Chapter 67 Prom
The city lord's mansion tonight is because of the birthday of the young lady of the city lord's family, Ms. Angel, so the city lord's mansion is brightly lit, surrounded by festoons and festoons, and there is a lot of traffic. It looks very lively.

The ones who came down from the carriage were all dressed in gorgeous dresses, with decent smiles on their faces, and handed in their invitations one by one to enter the city lord's mansion.

Music was already playing in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, because the dance hadn't started yet, and people arrived at the dance scene one after another.

It was the birthday of the city lord's daughter, and those who wanted to marry the city lord would not miss this opportunity. In addition to the rich merchants and nobles of the city, there were also some businessmen and adventurers who came to Frost City for business.

These people who were invited to host were either powerful, financial, or status-in short, they were not ordinary people.

And Pierre was on the invitation list because he was a native of Frost City and his family had been in business for generations.

Entering the ball hall, Feng Wu was wearing a pink dress with a simple hair accessory on her hair, which looked lovely and generous.

As for Ajel, because he is a beautiful boy, coupled with the incomprehensible temperament on his body, he can attract the attention of others wherever he goes.

Pierre was much inferior to the two of them, because Pierre's family was already in decline, so not many people greeted him, and Pierre, who was ignored by no one, was almost lost.

Feng Wu walked into the hall and made a large plate of food with a plate, and then hid in the corner with Ajer to eat.

After Pierre walked around the venue, he pretended to bring some food and came to join Feng Wu and the others.

"The two over there are Wenda and Dusha." Pierre carefully pointed to the two not far away.

Ajieer and Feng Wu followed Pierre's fingers, and saw a man and a woman. The man was gentle and elegant, with a scholarly demeanor, while the woman was beautiful and gentle. I believe that no one can compare the two. They are associated with scumbags and girls.

Agel looked at them for a long time without any trace, and didn't see anything wrong with them, just like two ordinary people.

"I don't like him." Feng Wu said suddenly.

"Who, is it Madame Tussauds? That woman is indeed a bad woman." Pierre realized the sarcasm he thought he understood.

"That man." Feng Wu shook her head and said.

"Man! It's Mr. Wenda? Mr. Wenda has indeed changed. He was a nice person when he didn't know Dusha before, but now he has become so cold and heartless." Thinking of how kind Mr. Wenda was to him before, how could he be like that? Now he is simply a bastard who is dazzled by beauty.

"It's that devil! That devil is here!" Liddy's voice sounded next to Feng Wu, her voice full of fear.

Litty is the name of the undead girl. After returning to the small hotel, Litty told Feng Wu her life experience and her name.

Litty was taken to that cave and killed half a year ago. She was an ordinary village girl. Her parents had passed away in an accident before her accident, so she lived alone all the time, because Litty's parents left Some money and real estate are given to her, so she can live a decent life.

Except for some jealous people in the village who want to plot against her from time to time, because the village head is a kind person, and he has been protecting her, but those people have not been punished.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. One day when she woke up, she found herself in a cave, and then a man in a black robe drained all the blood from her body. For the undead, and then watched the demon capture a girl every once in a while, and put the girl's blood into the blood pool.

In this way, a few people died continuously, and their souls became resentful spirits after death, and they were trapped there without relief. Fortunately, that person could not see the spirit body, so their souls were preserved.

It is impossible for Litty to have no hatred in her heart. Her greatest wish is to kill that demon and avenge all the hurt girls.

"Who is it?" Through Feng Wu's report, Agel also knew what Lidi was calling, and his heart suddenly tightened.

Liddy pointed in a direction and shouted loudly. Fortunately, she was a spirit and no one could hear her no matter how loud she shouted.

"Is it Wenda or Dusha?" Pierre also knew about the other task Feng Wu was responsible for. He did not expect that the murderer of the two tasks might be the same person, but is this possible?
"It's Mr. Wen Da." Feng Wu said with certainty.

"Wenda?" Ajel raised his eyebrows. He thought it would be Dusha, but he didn't expect it to be Wenda. This is really interesting, and the corner of his mouth curled into a meaningful smile.

"Mr. Wenda is the murderer of so many girls!" If it weren't for the wrong situation, Pierre would have wanted to scream.

Litty flew in front of Wenda and kept yelling at him, but unfortunately Wenda couldn't hear anything at all, Litty was flirting to the blind man.

"That Dusha must have a question. If the murderer is really Mr. Wenda, then it must be Dusha who is behind it." Pierre said with certainty.

"It's also possible what you said. It's impossible for a person to suddenly change so much." Agel did a thorough investigation of Mr. Wenda's character, and all those who worked in their house said he was a very good person. Sir, you are gentle and courteous, and never lose your temper with your servants.

Such a good man suddenly turned into a murderous devil. If there is no special reason, Ajieer really wouldn't believe it.

Feng Wu stood aside and ate obediently, her small mouth was full of food, and she was not as interested in this topic as the food in her hand.

"The Lord of the City is here!"

"Miss Angel and the mayor's wife are here too!"

The guests put down the food in their hands, or ended the topic they were talking about, and stood on both sides to greet the city lord and his family.

Behind the city lord's family, there was also a boy and a girl. The boy had silver hair, no emotion in his ice-blue eyes, and the aura on his body was as cold as winter.

The girl next to the boy was the complete opposite. The girl's hair and eyes were exactly the same as the boy next to him, making it easy to see the blood relationship between the two.

There was a bright smile on the girl's face, and her long snow-white dress made her even more beautiful and lovely.

"Hello everyone, welcome to my little girl's birthday party. Next, my little girl will start the dance. The dance officially begins." Thunderous applause rang out from the audience.

Angel directly invited the white-haired boy to dance, the boy hesitated and remembered agreeing, and a couple of boys and girls began to dance.

"Fuck! That guy is here too!" Ajer's expression was a little strange when he saw the white-haired boy appearing. I really didn't expect to see that guy in this place, but this is also the guy's base camp. , it is normal for him to appear here.

(End of this chapter)

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