first evil king

Chapter 155

Chapter 155
Being slaughtered by the sky is no small matter!They are mere mortals, how can they fight against the sky!

The [-] soldiers turned their eyes sideways to General Hong, waiting for his decision. If this young man is really the messenger of the sky, they should not try to fight against the sky!
At this moment, General Hong's heart was also overwhelmed. He didn't expect, he didn't expect Jun Wuming to say this, and he couldn't be sure whether what she said was true or not.

Profound Sky Continent has always believed in the theory of ghosts and gods. From the emperor to the merchants and soldiers, they all believe in the existence of gods and ghosts. It's not a fun thing anymore, and this young man was able to stand out from more than a hundred top high school students at a young age, and easily defeated Feng Xiang who was a green-ranked martial artist. If he was just a mortal, he would be killed He didn't even believe that such a mortal existed.

General Hong already believed Jun Xie's words in his heart, but as a general, his loyalty to the emperor made him unable to make up his mind. Once he believed her words and surrendered to her, it would be a flagrant rebellion. She was just lying to him, and since then he has become a traitor and will never be restored.

Just when General Hong was hesitating to make a decision, Wang Tong's eyes were filled with murder, and he drove his horse forward, leaning into his ear and said, "General Hong, don't be deceived by Jun Wuming. This person is always the best at playing tricks. If the general is fooled, just I'm afraid, the emperor is furious, and the nine families will be hard to live." The last eight words were spoken with great force, like eight hammers smashing into General Hong's heart.

Wang Tong's heart has already been filled with hatred at this time, he doesn't care whether she is really accepting her fate, or playing some tricks, today he needs him to pay for his son's life, even if she will be killed by heaven, he will No hesitation, however, her strength was clearly there, he knew that he could not kill the enemy with his own hands, so he had to rely on the swords of Nanyan's army, and that would definitely not make General Hong feel like retreating.

Seeing that General Hong was a little loose, but still hesitant to move forward, Wang Tong bit his teeth, showing a determined face, and continued: "Jun Wuming deceived others too much, killed all the seniors in the Xiuwu world, and now put the blame on my emperor, is it true?" Tolerable or unbearable, if General Hong can rid the world of this evil, the merit will go to the imperial court, the emperor will reward him, and the Nanyan Xiuwu sects will also regard the general as a benefactor, and Wang is more willing to offer Wangcheng." After a meal, Eyebrows raised slightly: "Could it be that the general is afraid of Jun Wuming?"

It has to be said that Wang Tong's intimidation, coupled with the provocative method, did play a role.

General Hong's originally hesitant heart was already tempted by the lure, and when he was provoked again, his face immediately darkened, he snorted majesticly, pointed the long knife in his hand, pointed at Jun Xie, and shouted angrily: "Jun Wuming, Don’t confuse people here with evil words, my emperor is the son of heaven, how dare you disrespect the emperor and declare rebellion, it is a heinous crime.”

Shaking his head, Jun Xie looked at the 2-strong army with pity in his eyes, and said to himself: Don't say she didn't give them a chance, if you want to blame it, blame Wang Tong for killing with a knife, your general's stupidity.

Jun Xie's pitiful gaze made General Hong feel a little uneasy, but when he thought of the consequences of not killing her and the benefits of killing her, he stopped hesitating and shouted hoarsely: "The whole army obeys orders, Jun Wuming disobeyed the imperial decree and was seriously injured. The important minister, who deceived the crowd with evil words, has evil intentions, and committed a heinous crime, will be killed by this general..." The leaping horse rushed out first.

"Kill..." More than 1000 Jingwu guards were the first to leap forward and follow General Hong to charge forward. Although the 2 troops behind were afraid, they had no choice but to obey. To deal with three people, there is no need to form an array, and the cavalry is directly in front, and the infantry is behind, rushing towards the enemy.

Jun Xie stood still and cast a sideways glance at the charging army. Not afraid, he raised his head and laughed loudly. The laughter pierced through the world and resounded for hundreds of miles, shaking the blood of all the Nanyan army that was charging. Tumbling, the cavalry raised their horseshoes forward, and the infantry stopped in fear.

Under everyone's horrified gaze, Jun Xie's maniacal laughter stopped suddenly, his black eyes burst into bright and coquettish red light, and shot straight at Nanyan's army, his red lips raised evilly, revealing a bloodthirsty coldness, holding the sword Slowly raised his hand, pointing directly at the sky, with a movement of his arm, "噗嗤..." The cloth covering the divine sword was shattered by the force, revealing a quaint jade sword with a yellowish yellow body. It is not even comparable to ordinary sharp swords, it is too penetrating.

"Hahaha, this is the Xuanyuan Divine Sword? Haha... Jun Wuming, where did you dig out this rotten sword..." When the so-called Xuanyuan Divine Sword appeared in the eyes of everyone, General Hong's heart tightened first, Frightened, then stunned, and finally laughed mockingly.

With his smile, all the soldiers in the army also laughed, and the fear was dispelled by this 'rotten sword'.

However, the next moment, no one could laugh!
But seeing Jun Xie facing the ridicule of more than 2 people in the army, he was not ashamed or annoyed, his eyes were slightly condensed, five-color rays of light shot out from the black clothes on his chest, and little stars floated, and then the laughter of the whole army of Nanyan stopped abruptly, and the eyes were exposed. looked at her in deep horror.

All they saw was the young man in black pointing his sword at the sky, awe-inspiring like a god, his thin lips parted lightly, and his clanging voice shook people's hearts: "You are obsessed and don't regret it, don't blame you for doing the job of killing the sky!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole world suddenly went dark, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, as terrifying as a dog eclipsing the sun. The so-called rotten sword in their eyes shot out a dazzling brilliance at this moment, and a thick layer of white mist gushed out, bringing With the unparalleled aura, the heaven, earth and sky trembled at this moment, and a beam of shocking light shot out from the tip of the sword, faintly like the low roar of a dragon in the middle of the night, and the birth of a dragon, terrified Jiuxiao.

As the sword pointed to the sky, the clouds rolled and gathered, forming a huge vortex, followed by lightning and thunder, and a bolt of lightning fell from the center of the vortex and merged with the sword light, emitting a dazzling light, covering everyone in it.

The heaven and the earth, the divine sword, and the boy in black are fused into one body, the man is the sword, the sword is the sky, and the sky is the man!
This kind of scene scared everyone to the point of pissing their butts, and they all backed away without military orders, but their feet seemed to be fixed, making it difficult to move.

"Excalibur? The Messenger of the Heavens, she is really the Messenger of the Heavens, we have offended the sky, we have offended the sky..." In panic, someone in the Nanyan army cried out, followed by one after another. The shouts sounded, and the whole army was in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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