Chapter 118 Red Fire Poison
With a serious and handsome face, Gu Zun gently took off the back of his chiffon shirt, and Leng Xiaoman subconsciously cooperated with him.In the charming space, several panting and moaning sounded.

Looking at the large white and delicate back, Gu Zun finally dripped the first drop of nosebleed from the tip of his nose.However, he was soon shocked by the blood-red wounds, which was shocking.

These blood-red wounds are gradually turning dark black, and there are even slight signs of ulceration on the edges of the wounds.

The toxin is spreading and expanding. If it is not timely, even if Leng Xiaoman recovers his own spiritual power, it will be extremely difficult to dissolve it.

"This is red fire poison!" Gu Zun secretly exclaimed.

It is rumored that the red firework is a kind of flame that can burn the air. Its high temperature can reach more than a thousand degrees. All objects around the flame, no matter how strong your density is, can be melted instantly.

However, it is on the edge of this lifeless flame that there is a kind of plant, fire grass.

The growth of fire grass does not depend on water and oxygen, but on the ashes and residual heat of red fireworks.This is a wonderful vegetation that depends on the temperature of the fire to survive.

Since the fireweed relies on the temperature of the red fireworks all the year round, a lot of fire poison accumulates on the fireweed, and the fireweed becomes a poisonous weed.

There are some cultivators who are not doing business properly, like to collect this kind of fire grass to develop poison.The toxicity of this kind of poison will seep into the human body along with the wound, and then slowly erode the human body until the skin of the whole body is scorched and festered, and the heat is unbearable.

At the moment when the poison is released, the fire and poison attack the heart, lungs and dantian. At that time, almost no one can dispel the poison that spreads throughout the body.

The poison on Leng Xiaoman's body was this kind of toxin.Red Fire Poison.

Leng Xiaoman's poison was unbearable just now, because the red fire poison had spread to most of her body.Rao, who has always been resolute and patient, couldn't bear it either.

"It's okay, the fire poison didn't hit the heart and lungs, you just grit your teeth and endure it." Gu Zun sat beside her, stretched out his palm and touched her back lightly.

When the wide palm covered the back, Leng Xiaoman, who was suffering from the fire and poison, trembled slightly.This was the first time a man touched his back.

"I don't have much spiritual power, and I need your cooperation. When I call you later, you will charge all the accumulated spiritual power from the dantian of the heart sea to the limbs and bones. Forced out."

As Gu Zun said, a wave of spiritual power from the palm of his hand had begun to pour into Leng Xiaoman's back.After hearing Gu Zun's words, Leng Xiaoman also nodded slightly, as a consent.

Gu Zun's spiritual power is like a mountain stream, flowing slowly into Leng Xiaoman's scorching back.Her body gradually cooled down from the scorching heat, but this speed was very slow.And it's getting slower and slower.

Gu Zun's spiritual power only played the role of driving these fire poisons together.It is not possible to draw fire from the bottom of the pot and dissolve the fire poison.Fortunately, Leng Xiaoman's own strength is profound, and the two of them can work together to dissolve the fire poison.

"It's now, hurry up and mobilize your spiritual power." Gu Zun suddenly reminded when he was about the same speed.

Leng Xiaoman, who had been prepared for a long time, concentrated her energy, and all the spiritual energy in her body suddenly surged out in her starry eyes, like a flood that burst a dam.

Where the spiritual power passed, the fire poison remaining in the body was instantly wiped out, and quickly joined together with those gathered by Gu Zun.A large ball of fire poison rolled more and more in Leng Xiaoman's heart.

At this time, Gu Zun's palm left Xuebai's back and stopped the transmission of spiritual power.

Leng Xiaoman, on the other hand, continued to put those fiery poisons into his heart.Under Gu Zun's instructions, she began to slowly roll the fire poison into one mass, and then she exerted force.

"Pfft!" She suddenly felt nauseated, and a big puddle of blood spurted out.Before this, Gu Zun had already prepared a basin.At this moment, it just came in handy.

 Thanks to those who have been silently voting and rewarding, thank you!I will show you the most soulful creative emotions, Xiao Pu thanks everyone who helped.

(End of this chapter)

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