Chapter 464

Feng Xiao didn't immediately come up to check Mo An'an's favorability. After all, Ke Lan's favorability is only over 80 points, and it is possible to fall, which is not safe enough.

All the way to the south, there was no big obstacle on the road.


When he arrived in City K, Cooper commanded the convoy to drive into the city, "Brother, what are you going to do in the city?"

The atmosphere in the car was not heavy, Feng Xiao rubbed Ke Lan's head, "Let's go collect supplies."

Ke Lan let out a "hum", obviously remembering that Feng Xiao had given Mo Anan a lot of good things before.

"Baby, don't be angry, don't you know what I mean?" Kissed Ke Lan on the lips, "That woman is useful to us."

Although Cobb was not very happy that Feng Xiao was doing something to his sister in front of him, but now it is the end of the world, and Feng Xiao has a very powerful lightning power, which also has a certain warning effect on danger.

Feng Xiao's role in their team is actually greater than his. If Feng Xiao wants to be the captain one day, the team members probably won't have any opinions.

What's more, Ke Lan likes Feng Xiao, he not only has to ignore it, but also helps Feng Xiao to speak, "Xiao Lan, Feng Xiao is right, you sometimes restrain your temper."

Ke Lan pouted, leaned against Feng Xiao's arms, and didn't speak any more.

After entering the city, at the intersection, Cobb slowed down the car, "Which way are you going?" They decided to enter K City because Feng Xiao said there was a warehouse here.


After more than ten minutes, Cobb said, "It seems that someone wants to get there first."

Nine carts were parked not far away, and someone was walking towards them.

Feng Xiao frowned, another accident happened.

In the last life, this warehouse was only taken into the bag by the base chief of base B after two months.

It's early again!

"Look at the situation first."

Two men and one woman, all dressed as soldiers, stopped in front of their car, and one of the middle-aged men spoke first, "Hello, we are from Sunshine Base. My name is Lu Rongsheng. I don't know how to call you?"

"We're from Team Thunderfire."

The Leihuo team is quite famous now. Lu Rongsheng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said immediately, "We are in trouble, and I hope to get your help. I don't know your captain..."

Feng Xiao smiled and pointed to Cobb in the cab, "This is the captain of our ability team, Cobb."

All three got out of the car, and Cobb shook hands with each other, "I don't know what trouble you have encountered?"

"Our base is not far from City K, and this mission is just to clean up the surrounding areas routinely, but recently the zombies have suddenly become more powerful."

"At that time, our retreat was blocked, so we could only move in the opposite direction of the base. Along the way..."

Speaking of the three people's complexion is not very good, Lu Rongsheng's face is sad and angry, the woman sighed, "Although we are better than ordinary people, we still lost a lot of comrades in the face of the evolved zombies. We evacuated while fighting." Evacuation is just a nice way of saying it.

"I sacrificed a lot, and finally retreated here, and accidentally found a frozen warehouse." Lu Rongsheng smiled wryly, "I thought it was the end of all hardships, but I didn't know that the loss was even greater. Now, it's not right for us to leave, or to stay."

Cobb glanced at the team members who had pulled over and stopped the vehicle, and smiled, "Can't bear to part with the supplies in the cold storage?"

The three shook their heads, it wasn't that they didn't want to leave, "I lost more than a dozen supernatural beings and more than 100 elite fighters in this warehouse." The reason why elites are called elites is that ordinary fighters cannot compare.

(End of this chapter)

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