, why are you pestering your sister again?"

Herring suddenly appeared, walked in front of Mo Ling angrily with short legs.

Mo Ling was taken aback for a moment, looked at her herring with her hands folded around her chest, and looked at her herring with a warning face, bit her lip, "Senior Herring."

Then he looked at Zheng Xia En with a face of complaint, "Sister..."

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

Don't look at her like that, you can't hide things yourself, and you don't blame her for prying something out of her...

"Sister, are you going to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the ruler of the underworld?"

Herring quickly closed his eyes, and then looked at Zheng Xiaen with a pure and harmless expression.


Zheng Xiaen pursed her lips and asked, "Can I not go?"

"Accordingly, no."

Herring shook his head, and said to Zheng Xiaen seriously: "This appointment ceremony is a ceremony to strengthen your mortal body and arrange a godhead for you. You must participate."

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

Then what are you asking?
"I don't have time right now, so let's postpone the appointment ceremony!"

Zheng Xiaen sighed, without thinking about it, he just said that.

Mo Ling: "..."


"Sister, become a god..."

Before Herring finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zheng Xiaen, "Wait!"

Zheng Xiaen closed her eyes, raised her hand, and covered herring's mouth, so herring subconsciously swallowed her words before she finished speaking.

"Let me ask you a question first, how long have you (she) been in the underworld?"

Zheng Xiaen supported her forehead, raised her head and asked Herring and Mo Ling.

When Mo Ling and Herring heard Zheng Xiaen's question, they first looked at each other suspiciously, and then Mo Ling said, "More than 200 years, almost 300 years."

Herring heard it and nodded in agreement.

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

"I'm so stupid!" Zheng Xia'en couldn't help but cursed, "You two are older than me, and you're still calling me sister?"

"Sister!?" Zheng Xia En said, looking at them with a half-smile.

Mo Ling: "..."


It turned out that she asked their ages because of this! ?

(End of this chapter)

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