Chapter 518 Sleeves (12)

Mo An'an once again rejected Shopkeeper Liu's money, because her prescription had not been verified, so it was impossible for Shopkeeper Liu to give her much.

And her goal was not the few dozen taels of silver.

Except for the money from Ye Ligui who bought thank-you gifts and visited shopkeeper Liu, there was still more than three or two taels left. Mo Anan hired a bullock cart and bought rice, flour, oil and other things.

Originally, she wanted to pull a few feet of cloth to make two clothes for her and cheap father, but unfortunately, considering that she is now a man, she probably wouldn't be able to do this.

When I got home, I had to listen to a lot of gossip from my aunt, but Mo Anan just smiled, and the next day blocked Ye Chaoliang and beat him up!
"How about it, are you convinced?"

Convinced?How could he be convinced?Inexplicably beaten, still convinced?

Ye Chaoliang stared at his eyes and said, "If you have the ability...don't use your feet if you have the ability!"

Seeing him like that, Mo Anan knew that this guy was not convinced, "Okay, don't use your feet!"

Blue Goose, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it.Ye Chaoliang, who was overturned to the ground again, wanted to cry but had no tears. Why couldn't he even beat this sick man?

"How? Are you convinced now?"

It is said that Ye Chaoliang was a bit embarrassed before, but now he puffed his cheeks and said, "If you have the ability, don't use two hands!"

Ha ha!

After 1 minute, "Are you convinced?" One hand also cleans you!

"You, you, you..." Ye Chaoliang took two steps back, "If you don't use your feet, you don't use your hands... no..."

Well, push your limits, right?
dong dong dong...

Mo Anan didn't ask him if he was convinced anymore, and directly threatened, "If you talk nonsense, I will beat you and beat you, and if I get upset, I will beat you and beat you too... Anyway, I will beat you!" Then, he leisurely walked towards the river Leave Ye Chaoliang messy in the wind!

What did Ye Ci say?Why is he so unlucky?

Of course, the effect is good!At least, Mo An'an is satisfied!
After half a month of such a leisurely life, the fish was finally caught.

Shopkeeper Liu didn't know the exact address of the Ye family, but was led by the yamen guards.

"Look at Uncle Liu's flushed face, but what's the good news?" Mo Anan led shopkeeper Liu into the door, "It's very simple, how about sitting in the yard?"

Shopkeeper Liu waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here this time..." His voice was lowered, "Fang Zi's business."

Mo Anan asked knowingly, "Fang Zi?" He even put on a worried expression, "But what's wrong?"

Shopkeeper Liu hurriedly waved his hands, "No, it's a good thing, and I have to thank my nephew... By the way, is it convenient for my nephew to go to Fucheng with me now?" He whispered in Mo An'an's ear, "Master Dong coming."

Well, since she is a fish, of course she has to go through it.Cheap dad was not at home, Mo An'an saw Shuan Zhu, walked over and said, "I'm going to Fucheng, my dad is back, please tell him, I'm going with shopkeeper Liu, tell him not to worry."

"Okay." Shuan Zhu glanced at shopkeeper Liu not far away, and whispered, "Then, then you have to be careful."


Blue Goose, the matter came to Ma Yanqiu's mouth, and I don't know how it turned out: Ye Ci went to Fucheng last time and caused trouble, so he came here to arrest him.

Shuan Zhu explained it several times, but no one believed it except Ye Laoer.

Mo An'an didn't come back that night, which added to the credibility of Ma Yanqiu's words.

Ye Mancang called the eldest family of the Ye family, and the second brother Ye, "Second brother, Ye Ci provoked Guan Fei, what do you say about this matter?"


(End of this chapter)

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