After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 369 You Are Different (1 More) 1+

Chapter 369 You Are Different (One Update) 2000+
"Break through the retreat of Jindan?"

"Maybe, I haven't seen him for a while." The old man Zhiwei stroked his beard, smiled and shook his head.

"You'd better sit down!"

The old man randomly summoned a stool, helped Zhiwei to sit down, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I guessed before that if this aptitude testing activity is really an activity created by the leader of spiritual practitioners, it should affect the boundary markers, so I came here by myself out of curiosity."

"Then do you see anything?"

The old man knew that the old man Zhiwei had some skills, so he planned to ask his opinion first.

"What do you see, it's not like that."

Zhiwei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"what happened?"

The old man was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why the old man Zhiwei showed such an expression.

"I don't have much time. I came here just to see if I can get behind the leader who has been hiding behind me."

"What the hell happened?"

The old man was shocked when he heard what the old man Zhiwei said.

Although the old man Zhiwei's age is already in three digits, it's not going to be so soon that he's going to die.

Therefore, something should have happened that shortened the lifespan of Zhiwei old man.

"It's nothing."

The old man Zhiwei shook his head, not intending to tell that matter.

"Brother Qing, can you stay in your college for a while?"

The old man Zhiwei couldn't help coughing a few more times, Qingzhu heard it, and patted him on the back worriedly.

"With your body, I don't feel relieved to let you leave alone."

"It's really troublesome."

"Our brothers, when did we become so unfamiliar!?"

Qingzhu helped the old man Zhiwei into the academy, and directly helped him into the pharmacy.

"Your body needs to be checked before I can rest assured."

As he spoke, Qingzhu heard what seemed to be some strange noises outside, so he patted the old man Zhiwei on the shoulder and said, "Sit here for a while, and I'll go out and take a look."

Qingzhu followed the sound and felt doubtful in his heart, "What's going on?"

"!?who are you!?"

Just when Qingzhu was about to arrive at the boundary monument, Qingzhu saw a woman in a light-colored dress doing something to the boundary monument.

"What are you doing!?"

Qing Zhu took a stride, directly stimulated his spiritual power, and rushed towards Zheng Xia'en.

Zheng Xiaen felt the coercion of spiritual power, his eyes flickered, and he turned sideways subconsciously.

"what are you doing!?"

Zheng Xiaen stared at Qingzhu, pretending to shout angrily.

However, if someone who is familiar with Zheng Xiaen sees it, they will definitely be able to see that she is not angry at all now.

Not only is he not angry, but he also seems to be happy to see old friends.


Qingzhu's attention has always been on Zheng Xiaen.

At that time, Zheng Xiaen jumped directly onto the boundary marker in order to avoid Qingzhu's attack.

But this was also something that shocked Qingzhu.

The boundary marker of the world of spiritual cultivation is a medium connecting the world of spiritual cultivation and the Dao of Heaven.

From ancient times to the present, very few people have been able to stand on the boundary markers, because this is a kind of contempt for the way of heaven, and they will be punished by the way of heaven.

However, Qingzhu looked up at the sky.

Above the sky, there is still blue sky and white clouds, and there is no feeling of changing the sky.

Perhaps, above the blue sky, there seemed to be some changes1, but there was absolutely no intention of punishing that person.

"Xia Ge!?"

Qing Zhu called out uncertainly.

Among the people he knew, there was only one Xia Ge who could easily stand on the boundary marker.

Although the person in front of him looked like a man, his aura was not like Xia Ge's, and even his spiritual power fluctuations were very different from Xia Ge's.

However, Qingzhu still called out the name by mistake.

"I knew it, you must come back here!"

Just when Qingzhu tentatively called out the name 'Xia Ge', a woman in plain clothes quickly flew over from the very far horizon.

The only difference is that although she is in plain clothes, she wraps herself very tightly.

Especially the veil on her face, even the violent wind couldn't shake the veil on her face.


Suddenly, a short blade suddenly appeared behind Zheng Xiaen, and was blocked by a majestic spiritual power.

The two phases collided, making an extremely loud collision sound.

"Why are you still like this!?"

Zheng Xiaen turned her head, smiled and looked at the graceful woman standing on the top of the tree wearing a veil.

"You are different."

The woman squinted her eyes, looking at Zheng Xiaen from top to bottom with a pair of sharp eyes.


Not to mention the change of breath, even the bone age has also changed.

Even his cultivation level has regressed.

However, she had an intuition that the person in front of her was the one she was looking for.

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

"Back to you!"

Zheng Xiaen rolled her eyes and threw the deflected short blade back to her.

The woman stretched out her hand, and easily caught the dagger thrown back by Zheng Xiaen.

"Cultivation of Golden Core Stage!?"

The woman looked at Zheng Xiaen in amazement, "It seems that I can hang you up this time."

As she said that, the woman squinted her eyes and was about to rush like Zheng Xiaen.

However, as soon as she moved, she felt something pulling her under her feet.

Looking down, it was a vine.

Then, before the woman could react, vines from all directions wrapped around her at the same time.

Qing Zhu, who was standing below, looked at this scene and was inexplicably shocked.

It was the first time in his life that thousands of vines instantly covered the world.

"Xia Laosi, you are so shameless!"

The woman didn't react at all, and was instantly entangled by tens of thousands of vines.

The whole body, except for the exposed head, was entangled by vines.

Even, even if she was like this, she could still see countless vines entangled her again.

Unless she could shatter all these vines at once, even if she shattered a part of them, several times as many vines would immediately wrap around them again.


Zheng Xiaen smiled and said, "I'm not cheating."

"Old Qing, long time no see."

Zheng Xiaen took care of the woman's affairs, jumped down from the boundary monument, and greeted Qingzhu.

"Xia Ge!?"

Qing Zhu still couldn't believe it, after all, the current Zheng Xiaen looked very different from Xia Ge.

Let me talk about the eyes first, the eyes have changed a lot.

In Qingzhu's memory, Xia Ge's eyes, no matter what he looked at, were cold, indifferent and calm.

And now Zheng Xiaen, he felt the warmth in her eyes.

That kind of temperature that truly blends into the city and the crowd.

"it's me."

Zheng Xiaen curled her lips lightly and answered Qingzhu calmly.

"Where have you been all these years?"

(End of this chapter)

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