Chapter 60 Main Storyline 1
A month later, finally came the day that Qingqing was looking forward to the most. Today will be the first main storyline in the plot.

"Qingqing, why do I feel that you are very happy today!" Yun Sihan asked, she felt that Qingqing had an infectious power, and seeing her smiling happily, her mood would naturally improve.

"Yeah." Of course she was excited. Entering the main storyline means that she will soon be able to witness the big scene of history. The advance is that she can live through that time. Although this novel has not been updated, it only writes about the villain Bai Yucheng for the time being. Defeated by the hero Xie Qimo.

"You didn't miss anything, did you?" Yun Sihan smiled, looking at Mianmian beside Qingqing's feet, "It seems that it really sticks to you."

Su Qingqing and Mianmian looked at each other, and said with a smile, "It's good to be clingy!"

She told her about the contract she had made with Mianmian, because after all they both lived and practiced in the same place and had many opportunities to meet, so it would be better to talk about it first.

"The task has been approved." Xie Qimo took a scroll and walked towards them slowly.

But today everyone had their own swords pinned to their waists, except for one person, that is Bai Yucheng, only he didn't have anything around his waist, he still had a calm face, and didn't think there was any problem at all.

"We will drive away the Mavericks living in groups in the mountains and find out the reason. Recently, I don't know why the Mavericks, which are always gentle and pure, started attacking people passing by. This mission is not difficult. I believe you can definitely do it! "

Xie Qimo's words gave them motivation and increased their confidence in the first mission.

Xie Qimo and Bai Yucheng followed them to their destination one after another, and Mianmian turned into a bracelet and followed Qingqing. It was only when Yun Sihan told her that she knew it. She glanced at the silver bracelet and thought it was amazing.

It's enough to go from modern people wearing books to this world. There are also rabbits who can change into people, change between men and women, and then turn into bracelets.

Thinking of this, the bracelet seemed to sense that her thoughts had brightened. Now many things are changing too fast, and all of this started from the system.

"By the way, Sihan, do you know how to control a sword?"

"Qingqing, you are asking so strangely, isn't it the most basic thing to know how to control a sword?" Yun Sihan looked at her with her head tilted and asked in doubt.

"Ah, is that so? I..." Is fencing a sword so common in this world?

At this time, Shi Yixuan helped her out and said: "Qingqing, her situation is a bit special, her spiritual root appeared relatively late."

"So that's how it is!" Yun Sihan understood, glanced at Bai Yucheng behind, and whispered in her ear, "Actually, why we didn't use the sword this time is because Senior Xie saw that Senior Brother Bai didn't bring a sword." , That's why I decided to walk, and now it's better for you."

Su Qingqing nodded, and took a sneak peek at the people behind. This time, it was because of the villain that she didn't hold back, and she was very grateful to him.

This time the destination is outside Jincheng, because Ancheng has a close relationship with Ancheng, and there are many exchanges between the two places in commerce and trade, but Mavericks block the shortest way between the two places, which greatly reduces the transportation and sales of the two places. , causing trouble, that's why they asked Qingluan Sect to solve their troubles for them.

Normally, if they choose Yujian, they can directly pass Yujian through the sky above Jincheng, and it is more convenient to find the Mavericks living in groups, but now they have to pass through Jincheng and enter Muyun Forest. Find the location of the tigers.

(End of this chapter)

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