Chapter 79 The Fox Clan
"I hope that when I give it to adults to enjoy later, don't blame me for affecting my appetite." The other party murmured, and he turned to look at her.

"Can I ask who is the adult you're talking about?" she asked, "I'm going to die anyway, so it's not too much to ask!"

"Death?" The other party felt very strange, why did he think of such a word, and then he understood, and replied, "You probably misunderstood the meaning of enjoyment."

"I won't blame you." After speaking, he gave her a look of caring for the mentally retarded, "I advise you to be good, you can't escape here, you should obey!"

The other person walked towards her, she scratched her head, and when he stood in front of her, she took out the amulet from the space and patted the other person on the forehead.

The other party froze, blinked, and when she was about to speak, she took out another talisman and slapped him on the forehead, making him speechless, he was so angry that he wanted to stomp his feet, and wanted to scold her, But he couldn't do anything, he could only stare at her with his eyes.

"Hehe, although you were guarding against me, you still fell into my hands." She smiled brightly, and at the same time pinched the hairy ears on his head with her hands, "How does it feel?"

Of course, she didn't forget the business, found a key on him, and murmured, "Where did you hide my things?"

She thinks to go out first, and the things on her body are not too important, and she found that she is the only one locked up in this area, but there are many guards, all of whom have fox ears on their heads.

Fortunately, there is an invisibility talisman, but the place is too big like a maze, she has walked for a long time and doesn't know where she went, and she can't see where Sihan is locked up.

She finally decided to follow them, maybe they were going out, and she could go out and find someone for help.

As she walked, the originally narrow passage became wider, and the dim lights became brighter. She thought to herself that she was really lucky, and this place must be very close to the exit.

But on the contrary, she didn't know that she was getting farther and farther away from the exit.

When she came here, she decided to go by herself, and it seemed that there were not many guards here. As she walked, she found a special door, which was larger than normal and very clean.

She looked around and saw no one, so she pushed the door lightly and went in.

There was no one inside, but one could tell at a glance that this was someone's room. It seemed that the owner of the room hadn't come back yet. Although there were windows, they were all sealed with wooden boards.

Just as she was about to leave this room, someone pushed the door in. She couldn't react, and when she wanted to hide, she remembered that she had used an invisibility talisman.

She stopped hiding and stood where she was, to see who it was.

With the sound of the door opening, she saw a handsome man with silver-white hair come in, and then looked directly at her position. Although it seemed to be a casual glance, she felt that he could really see her.

He smiled and said, "I know you're here, I'm not hostile."

Su Qingqing was startled, how did this person know of his existence?

She dared not speak, fearing that this was a trap set by him.

The man was not angry because she didn't reply, but still smiled, "If I don't come out, I will call someone!"

"Wait!" In the end, she still responded to him. It seems that he is not hostile, but she will not fully believe this man's words. Although this man seems kind, but with the way she has seen people over the years, he is definitely not simple. .

(End of this chapter)

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