Dumb Girls in Another World

Chapter 605 The Mysterious Old Widow

Chapter 605 The Mysterious Old Widow

The people in the village continued to live their own lives, until the first outsider came to their village, and they realized that it wasn't those wicked people who disappeared, it was actually them who disappeared.

Afterwards, a few visitors came one after another, and they could no longer leave like the people in the village. Some people thought about leaving this isolated world from the lake, but the passage at the bottom of the lake seemed to allow people to enter. No one is allowed to leave, and no one can return from the original route.

In the past 20 years, there have been ten outsiders who accidentally entered this place. These outsiders are now accustomed to the life in the village, and they have not made trouble in the village. Everyone lives and works in peace and happiness.

He can be sure that some of the things about those outsiders must have been concealed, but the locals don't say anything, and the outsiders don't want to talk about it. Even if they want to inquire, they can't get any news.

"That's why Lai Ye is the most likely suspect. She is the most likely person to seal the village." Han Xia sipped the juice Feng Wu took out and whispered.

"Yes, but all this is still my guess. I can't be sure whether it is her or not." Han Jiang said.

"It seems that we have to keep an eye on that Laiye, how is that Laiye now, is she married to her childhood sweetheart?" Ajel pushed the empty glass away.

"They got married 20 years ago. On the seventh day after the village was sealed off, the village head's family hurriedly organized the marriage for them. Now one of their children is already born, and the younger one is 12 years old," said Han Jiang. .

With this clue from Laiye, they decided to keep an eye on the Laiye family, hoping to find something useful.

Laiye's family is just like an ordinary family, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. Laiye is already thirty years old today. Ordinary people who have not practiced magic and fighting spirit cannot be immortal.

Therefore, the 38-year-old Laiye already has traces of time on her face, but these traces do not damage her beauty. No wonder the sword master spent so much effort to marry Laiye. Laiye 20 years ago was afraid What a stunning beauty.

Laiye's husband is named Kamen, a blacksmith in the village, and a very honest person. When Laiye and Kamen are together, their eyes are very gentle. When they get along, they are full of love. with warmth.

No wonder Laiye is unwilling to marry that swordsman he has never met. Laiye must love this man very much.

"While they are all here, let's go to her house to see if there is anything suspected to be a sacred artifact!" Han Xia said.

It made sense, so the four let Hanjiang stay here to watch out, and the others went to Laiye's house to find the holy artifact.

As a result, when the Laiye family came back, they still found nothing, and Mingxi and the others still found nothing.

The four returned to their hut with some disappointment, "Why is there nothing? Lai Ye is obviously an ordinary person who has never practiced before. Where can she hide the holy artifact?"

"Could you have made a mistake, is it really Lai Ye who sealed the village?" The baby said casually while eating a snack lollipop.

"Master Baby, did you find something?" Han Xia immediately retreated and ran to Baby's side flatteringly.

"This baby has indeed discovered something. In fact, apart from what happened to Laiye, another thing happened 20 years ago." The baby is still very satisfied with this flattering action, so it said mysteriously.

"Another thing? No way, I've inquired about all the big things that happened 20 years ago, there's no way I don't know about it!" Han Jiang thought about it and didn't think about what the baby said .

"Twenty years ago, there was an old widow at the east end of the village who had two beautiful daughters. The old widow and her two beautiful daughters depended on each other for life. Because the widow was deceived by a man, she told her daughter never to trust a man. As a result, her eldest daughter and her second daughter The daughters all fell in love with men outside the village, and the two men also came to the village to propose marriage to them.

Unexpectedly, it was so bad that the old widow strongly objected. She beat the two daughters until they couldn't even get out of bed, and warned the man the two daughters liked not to approach her daughter again.

The dominance of the old widow made the two daughters unbearable. In the end, the two lovers met to elope. Unfortunately, just the day before they decided to elope, the sword master suddenly came to the village, intending to marry the village head's daughter by force, and even sent people to surround her. the village.

The two daughters of the old widow failed to elope because of this incident. On the eighth day, the village was sealed, and then the two daughters were also trapped in the village, and they have never married until now. "

These also happened in the same period, but fewer people know about it. If it hadn't been flying around the village to listen to the corners, it would not have heard such privacy.

"You suspect that the old widow sealed the village in order to prevent her daughter from leaving her to marry?" If this guess is true, that old woman is quite perverted.

Han Xia thought that if she had such a terrible mother, her scalp would go numb just thinking about it.

"Why didn't the two of them get married all this time? If they don't marry people from other villages, they can still marry people from the village?" Han Xia asked a little puzzled.

"Their mother is really perverted. Because she feels that she has suffered from men, she thinks that men in the world are not good things. She doesn't allow her daughters to approach men, talk to men, and let them marry. Anyway, she just wants her two Daughter, just be lonely like myself forever."

Bao Bao rolled his eyes, thinking of that perverted old woman, he panicked.

"If you want to talk about sealing the whole village, if it were that perverted old woman, she would definitely be able to do it." Ajer thought of the old widow mentioned in the baby's mouth, and that image was as perverted as it seemed.

Everyone agreed unanimously that the perverted old widow had a serious suspicion, and this suspicion was much greater than Laiye.

In order to find out if it was the old widow who did it, they went to the old widow's house in the dark to find out the truth of the matter.

Unfortunately, the old widow's room was locked tightly, and there wasn't even a window left. It was really not easy for them to find out whether she did it.

This village is weird. If you use magic or scrolls casually, who knows if there will be any unexpected consequences. To be on the safe side, none of the four used magic and grudges.

They searched for a long time in the courtyard of the old widow's house and found nothing suspicious. As for the two daughters of the old widow, if there were any holy artifacts that could seal the whole village, she would never put them on the two who wanted to escape at any time. daughter's room.

So things are still most likely in the old widow's room.

The old widow locked her room tightly, and they couldn't get in even if they tried to find a place to get in. No wonder.

The next day, they continued to stare at the old widow's family and found that except for her two daughters who were working every day, the old widow didn't even leave the house. How could they get in to find the sealed sacred artifact? !

Finally, after staring at it for two days, the old widow went out on the night of the full moon.

When she went out, she was wearing a black cloak, her whole body was covered by the cloak, not even a bit of flesh was exposed.

While the old widow was going out, they immediately went into the old widow's room to use the sealing artifact. The baby was sent to follow the old widow to see what she wanted to do when she went out so late.

The old widow's room was pitch black with no light or shadow, Han Xia took out the flint and lit it, and looked at the things in the room at first glance, Han Xia immediately forgot where it was, and screamed in fright.

This scream immediately attracted a burst of footsteps. There is no doubt that these two people who came running were the poor daughters of the old widow.

The old widow and the sisters in the room knew about it, so suddenly there was a scream from a stranger, and the two sisters immediately rushed into their mother's room with a kitchen knife.

"Are you outsiders? What are you doing in my mother's room?" The two sisters watched Feng Wu and the other four outsiders warily.

"Don't worry, we're just here to find a way out." Ajel raised his hands to show that he was harmless.

(End of this chapter)

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