Dumb Girls in Another World

Chapter 6 Central City

Chapter 6 Central City

Blinking her eyes, Feng Wu suddenly thought that she still had milk fruit to eat, Xiaoyue helped Xiao Baozi pick a lot of milk fruit and said.

Thinking of this, Feng Wu squinted her eyes and smiled, her mental power connected with the space ring, and one or two milk fruits appeared in Feng Wu's hand.

Feng Wu generously gave Tian Ke a milk fruit, and now that the two are both degenerates at the bottom of the well, of course Feng Wu will not be stingy.

Tian Ke took it with a blushing face. Fortunately, the bottom of the well was very dark. Except for the outline of the figure, he couldn't even see the skin color, let alone see if he was blushing.

Tian Ke blushed, thanked in a low voice, and took a bite, the juice bursting out of the fruit almost choked Tian Ke.

What kind of fruit is this?It's so juicy!There is also a milky taste, which I have never tasted before!Probably the high-end fruit that people in the city eat. Tian Ke found a reason for herself, so she didn't think about it anymore, sucked the juice from the milk fruit, and even licked off the ones that got on her hands one by one. .

One night passed like this, and the next day, when the first rays of sunlight hit the bottom of the well, Feng Wu carefully climbed out of the well, the surrounding houses had become ruins, and even the land was dyed. red.

Feng Wu stood by the well with the little bun on her back, looking at this strange village, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Not long after Feng Wu came up, Tian Ke also climbed up, pulling the rope for hanging the bucket.

Looking at the village that has become a hell on earth, Tianke's inner feelings are much stronger than Feng Wu's. After all, this village is where he grew up.

"Xiao Wu, do you have somewhere to go?" Although Tian Ke is relatively precocious, she is only a six-year-old child. All the familiar people died in a blink of an eye, and Feng Wu in front of him became the only one he still had. As a familiar person, I naturally began to be patient with her in my heart.

Feng Wu thought for a while, then shook her little head, the house was burned and she has no home, so she doesn't know where to go, should she go to Aunt Lian?But where does Aunt Lian live?She doesn't know.

"Then Xiao Wu, you might as well go with me. I have an aunt who lives in Central City. Let's go find my aunt together. My aunt and my uncle's family are different. She loves me very much." Thinking of loving His aunt, Tian Ke, wanted to cry. Ever since his father died, he had been stared at by his uncle's family.

Originally, he thought that when he grows up, he must take back the land and house taken away by his uncle's family. Unexpectedly, before he grows up, his uncle's family is dead, and he has no revenge. .

All of a sudden he lost his goal in life, and Tian Ke didn't know what to do in the future, but the only person he could turn to now was his aunt.

Thinking of her aunt's love for her, Tian Ke believed that her aunt would not despise him like her uncle and his family.

Go with Tianke?It seemed to be good, Feng Wu thought that she didn't know where to go anyway, so she agreed.

Feng Wu took two buns, one big and one big, and left the village where she had lived for several months.

As for the location of the central city mentioned by Tian Ke, neither Feng Wu nor Tian Ke has any idea.

Tian Ke only knows that the central city is far away, and it takes a long time to ride in a carriage. Feng Wu doesn't even know what the central city is, because since she came to this world, the farthest place she has traveled is the one not far away. mountain forest.

"How to get to Central City?" Feng Wu lowered her head and asked Tian Ke.

"Well... I don't know, I just know it's far, far away from here." Tian Ke looked at Feng Wu cautiously, fearing that Feng Wu would not take him there because he disliked the road being too far away, or leave him behind. He left alone.

Fortunately, Feng Wu didn't think too much, "Then what should we do?" Feng Wu asked again.

Feng Wu, who has always had a simple mind, never thought about how irresponsible it would be to ask a child about everything.

The education Feng Wu received since she was a child taught her one thing, if she doesn't understand, she has to ask, and she can't pretend to understand.

"Let's go to the nearest city first, get a map, and then set off." Fortunately, Tian Ke is more reliable, and he thought of a way as soon as he rolled his eyes.

Tianke also realized that this weird little sister Xiaowu was unreliable at all, and it was uncertain which of the two would take care of whom in the future.

The facts are clear, Tian Ke is completely truthful, since the two of them started on the road, Feng Wu followed Tian Ke all the way, and when she was hungry, Feng Wu went to hunt two pheasants or hares, and after hunting the prey, the work of cooking It fell on Tian Kesheng.

Ever since Feng Wu made a dark cooking that could beat people to death, Tian Ke never let Feng Wu cook again, the reason was that he didn't want to die young before seeing his aunt, Feng Wu shook his head , retreated to the second line, and never competed with Tian Ke for the job of cooking.

Tian Ke not only took care of the cooking, but also took care of Xiao Baozi's diapers. Now Tian Ke has completely taken over the work of changing diapers. , just feed half a milk fruit.

Three days later, the disgraced two came to a small town closest to the village. After Tianke asked how much money Feng Wu had, he asked the most convenient hotel all the way, and the two asked for a room. live down.

One big and one small took a good bath, and the little buns were washed by Tianke. The three of them stayed there for three days. There was no place to take a bath, and there were people passing by the small river passing by. Xiao Baozi was too small, it was impossible to wash him directly in the river.

It's not easy to come across a place where you can take a bath, Feng Wu and Tian Ke naturally have to wash well.

Asking the proprietress to help boil two buckets of hot water, both the elder and the younger took a good bath, ate another meal prepared by the hotel, and then slept soundly.

When Feng Wu went out, she took all the clothes she had, but Tian Ke didn't bring any change of clothes.

So Feng Wu asked the proprietress to help Tian Ke prepare some clothes for the little boy.

The proprietress is a good person, because she also has a son who is older than Tianke, so there are a lot of boy's clothes in the house.

Hearing that the siblings escaped from the previous village, the proprietress directly gave all her son's old clothes to Tianke, and Feng Wu thanked the proprietress seriously.

Even Tian Ke blushed and said thank you like the proprietress.

The fact that Tianke's village was slaughtered by bandits has spread to the town. The proprietress knows that Tianke and Feng Wu are both survivors in the village, so she sympathizes very much. Even the meals prepared for them are better than those for others. Ask for a larger portion.

Feng Wu felt that the proprietress was a good person, so she asked the proprietress how to go to the central city. The proprietress only said that the central city was far away, and it would take at least a year or two to go to the central city on their own feet.

(End of this chapter)

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