The couple who travel fast are always adding drama to themselves

Chapter 40 The Demon King's Painting Style Is Wrong 2.5

Chapter 40 The Demon King's Painting Style Is Wrong 2.5
The night is cold as water.

After returning to her room and packing up her new residence, Yan Ning happily sat on the sofa in the room and ate the takeaway that the boss specially delivered to her.

The beautiful house and delicious food are in stark contrast to the cold well water and the sourness of the past.

Yan Ning, who was eating the signature dish of the hotel next door, narrowed her eyes happily.

Life is so wonderful!
"I don't know how stupid I was before I lost my memory, so I would do such a stupid thing as suicide by jumping into a well!"

Looking at the new employee who couldn't help sighing, Lord Demon King gave a hum in approval.

To be honest, he also looks down on those human beings who give up their lives casually.

Yan Ning raised her head when she heard the voice.

"Why haven't you left yet?!"

Lord Demon King's eyes widened in surprise.

"I worked so hard to deliver the food to you on the fourteenth floor, and you want to drive me away without even saying thank you?"


Yan Ning put down the chopsticks in her hands with some embarrassment.

"Sorry, boss. I was so engrossed in mopping the bathroom just now that I accidentally forgot about you."

"It's okay." Lord Demon King waved his hand nonchalantly, "Just be more careful next time."

As a good guy, is he the kind of petty boss who remembers employees?

"Boss, you are so kind!"

Yan Ning sent a good person card to her boss again.

The almond eyes, as bright as obsidian, shone against the light.

Her good eyesight allowed Lord Demon King to clearly see the sparkle in her eyes.

Lord Demon King was very heartbroken.

Just helping her with a takeaway can make her cry. How poor the living environment of the new employees must have been!

He must ask those old bald donkeys to help him find out how much wronged the new employee has suffered since childhood.

Dare to bully his subordinates, is this treating him as a dead person?

Yan Ning put a chopstick of braised pork into her mouth.

The tender and sweet taste made her narrow her eyes in satisfaction.

"By the way, boss. How is the skill of the chef in our hotel?"

"It's okay... right?" Lord Demon King said with some uncertainty.

Because he disliked the bloody and ugly cooking methods of those little devils, he hadn't tasted their meals before.

Yan Ning looked at him suspiciously.

"What do guests say about the food in our hotel?"

"This one……"

The Demon King avoided her sight with some guilt.

Can he say that none of the guests who come here have eaten the meals in their hotel?

"Haven't you conducted a survey on the satisfaction of our hotel among the guests before?"

Under the eyes of the new employees in disbelief, the Demon King silently took the blame for this fall from the sky.

Yan Ning sighed.

With such an unmotivated boss, she seems to know why their hotel's business is so bad.

"Boss, you're not doing your job well!"

"you're right!"

Lord Demon King, who is good at accepting advice, decided that in the future, whenever a guest can leave their hotel alive, they must fill out a satisfaction survey form for their hotel before leaving.

Seeing the sincere and repentant expression on the boss's face, Yan Ning was satisfied.

It seems that their hotel can still be saved.

After caring about the hotel, Yan Ning looked at the burly and sloppy boss, "Boss, have you eaten yet?"

"not yet."

Although he ordered two takeaways, the other takeaway delivered by the hotel next door was made according to Senke's taste. The new employee is so timid, if she sees the blood dripping on the rice and still moving If it was snake meat, she would probably be scared into nightmares at night.

and so……

For the sake of the new employee's physical and mental health, he regretfully dismissed the idea of ​​having dinner with her tonight to cultivate a relationship.

Hearing the boss's answer, Yan Ning felt warm and comfortable in her heart.

In order to let her eat a mouthful of hot food, she starved her stomach, and quickly delivered the food to her after receiving the takeaway. How lucky was she to meet such a good boss!
"Boss, hurry up and eat."

"……it is good."

The heart beat faster by the sweet smile on the new employee's face, Mr. Demon King left her room in a daze and returned to his bedroom.

After the terrified screams from downstairs called his soul back, the Lord Demon King, who realized what stupid thing he had done, restrained the silly smile on his face.



The new employee looks so cute!
Lord Demon King said with emotion.

How could there be such a hot looking person in this world who caught his cuteness?

Lord Demon King turned his head to look at the dark night sky outside the window.


This was the first time he felt that the world was kind to him.

378 who was inexplicably thanked by him: "...cluck!"

Looking at the computer on the desk, Lord Demon King snapped his fingers.

The computer page automatically jumps to the writer's background.

It's a pity that today's Lord Demon King is not an emotional codewriter.

After ignoring those little readers who were starving for food, Lord Demon King posted a help post on a certain post bar.

Question: There is a beautiful, delicate and weak cutie in the hotel, what should I buy to feed her properly?



dead silence...

The expected reply did not come.

Lord Demon King frowned, is it a network card?

Just when Lord Demon King impatiently wanted to check out the hotel next door, his cell phone rang.


Hearing this familiar voice, the person on the other end of the phone was almost inaudibly relieved.

"My lord, we just discovered that your intranet forum account was stolen by a hacker, but don't worry, we will help you find the account soon..." came back.

"I sent that message just now."

The words he had thought of were stuck in his throat because of the sudden words from the Demon King.

"grown ups?"

After realizing that the person who was talking to him was also a human being, the Lord Demon King sat at the desk and took out a pen and paper.

"We have a new human receptionist in our hotel, very cute."

Li Chaodong, who had some doubts about his hearing, looked at his colleagues beside him.

How did he feel that he heard showing off in the tone of this unfeeling and robot-worthy grown-up?
The colleague nodded to him affirmatively.

"The new employee has delicate skin and tender flesh. One can tell at a glance that her previous life was good. I am a good person. I cannot let the quality of life of the new employee decline compared to the previous one! So... you know How can I feed her well?"

Li Chaodong: "..."

Li Chaodong's colleagues are somewhat skeptical about life.

What gave the Big Devil the confidence to feel like a good person?
(End of this chapter)

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