Chapter 17
As soon as she stepped into the cave, a very unpleasant rancid smell hit her nostrils, choking her to cover her nose quickly. The cave was so dark that she couldn't see her fingers. She touched the cave wall and found no wall lamps. Fortunately, Jun Xie had been prepared for a long time, and took a branch as a stick for the blind, and walked inside step by step.

The cave is not big, only two adults can pass through, but it feels bottomless, and the surface of the cave is uneven. If there is no "blind man's stick" to explore the way, I don't know how many times I fell down.

"Pipy..." After walking for an unknown amount of time, a few small voices came to his ears suddenly. Jun Xie stopped. Even though he was in the dark, his eyes narrowed habitually, and with a movement of his right hand, a few pieces were closed in advance. The small stones in the sleeves flew out like lightning, followed by a few strange screams that were almost negligible, and then calmed down.

"Fortunately, there are only a few small animals with little attack power. Otherwise, no matter how fast and accurate the shot is, it will be useless without strength." After whispering, Jun Xie continued to walk forward without stopping, and then I didn't encounter anything, but the cave was getting smaller and smaller, and the ground became more and more difficult to walk on. The 'blind man's stick' in my hand had already been broken into several pieces, so I could only move forward little by little by holding on to the cave wall.

Such a strange and difficult cave, and a completely dark cave, even if you dare to walk in, you must not have the patience to continue exploring. Only Jun Xie, a stubborn guy who does not look back after bumping into Nanshan, will always be interested. Continuing on the road of exploration, there is no intention of giving up at all.

Gradually, the road ahead was as narrow as a slit, and even a stunted 12-year-old like her had to walk sideways, and it was getting smaller and smaller, just when Jun Xie thought there was no way ahead. , a few wisps of cool wind blowing.

"There is wind ahead." His eyes lit up, Jun Xie wrinkled his nose and sniffed, and said in surprise, "Hey, there are still a few faint scents of medicine in the cool wind." In the darkness, pupils flashed a thought , the red lips hooked evilly, and moved forward at a faster speed.

A few rays of light were right in front of her eyes, but the narrow opening was too small for even her extremely stunted child to squeeze through.

She has already come here, even if there is only a small hole in front of her, she still has to go through it.

Humming a few times, Jun Xie took a deep breath, shrunk his already flat body to be flatter than the airport, and slammed into the small crack in a hurry, let alone, really knocked himself out.

With a sound of 'dong', a figure flew across the air and fell straight into the water, causing the water to splash.

'Pfft...' A small head popped out, spewed out a big mouthful of water, waved its little hands and feet, and swam forward vigorously.

Sitting leaning by the lake, Jun Xie shook his head, looked up at the thin crevice on the opposite mountain wall, and cursed in a low voice: "Damn, this ghost cave is actually built halfway up the mountain."

Why does she feel that since she was reborn on Nangong Junxie's body, she has been unlucky all the way!First she was knocked unconscious by a 'bird dropping', and then fainted from the pain, and now she can even enter a cave into the water. Could it be that God thought she was too 'angry' in her previous life, So now make her look like this?
Hmph, delusion, I am Jun Xie, no matter in the previous life or in this life, only I can control my destiny, let you be full of gods and Buddhas, and only I control your life and death, not you playing with my destiny !

Looking up at the sky, Jun Xie raised her brows, her terrifying eyes shone with brilliance, and a domineering aura emanated from her small body. Even if she was so wet that she looked like a drowned rat, it was enough Make heaven and earth submit to it.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and immediately made a certain king shiver, rubbed his arms, and the wounds on his body were in great pain again due to her series of tossing, probably only someone like her who doesn't cherish her body Tossing himself over and over again.

Reaching into her bosom, she took out the medicine bottle Mo Lingxi had left for her, took it under her nose and smelled it habitually, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, she quickly stripped off all the clothes and bandages on her body, Showing a horrible body, there is no shyness of being naked in the wilderness. Although she is only 12 years old now, that is only the age of the body, and the age of the mind has doubled, but even if it is the body of the previous life, it is estimated that It's also true, it's not that she is open, but she doesn't know that this is called 'opening'?
After busying for a while, he finally re-applied the medicine on his whole body, but he could not reach his back. He turned his black eyes a few times, and poured the priceless medicine on his back like water, and got it again. After a while, the medicine was fully applied, and the bandages were fastened again skillfully.

Picking up the dry clothes next to him and quickly putting them on, Jun Xie put the little medicine bottle left in his arms, got up, and began to look around, his dark eyes widened suddenly, with a sense of wonder, he felt that he was in the world It's a fairyland, I didn't expect that there is a hidden world behind that eerie cave.

What I saw was a breathtakingly beautiful small valley, surrounded by mountains, the towering peaks pierced into the clouds, and the crystal-clear stream flows quietly under the peaks. In front of the stream is a large expanse of beautiful scenery What surprised her the most was that the center of the flower sea was divided into dozens of medicine fields, and the strong fragrance of the medicine actually overwhelmed the fragrance of the surrounding flowers.

"Cordyceps sinensis, rosemary, seven-star grass, anemone..." Inhaling the medicinal fragrance that filled the air, Jun Xie walked forward, distinguishing the names of the herbs in the medicinal fragrance, his eyes gradually brightened, and his tone Also getting more and more excited.

Walking to the edge of the sea of ​​flowers, Jun Xie, who was already so excited that he was about to dance, stopped and stared thoughtfully at the rows of beautiful nameless flowers that were almost as tall as hers.

This sea of ​​flowers has never been seen by her who is familiar with all kinds of flowers, plants and trees in the world. The stems are erect, the tubers are fat and fleshy, the leaves are ovate and arrow-shaped, bright green, the pedicel grows next to the leaves, higher than the leaves, and the petals are 4. Each piece has a color, and the matching is quite suitable. The whole flower sea looks dazzlingly beautiful, and the very strong fragrance exudes makes people unconsciously want to get close to it and absorb its fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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