After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 394 Another chapter of seamless (4) (2 more) 2000+

Chapter 394 Back to Infernal Affairs (4) (Second Update) 2000+
"Huh? The rules of the lower realm?"

Zheng Xiaen took the gauze cap, but his eyes narrowed uncontrollably.

It seems that the lower realm also has its own protection mechanism against these so-called upper realm gods.

"Mu Fan, go and tell the lord, I will go to the lower realm."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Mu Fan quietly looked at Zheng Xiaen who was wearing a gauze hat, responded to Di Wu, and then left directly in the opposite direction to them.


Zheng Xiaen followed Di Wu's pace and asked doubtfully.

"You don't even know the lord?"

Di Wu raised his eyebrows, smiled and shook his head, "The Lord is the ruler of Wujian and the one who makes all the rules."

"The spiritual cultivation world..."

Zheng Xiaen subconsciously said 'spiritual cultivation world', and when he realized it, he had already said it.


Through the veil, Zheng Xiaen looked at Di Wu's reaction carefully, and after finding that there was nothing unusual about him, he asked again: "The way of heaven mentioned in the lower realm is actually this lord?"


Di Wu thought for a while, then nodded.

"You hesitated."

Zheng Xiaen frowned, "It means that my statement is not quite accurate."

"If you really want to count, the whole Wujian is what people call the way of heaven."

Di Wu took Zheng Xiaen to the original pond path.

"Every creature here is actually in charge of some things in the lower realm."

"And the lord is the one who makes the rules and is in charge of the laws of the world."


Zheng Xiaen tilted his head, expressing that he didn't quite understand.

"You mean, you are decentralizers, and the lord is the one who centralizes power? It means that you only have a part of the rights in your hands, such as breakthroughs in cultivation and thunder disasters, and the lord has the rights of all of you."

"It's not wrong for you to say that."

Di Wu thought about Zheng Xiaen's train of thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with her understanding in this way.

"What are you in charge of?"

Zheng Xiaen suddenly tilted his head and asked Di Wu curiously.

After listening to Zheng Xiaen's words, Di Wu looked up at Zheng Xiaen and stopped in his tracks.

"I have no right."

When Zheng Xiaen heard it, his expression paused, as if he had never thought about such an answer.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two became a little awkward.

At least, Zheng Xiaen thought so.

"Have you really been to the lower realm?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came into Zheng Xiaen's ears.

"Of course, when I completed the task, I took a look at the lower world from a distance. It was completely different from our Inseparable World."

A young boy's voice also sounded.

"Is it beautiful? Is it beautiful?"

"At that time, it was far away, and it looked quite beautiful. I have never seen that kind of scenery in Wujian."

"I'm so envious."

The elf sat on the back of a small carp, showing a longing expression.

"I also want to see what the lower bound is like."

"Do you really want to go?"

Seeing the embarrassing scene, Zheng Xia En just found a topic at random without thinking about it, and chatted with the little elf and the others.

"I want to, of course I want to, I heard it's beautiful there."

The little elf heard the question from behind, and before he could see the person clearly, he said what was in his heart first.

"It's you!?"

The elf turned around and saw Zheng Xia En wearing a veil, his eyes widened.

Then, he quickly regained his body.


Zheng Xiaen's face darkened, and he wrinkled his little face tightly.

Although through the veil, the elf couldn't see Zheng Xia En's expression at this time, but she still shook a few times.

Thinking about it, I thought of Zheng Xiaen's ugly face before.

"You hurt too much, don't you?"

Zheng Xiaen raised the veil in front of him, and looked at the elf with dissatisfaction, "I wanted to say that I would take you to see the lower realm, but if you want to come, you can't do it!"

Zheng Xiaen snorted coldly, put down her veil, and walked directly towards Diwu.

After this commotion, the awkward atmosphere between the two of them has eased somewhat.

"Your Majesty?"

When the elf saw Di Wu, he saluted hastily.

Last time, it was also because Zheng Xiaen was frightened that she forgot the etiquette she should have.

Seeing the elf's salute, Zheng Xiaen raised his eyebrows.

It shouldn't be, if Di Wu has no rights, why is he respected so much and called the emperor?

"Let's go."

Diwu glanced at the elf indifferently, and then said to Zheng Xiaen gently.

"Can I take her with me?"

Zheng Xiaen pointed at the elf, tilted his head and asked Di Wu.

Hearing what Zheng Xiaen said, the elf froze for a moment.

I don't understand, what are you doing with her?
Di Wu frowned, his cold eyes shot towards the place where the little elf was.

The elf shivered and subconsciously retracted into his stamens.

"There has to be someone to make trouble with me, right?"

Seeing that Di Wu was silent, Zheng Xia En lifted her veil and blinked her big eyes at Di Wu.

"You are so boring, I dare not count on you!"

Di Wu looked at Zheng Xiaen's blinking eyes, his ears turned red instantly, he shifted his eyes embarrassedly, and said, "It's up to you."

"Thank you."

Zheng Xiaen thanked Di Wudao, and walked towards the little elf in a bouncing manner.

Presumably, he was talking to the elf about something, for example, the destination of their trip.

Di Wu looked at Zheng Xiaen's figure and felt his heart beating extremely fast.

What exactly is going on?

Di Wu didn't understand at all, what happened to him?
From the first time he saw this woman, he became different.

Inexplicable feelings, inexplicable thoughts, and even inexplicable actions made Di Wu feel very confused.

Obviously he has only met the woman on both sides, but he has a feeling that the two of them have experienced a lot.

who is it?

Who is influencing him?
"You just said that boy Awu is going to the lower realm?"

A very energetic but very old voice came from the sky and entered Mu Fan's ears.

"Yes my lord."

Mu Fan lowered his head and replied very respectfully.

"Can you bring a woman who does not belong to Wujian?"

"Yes, my lord."

Mu Fan was stunned for a moment when he heard the old man's voice.

But Mu Fan quickly thought of the woman who made Jun Shang smile softly, and nodded.

"It seems that the gear of fate has already begun."

In front of Mu Fan, suddenly appeared an old man wearing a white robe, gray hair, and gray beard.

When Mu Fan saw the old man, he knelt down on his knees and called out respectfully and reverently, "Master."

"You go, I see."

The old man waved to the wooden sail.

Mu Fan understood, got up and left.

"After all, only you can end it."

The old man looked at the direction Zheng Xiaen and Di Wu left, calculated with his hands, and sighed deeply.

"The time is out of order, the soul is unstable, the troubled times have begun, and ten thousand years will be doomed."


The old man shook his head and sighed deeply again.

"It seems that I have to wait thousands of years for the old man to retire!"

(End of this chapter)

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