Chapter 27 Voting
Zicheng pulled out her hand and looked at Eve with a serious face, "Eve, look into my eyes and tell me that you really never took the egg of the fire crocodile."

"I... I didn't take it, I really didn't take it." Eve said eagerly.

Zicheng shook her head in disappointment, "Eve, you took it, are you still not going to admit it?"

"I..." Eve was speechless.

"Eve, take the egg out, otherwise none of us will be able to save you." Irene looked at Eve expressionlessly. Her time was precious, and she didn't want to waste it on such things.

"Roar..." The terrifying roar sounded again, and it was obvious that the patience of the fire crocodile was limited.

"I'll take it, I'll take it!" Eve was frightened by the fire crocodile's cry, and it was obvious that no one in the team would help her. Eve may be willful, but she is by no means an idiot. If she didn't take it out, she believed that these people would leave her behind without hesitation.

Slowly, she took out a large fiery red egg from the space belt. This egg was accidentally discovered when she ran away in anger. After she found this monster egg, she thought it was her own. By chance, who knew that just as she put the egg into the space belt, the fire crocodile appeared and chased her all the way back.

I thought that there were so many people here, and they would definitely be able to take down this fire crocodile together, but I didn't expect that all of these people were so useless, so many people couldn't even make a move, so they could only hide, it was really useless.

Now that she has to take out the mutated fire crocodile eggs that she finally obtained, if she had known that she would not form a team with this group of people, it was really useless.

After scolding everyone in her heart, Eve felt much better.

Huo Crocodile got his egg, and under Feng Wu's persuasion, he didn't bother Eve any more. After saying goodbye to Feng Wu affectionately, he took the egg and left.

After the fire crocodile left, Ganard, a water magician, used water magic to extinguish the fire without causing a forest fire.

After they were finally safe, everyone found a place to sit down and treat their wounds. Except for Feng Wu, Zi Cheng, and Irene, everyone else was more or less injured.

The one who was injured the most was Perd. As the captain, he was very loyal. When a flame was about to hit Melisa, he pushed Melisa, but he was hit by the flame. He was quite injured. Heavy.

Fortunately, Irene is a wood-type mage. Wood-type energy has strong vitality and can be used for healing, but Irene alone is not enough. Although the wounds have been treated, it will take a while to recover completely.

"Captain, I suggest that Eve be expelled from our team. For a selfish and self-reliant guy like her who loves to cause trouble, if we are in the same team with her, I'm worried that we will be implicated by her at any time and fail this assessment." After Erin After treating his wounds, Hilde couldn't help but say.

This time, because Eve caused him to suffer an indiscriminate disaster, Sylde had already held his breath in his heart.

"Silde, why are you always targeting me! What did I do wrong! We came to this place to find opportunities, didn't we? It's a mutated fire crocodile egg. If you see it, you won't take it!" Yi Fu sneered.

Originally, Eve didn't dare to speak because of the fire crocodile's attack, but this time Sylde actually wanted to drive her away, how could Eve tolerate it.

If they really drove her away this time, then she would have no face in the future. Thinking of the possible ridicule, Eve felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching her heart.

"What did you do wrong! You have the nerve to ask this, so many of us have been hurt because of you, and you still don't know what you did wrong? How shameless are you to say that you are so innocent!" See Eve's innocent face that she was the victim made Hilde really want to slap her on the face.

"It's not me who hurt you, why blame it all on me." Eve felt that she was wronged too, okay, a good mutated fire crocodile just disappeared, she was more heartbroken than anyone else, I also want the pungent woman Sylde to reprimand loudly.The more Eve thought about it, the more pitiful she felt.

"I'm too lazy to say anything about you, captain, let's all vote, and raise your hands if you agree with her to stay. If more than half of the people raise their hands and agree with you to stay, then I have nothing to say. If everyone Some people agree with you to leave, so you can go away."

Sylde also noticed that it was impossible to explain to such a wonderful woman, and it would be more practical to vote directly.

"Wait for Silde, do you have to make trouble like this? Give Eve another chance, okay? I'll take a good look at her." Zicheng looked at Silde with a troubled expression, her relationship with Eve It has been pretty good. Although the two have known each other for a short time, Eve is her first friend since she came to this world. Zicheng doesn't want to see Eve being chased away by Sylde.

"Xiao Cheng!" Looking at Zi Cheng who was the only one who spoke for her, Eve was very moved. Sure enough, among these people, only Xiao Cheng was a good person.

"Okay, Zicheng, you don't need to say any more. This time, we all suffered such heavy losses because of Eve. She must be responsible for her own mistakes. I agree with Sylde, what is your decision, Captain?" Irene also didn't want to bear with Eve anymore, maybe it was because her butterfly wings flapped too hard.

She remembered that the assessment this time was not so dangerous. No matter what the reason was, it made the assessment more difficult. She didn't want to be in the same team as Eve, the ticking time bomb.

Pelder pondered for a moment. To be honest, the chivalry he was taught since he was a child, saying expulsion words to a girl is undoubtedly contrary to what he has learned since he was a child, but it is really not good for a girl like Eve to stay They're teamed up.

Everyone has a lot of opinions on this girl, Eve. If she is allowed to stay, what will happen to Chengyi again.

After thinking again and again, Peilder finally nodded, "Okay, let's vote with a show of hands. If you agree with Eve's stay, raise your hands."

After Peder finished speaking, only Zicheng raised his hand. The others either pretended to be treating the wound, or pretended not to hear. Everyone expressed one meaning. They didn't want Eve to stay in the team anymore. .

When Eve saw everyone's reaction, her eyes immediately turned red, with a look of resentment in her eyes. She was so ruthless towards these people that she would definitely take revenge if she had the chance.

"The result is already obvious. If you don't leave, no one welcomes you here." Sylde said with a gleeful smile.

" remember it!" Eve yelled angrily.

"Eve, stop messing around. I'll go with you." Zicheng was originally invited to join the team with Eve. Now that Eve is gone, it's not good for Zicheng to stay alone. It seems that she and Eve are together.

(End of this chapter)

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