Chapter 311 Core Devil Cloud
Gu Zun was full of spiritual power, a red light spread out from his body, and ice cones flew away, wherever they went, mountains were covered with ice and snow, and rocks bounced and the ground cracked.

Two masters duel, no matter who is better or worse.

"What is Gu Zun's cultivation level?" Leng Xiaoman asked suddenly, she had always been curious about him, but it was not easy to ask him face to face, probably he would not say it if asked.

Cheng Hong climbed out of the stone pit and said: "Young Master's cultivation is very strong, but because he deliberately hid it, he couldn't see it at all. However, the evil barrier's cultivation is clear at a glance. It is Xing Douyu. This evil barrier should have quoted that pill. Medicines and mysteries."

Star rain?That is a cultivation base that is only a wall away from the Star Douyu.Many monks want a level that cannot be cultivated.How did he get there?Before, he seemed to be only a master of Jiuxingdou, but he reached that level in a blink of an eye.It is really impossible to judge by appearance.

However, Ling Feng's fists were creaking. Gu Xie killed his grandfather. He had the heart to revenge but not the strength to revenge.Heartbroken, but unable to do it.

At this time, the two had fought for hundreds of rounds in the air, evenly matched.In the eyes of many people, these two people are afraid that they will fight until dawn.For a time, it was impossible to tell the winner.But in Leng Xiaoman's view, the winner has already been decided.

The winner is definitely Gu Zun.Her vision is very accurate and she will not be mistaken. Now Gu Zun is free in body and movement, but he is fighting with Gu Xie but has other things on his mind.It was simply Feng Qingyun Dan's way of dealing with it. What he had to deal with was not Gu Xie, a little guy, but someone else.Hu Yan.He is waiting for the super BOSS.

Leng Xiaoman could see Gu Zun's perfunctory, but why couldn't Gu Xie see it?The feeling of being despised by others is worse than dying, especially the one who despises oneself is the bastard who robbed him of his status.All of a sudden, he was furious and violently fought with Gu Zun.

If it was considered to be testing before, then now, Gu Xie is doing his best to fight him.

"Devil Devour, Sir."

With a loud shout, Gu Xie took out his real name hole card, and in the great change of the world, his body was covered with fiery clouds, and the thin clouds flowed, one after another, and soon the clouds turned into black clouds with giant mouths, as if they wanted to swallow everything.

The giant mouth roared and neighed like a living thing, and surrounded the ancient statue standing on the ground amidst the horror of the crowd.The jet-black cloud layer should be formed by the gathering of spiritual power, and at this moment, it swallowed up Gu Zun with devilish energy.

"It's over, the Gu family is over." Ling Feng exclaimed, although he didn't enter the wonderland, the devouring demonic energy was as powerful as a blade, and even marbles as hard as iron were chopped into pieces, let alone people?

He broke into a cold sweat and looked back at Leng Xiaoman and Cheng Hong, only to find that the two of them were watching the situation calmly and quietly as if nothing was wrong.

"He's a hero!" Leng Xiaoman glanced at him angrily, and said calmly.Continue to watch the fight between the two in the air.

Gu Xie tied up Gu Zun, laughed wantonly, and then showed the world his methods.However, the laughter didn't last long, and soon the grinning face turned into panic. The Devouring Demon Cloud he controlled was scattered by someone.

"You dare to destroy my core demon cloud. That's my soul, Mo Tianzhu, I'm going to kill you." With a hysterical roar, Gu Xie completely lost his mind and attacked Gu Zun crazily, even most of himself on the ground. Everyone was killed by him on the spot.

His eyes became blood red, and although his aura was a bit messy, it was stronger than he knew how much. "You forced me to do this. You forced me to do this."

(End of this chapter)

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