Chapter 234 Sisters (32)

Afterwards, she lowered her head and looked for a piece of clothing to put on with the corner of her mouth curled up.

She didn't want to have any more than friendly relationship with Shen Qiu.

But if she resists like the main character, it will only irritate Shen Qiu to force her again.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for that unknown sense of familiarity, she wouldn't have paid so much attention to Shen Qiu.

Earlier, he would not have thought about helping the master character and Shen Qiu resolve the misunderstanding.


Tsk, I don't know what happened to the main character?

The second personality lies on the bed and enters the spirit world.

In the small black room, I saw the protagonist who hadn't calmed down yet!
Even, the collapse of the main personality is still going on!

What can I do?

won't disappear?
Can I count on my second personality, whose memory is chaotic, to save the main personality?

Naturally, you can't count on it!

She can only watch the master's personality crumble and dissipate in the spiritual world!

At last.

Seems to bond with her!
How is this going?

Is it the main personality or the sub-personality that disappeared?
Shen Qiu didn't go back to the room to sleep, but went to the rooftop.

This rooftop is something special.

In other people's homes, they usually put a few pots of flowers and plants, at most grow some flowers, set up a swing or something.

Instead, he built a small bar in the shape of a tree house on the rooftop.

At the point outside, a small lawn was laid.

Kind of like a forest themed bar.

Just now, when he was facing her——

My heart beat faster, I was really tempted!
Core core, core core, sorry!
At this time, most of the bottle of whiskey has gone.

Shen Qiu reclined on the deck chair on the grass.

He scrubbed the earlobe with one hand, that, where she had bitten him, was a little hot.

Shen Qiu recalled how her plump and moist red lips lightly licked his lips.

Really, so charming!

Thinking back to these days, he time and time again——

Possess her without any scruples!

Yes, it was he who took her regardless of her wishes!

It wasn't she who seduced him!
Hehe, when did he become the kind of person who plunders women?

Perhaps, her taste is too attractive!

It made him regret it again and again, but he did it again and again!
Really, is it because of Xinxin that he imprisoned her by his side?


Shen Qiu took a big gulp of wine!
But, but why, he doesn't seem to remember what Xinxin looked like?

It's obviously the same face!

However, he couldn't recall the various expressions of Xinxin!

Every time, what he wants to recall is Xinxin!

But in the end, it all turned into a picture of Mu Yan staring at him with affection in his eyes!

How could this be?
In the end, is it desire, or...

Shen Qiu raised his head and poured the wine in the bottle into his mouth.

Then he dropped the empty wine bottle.

Will not.

In this life, he will not fall in love with anyone except that little girl!

Think of that year.

Shen Qiu evoked a thoughtful smile.

That little girl who was almost frightened by him at that time.

When he saw her for the first time, he thought her silly appearance was so cute!
At that time, I thought it was fun for her to pretend to be a sad little adult!
Now, I feel distressed.

At that time, her sadness was due to poor health, right?
Maybe it's because I can't play with my classmates!

Core core, core core.

Why can he remember every bit of Xinxin's childhood.

But I can't remember what happened to Xinxin in the half a year after they met again?
In his mind, everything about getting along with Mu Yan was full!
From her infatuated gaze, to her disappointment, her eyes revealed a dead silence!

Thinking of those dead eyes, Shen Qiu tightly tugged on the fabric of his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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