Dumb Girls in Another World

Chapter 425 Extreme Survival Challenge Competition

Chapter 425 Extreme Survival Challenge Competition
In order to get Wood Heart, she will definitely be in the top ten in this competition.

It's just that this game is not easy to pass. It tests your survival ability and your ability to adapt.

Although it was a bit difficult, she had confidence in herself, and she must have a share in the top ten places in the end.

There are quite a few people who are as determined as Irene, and everyone wins the top ten. As for what the special mission is, it is not so important. As long as you can get this opportunity to enter the Star Palace, it doesn't matter what the mission is.

"Tianya, this is your chance to show off your skills. In the sword master department, there is no one who will be your opponent." Algros bumped Tianya with his elbow, smiling a little wretchedly.

Tian Ya didn't even look at him, and concentrated on wiping the long sword in his hand with the white cloth in his hand, with a serious and serious attitude, as if he was doing something very important.

"Stop it, have you signed up? I plan to show off my skills in the competition this time." Ruglas said eagerly.

"That goes without saying!" Algros patted his chest proudly.

"By the way, is Mingxi going?" Rugrat asked suddenly.

"Of course we're going. We've already reported our names. This time our entire team will go out together, and Elena will also go. Let's see who can stop us from getting the top ten."

Algros is still very confident about the overall strength of their group.

In addition to the Mingxi team, there are many teams where the whole team participates in the competition together. Although the team competition is randomly divided into groups, if you are lucky, you will be grouped together!

In the long-awaited, Jigen Survival Contest finally kicked off in the virtual world.

"Good morning, everyone, the current time is eight o'clock in the morning, the live report of the Extreme Survival Challenge Competition in this temple will be broadcast by me, your senior sister Tamansha, who is a seventh-grade senior.

I believe everyone has recognized the person next to me. Let’s welcome the vice president together! "

Under Tarossa's excited words, thunderous applause followed.

"Damn! It's really the vice president!"

"The vice president will actually come to host, I am not dreaming!"

The vice-dean sat on the stage and waved coquettishly to the students in the audience. In the school in the virtual world, a magic light screen appeared in mid-air. On the light screen, the faces of the vice-dean and Ta Luosha were particularly clear. Even the upturned corners of the vice-dean's mouth, hidden under his white beard, were clearly photographed.

Outside the school, a large group of people came to watch the excitement. These people were not from the Starlight Holy Court. They were lying on the wall and at the gate, watching with great interest in the activities held by the Starlight Holy Court.

"... This Extreme Survival Challenge will be divided into team competition and individual competition. Now the teachers of our college will send all the students into the arena. Please memorize the rules after entering the arena. Once you find a foul, but You will be disqualified immediately."

Tamansha blinked playfully, which immediately caused many boys in the audience to howl.

Passing through the gate of light, all the participating students of the school came to a large square, where all kinds of equipment needed for survival in the wild were placed.

On the stage, a teacher explained the rules of the team competition to everyone.

In the team competition, ten people form a group, and the whole team must reach the finish line to be considered a victory. If one person fails to reach the finish line, the whole team will be eliminated.

The team formation method is random, and the list arranged by the main god of the imaginary world, or the spirit of Qi, will be announced before the start of the game.

This list is all compiled at will by the main god of the virtual world, and it is absolutely fair and impartial.

Of course, the team list compiled by the main god is very likely to have serious deviations in strength, but luck is also a kind of strength. If you are unlucky and get put into a weak team, you can only say that you are a little behind. , no one can blame.

Before forming a team, all the participants have to do is to select the ones you need most from among the large number of outdoor supplies and bring them with you.

Each person can bring five items that you think are necessary, and you can choose less, but you are never allowed to choose more.

Feng Wu chose a camping tent in the wild, a water purification magic tool, this water purification magic tool has the function of purifying water sources, and this kind of magic tool with water purification function is very valuable in the outside world, and only in Mass production can only be achieved in a virtual world like the virtual world.

In addition to the tent and magic water purification equipment, she also picked out a flint and a sharp dagger, and finally she asked for an iron pot, which is the kind of iron pot used for cooking.

The five things are all alive, Feng Wu is the quickest pick, and many people don't know how to choose for a while.

Most people chose flint, some chose tents, and more people chose weapons.

Because both magic and fighting spirit will be banned in the competition space, weapons like magic tent and magic sword will not appear at all.

What appeared on the square were some very common weapons, including knives, swords and daggers, bows, arrows and axes, and even wooden sticks.

However, there were not many people who picked wooden sticks. Most of the boys picked knives or swords. Some young students picked swords or daggers, but there were really no people who picked wooden sticks.

After choosing the weapons you need, the main god announced the team list.

Feng Wu got together with several unknown men and women.

Among these people are fifth-grade seniors, and second-grade elementary school girls like Feng Wu. In short, there are different levels in this team, and the senior students look at Feng Wu and others with different eyes. Just write three big characters: dragging your feet.

There are six boys and four girls in the group. Among the six boys, there is one fifth grader, two fourth graders, and three third graders.

Among the four girls, one is in fourth grade, one is in third grade, and Feng Wu and another second-year girl in the mage department are left.

This kind of team is not considered strong, but it is not weak either, because most of the participants are from the sword master department, and there are not many mage department, and their whole team only has a second-year mage department girl.

Other than those from the sword master department, there were also three people from the alchemy department, the music department, and the pharmacist department.

There is not much combat power available in the entire team. If encountering a battle scene, I don't know if such a team can survive.

Auber, the only fifth grader present, scratched his head a little irritably. Such a combination is really hard to generate confidence.

The team was formed, no matter how unwilling it was, everyone had to say hello and began to introduce themselves.

"I'm Xinda, a fourth-year student in the Sword Master Department."

"I'm Kairon, a fourth-year student in the Alchemy Department."

"I'm Meijieen. I'm a third-year student in the Sword Master Department. My hobby is cooking. You can entrust me with the job of cooking in the future." Meijieen is a very cheerful boy and said with a smile.

"I'm Kaib, a third-year sword master."

"I'm Sandy, a third-year student in the music department." The girl named Sandy said shyly.

"I'm Anma, a fourth-year pharmacist."

"Hi, seniors and sisters, I'm Camille, a second-year mage student."

"I am Feng Wu, a second-year swordsman."

(End of this chapter)

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