Chapter 31
Just now I was full of confidence and wanted to take a group photo, but now when I heard Mu Xingwan's voice, I became very shy, buried my head, and said with some hesitation: "Hello, you are so beautiful, we Can I take a picture with you?"

It turned out to be this request. Mu Xingwan smiled warmly and said, "Okay."

When they heard the affirmative answer, they felt a little incredible and asked repeatedly in surprise: "Really?"

Mu Xingwan still said in an amiable manner: "Of course, what do you use to take pictures, a mobile phone?"

The girl hurriedly took out her mobile phone and handed it to Mu Xingwan.

Mu Xingwan took the phone, walked around the round table and walked to the side of the two of them, pointed the phone's camera at her, and said with a slight smile, "Smile."

Mu Xingwan pressed the shutter button, looked at the photo, and found that it was not bad, so she returned the phone to them, and said softly: "You can take a look, can you? If not, let's take another one."

The girl took the phone, glanced at it, and said directly: "Well, okay, thank you, you are so good-looking."

Mu Xingwan smiled and nodded, "Thank you, don't be so nervous, relax."

Perhaps it was Mu Xingwan's approachable and good personality that calmed their emotions a little bit, and made them more courageous invisibly.

The girl swallowed her saliva and said, "Well, thank you. We just think you are too beautiful. We think you should be that kind of aloof person who is beyond the reach of mortals like us."

Mu Xingwan reached out and patted her shoulder and said, "Don't say that, I'm just an ordinary person, just like you, so take it easy, ah!"

"Well, okay." The girl nodded and said, "Oh, by the way, you should be here to interview as a trainee, so we wish you success."

Perhaps Mu Xingwan's reassurance really worked, the girl really relaxed a lot, and asked such a sentence on her own initiative.

Mu Xingwan shook her head and replied, "No, I'm not here to interview trainees, I'm here to interview an agent."

"Agent?" The girl was taken aback by Mu Xingwan's unexpected answer, "Are you here to interview an agent?"

Mu Xingwan nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

The companion said: "We thought you were here to interview trainees? After all, your appearance is obvious to all, and we think you should be quite suitable as an artist."

Mu Xingwan smiled, "Artists are indeed pretty good, but I still prefer to be behind the scenes. It may be more suitable for me to help artists succeed."

The girl pursed her lips and nodded, "Well, that's not bad."

These two girls gave Mu Xingwan a good feeling, so she asked, "What about you? Are you here for an interview or something?"

The girl said, "Oh, I'm here for an interview for finance."

The companion said: "I'm here to interview the secretary."

Mu Xingwan pursed her lips and said, "Yeah, not bad, come on."

The girl also smiled and said, "Well, thank you, by the way, I haven't introduced myself yet? My name is Yao Zi."

"My name is Xue Shiqi."

"Hello, my name is Mu Xingwan."

Yao Zi said: "Xingwan? Your name is really nice, you really live up to your name, your name is nice, and you look so good-looking."

"Well, yes." Xue Shiqi agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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