Dumb Girls in Another World

Chapter 118 Little Blue

Chapter 118 Little Blue
None of them could have imagined that it was too late to leave now, and the bloody killing was about to begin.

"What should we do now?" Eve tugged on Zicheng's sleeve anxiously. She regretted it. If she had known that this place was so dangerous, she would choose to stay in the small hotel to rest like Lika.

When she raised this thought, another voice suddenly sounded in her heart, she can't leave Zicheng alone, Zicheng is her best friend, she must protect Zicheng, even if she sacrifices herself life, but also to protect her.

This voice was extremely firm, and the little uneasiness in her heart was quickly replaced by that firm voice.

"Go and guard the resting place of Princess Nana, that demon must be with her." Ajel said.

"Okay, let's divide our troops into two groups, half of them will guard Princess Nana, and the other half will continue to save those girls." Ming Xi made a decision.

Everyone agreed, so Feng Wu and his expert team went to rescue the girls together, while Ming Xi led most of the people to guard Princess Nana.

When it was raining, Litty had said that the town was about to start to mess up, and their time was running out.

The two groups of people acted separately. Mingxi led most of the people to the manor where the branch master lived. Feng Wu and Ajieer went to find the next victim. Save a few more people.

Fortunately, the next family was not far from the small hotel where Feng Wu and the others sheltered from the rain. As soon as they walked to the door of that family, they heard the sound of arguing in the house.

"Let me go, Mom! I must go to the princess. The princess is in danger. I must go to her!" A nasal cry came from inside the gate. The voice sounded very young, no more than 20 years old. age.

It can be heard from the voice that the owner of this voice may have been crying for a long time, and even his voice has changed a little.

"Where can you go like this? Now those people in the town look at our family as if they were monsters. If you go out, the saliva of those people can drown you. What do you care about the princess!" A middle-aged woman's voice sounded out of breath from inside the door.

"I can't ignore the princess. The princess treats me with great kindness. Whatever I say, I will go to the princess and explain the matter clearly." The young voice was very firm.

"No, if I say no, I won't. Let the princess know the truth. Do you think the princess will let you go? Will she let our family go?" The woman's voice was full of anger and panic.

Feng Wu, Ajieer and the others looked at each other, and then knocked on the door. It was probably because there was too much commotion inside the door, and no one came to open the door for a while. It was Ajieer who slapped the door vigorously several times, which attracted the people in the room. come over.

"Who are you?" A middle-aged woman opened the door. The woman's face was a little old, but her clothes looked better than those of the previous families.

The woman looked at Feng Wu and the others with obvious doubts and guards in her eyes.

Ajel and the others didn't think there was anything wrong with the woman's eyes. Before the families in front cured their daughter, they also looked at them with such nervous and guarded eyes.

Since their relatives were pregnant with this pregnancy, these families have been living under the guidance of others, and there are some extremists who will pour animal blood and feces at their door. People are somewhat alert and careful.

"Hello, we are people sent by the Adventurer's Union to help you." Pei Qing took the initiative to take over the diplomatic work with a friendly smile.

"Adventurer's Union? Are you sent by the Adventurer's Union? Why didn't we know that the mayor went to the Adventurer's Union to take a mission?" The woman still didn't believe it.

Although the mayor of their small town is a nice person, he would not pay for such a good deed out of his own pocket. Like the magician from the Magician Union last time, every family in the town paid for it, especially those with daughters. After all, no one knows which girl will be the next victim, so everyone has contributed money, and of course the families who have been persecuted have contributed the most.

This time she didn't hear any news, and she didn't see the mayor sending someone to take the money. The mayor is not the kind of person who is selfless and self-sacrificing. Let her believe that the mayor pays for it himself. possible.

"It's not the task assigned by the mayor, but the owner of the small hotel outside the town. He hopes that we can help the people in the town. Just now we have visited several other families in the workshop. We have saved all those who could be saved. The child is also taken care of, why don't you let us take a look at your daughter first, the longer you leave it, the more dangerous it will be, and it will be better if you solve it as soon as possible."

"It's him!" The woman nodded, she believed it a little bit now, she knew the owner of the small hotel, he was really nice, some children from poor families in the town, he even took them into his shop In their small town, the behavior of the boss has always been guaranteed.

"Please come in quickly, I'll go and bring my daughter out." After the woman believed it, she immediately opened the door and Feng Wu and the others welcomed them in.

Feng Wu and others followed the woman into the yard. The yard was cleaned very clean and the environment was very good. It can be seen that their family is at least a middle or upper-middle family in the small town. If they hadn't met her daughter , life is probably better than most people in the town.

The woman's daughter was brought out with a big belly. The woman called her Xiaolan. Xiaolan was a very beautiful girl. After a day or two, this girl will be the same as the daughter of the previous family and cannot be rescued.

Help Xiaolan purify the evil energy in her stomach, without the evil energy trapping the baby spirit, the little spirit body in Xiaolan's stomach quickly flew out of Xiaolan's stomach, Xiaolan is draining the blackness in her body After the bleeding, the stomach flattened rapidly and gradually returned to normal.

Xiaolan looked at her flattened stomach, was out of breath from crying, and knelt down in front of Feng Wu with a plop.

"This adventurer, please, please save the princess. Princess Nana is in danger, please save her!" Xiao Lan knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately to Feng Wu.

Ajieer and Pei Qing exchanged glances, it seems that Xiao Lan seems to know something.

"Get up first, girl Xiaolan, can you tell us what's going on? We just met Princess Nana today. Isn't she fine? How could she be in danger?" Pei Qing gently pulled Xiaolan up , he was already good-looking, but now he specially made his voice very soft.

(End of this chapter)

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