Chapter 528 Sleeves (22)

Wiping his tears, he then said, "The concubine also knows that your majesty is doing this for the sake of Daqi, not because he doesn't love Liu Yu. After making such a decision, your majesty may feel more pain in his heart than the concubine... It's just that I don't think I will ever be able to do this again." If I don't see Liu Yu, I feel so sad..."

Jin Rong is Mu Liuyu's title!
These few words really made today's guilt deeper, and at this moment, the prince and Princess Jinrong came to pay their respects to the queen.

The emperor wanted to reward something immediately because of the guilt in his heart, and said immediately, "I already know what you said to the prince, Jinrong is worthy of being my princess of Daqi..."

When she was asked what reward she wanted today, Princess Jinrong did not refuse, but raised her head slightly and said: "I want a Yujian. If the King of Beirong doesn't keep his promise, I will kill him with Yujian." !"

The emperor tightened the hand on his side, felt guilty for a moment, and took a deep breath, "Liu don't need to do this!"


The sending off team set off, and the current princess left the prison where she had lived for 16 years with a generous dowry!

Mu Liuyu held Yujian in one hand and looked back at the gate of Chang'an!

Once I go, I'm afraid I won't be able to see him for life!


The crown prince personally acted as the envoy to send off relatives, which was of such a high standard that it was never seen in this dynasty!

However, no one would have guessed...

"Urgent report, urgent report, far from urgent report..."

Yuantong is the place where the covenant was negotiated with Beirong!
In the hall, there was a loud "pop", and the emperor said angrily, "Too much bullying, too much bullying... It is said that the ministers of the cabinet, ministers of the Ministry of War, ministers of the household department..."

Since the little eunuch left in a hurry, all the ministers dared not neglect.The office of the cabinet is in the palace, and the three cabinet ministers came faster.After reading the memorial, I was covered in cold sweat!
The dowry worth several million taels was destroyed, which seems to be a "small matter" at this moment. What's more serious is that Princess Jinrong disappeared, the crown prince was attacked and his whereabouts were unknown, and the third prince who went with him was shot in the leg by an arrow , I can't find anyone!
This, this... the sky is falling!
This is not the time to make excuses, we knelt down and pleaded guilty, "Your servant will die!"

The emperor said angrily, "Will die? Wan die, can my prince and princess come back?"

Everyone in the hall said, "Your Majesty, calm down!"

The Chief Assistant Yan Lu said: "The Beirong people have evil intentions, and they are all ignorant of the officials and others. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

At this time, the eunuch whispered, "Your Majesty, Minister of the Ministry of War, Minister of the Ministry of Households, Mr. He is waiting!"

All the ministers knelt down and saluted, but the emperor didn't call out, and said directly, "Let them see it too!"

Everyone was terrified, pleading guilty again!
The emperor was still angry, "There is no need to plead guilty, I want to personally conquer Beirong, and you are not allowed to persuade me any longer!"

No wonder the two ministers of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households were called!
Hearing that the emperor wanted to conquest in person, everyone shouted, "Your Majesty, no!"

Yan Lu said: "Bei Rong bullied me Da Qi...the ministers are also full of grief and anger...but your majesty is the lord of the people, you must not do this!"

At this time, the crown prince is missing, how can the emperor personally conquest?

In fact, the emperor had no plans to conquest himself. The princess's dowry cost several million taels of silver, and the treasury had no money left, but he couldn't swallow it.

What he said was just to give these ministers room to bargain.

The emperor said with a heartbroken face, "My princess is so righteous, but in exchange for such a result, the prince's brother and sister love each other deeply, and he sent his sister to marry, but now it' don't want to talk about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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