first evil king

Chapter 211 Imprisonment (2)

Chapter 211 Imprisonment (2)
Firmness and even firmness gradually appeared in his eyes. Nangong Junfeng carefully looked at the entrance of the secret room, and then turned his eyes back. Regardless of whether Jun Xie could hear it or not, he lowered his voice and said, "Bamei, let's go! Take advantage of this moment The third grandfather and father are busy going back to their home, you go, go as far as you can, and never let anyone in the family see you again."

As soon as Nangong Junfeng finished speaking, she felt a slight tremor in the body that was half-supported by both hands, and then saw a pair of eyes that often appeared in the middle of the night in her life, piercing into her like a sharp knife. In her heart, engrave eyes that will never be forgotten in her heart.

There is no resentment, no hatred, no joy, no confusion, the eyes are still black like obsidian, and they are still so flat that they can't make any waves. There is not even a cold look in her eyes, but they are not like a newborn baby. Pure, if you have to use one word to describe it, it would be 'empty', the emptiness of everything, but this pair of harmless eyes can stab her to pieces more than any sharp weapon at this moment, and the tears are like tears. Don't flow down so casually.

A normal person, a normal 13-year-old girl, after going through a series of accidents, no matter how strong her heart is, she should not have such eyes, unless she is so indifferent and cold-blooded that she doesn't even care about it. But although she didn't spend much time with her, she could feel that she was not an indifferent person.

"You want to let me go? Do you have the ability to send out a powerless person?" After a long silence, Jun Xie finally spoke, his voice hoarse and difficult like Sha Shuo who had been crushed , not mocking, not doubting, her flat tone was as 'empty' as her eyes, she just asked a question, her eyes fixed on Nangong Junfeng's young face, but in a short time, she still In less than three hours, her self-confidence and publicity have been replaced by vicissitudes.

"Everyone in the village is busy now. The third grandpa and father have no time to be distracted. The fifth grandpa has always loved you. This time, I was able to see you only because he released the water secretly. There is a secret path in the back mountain that leads directly to the Yunhe River. You can go out of the city by going up the river, and then, even if you are not there, no one will be able to find you, not to mention that the return home must not be delayed, and the third grandfather cannot stay long." Nangong Junfeng patiently explained Dao, while speaking, pay attention to Jun Xie's expression.However, Jun Xie didn't even move his eyelids.

"Hmm." Nangong Junfeng breathed a sigh of relief with a simple tone, and she was worried that Jun Xie was disheartened, lifeless, or afraid and timid, and didn't want to go with her!

This secret room is built under the study room in the main courtyard. Ever since the Nangong family established a branch in Yuncheng, there has been this underground secret room, used to imprison family members who have committed serious crimes. It has been abandoned for more than ten years. Even Nangong Junyang 'Killing' cousins ​​is not eligible to 'live' in, but since Jun Xie, a 'prisoner' who was escorted back to his home, was lucky enough to be able to live in it for a few hours, it is really special preferential treatment.

Coming out of the study, Jun Xie subconsciously squinted his eyes, feeling like a prisoner who came out of prison, with disheveled hair, pale face, chapped lips, and his middle clothes were so dirty that he couldn't see his original appearance. The prisoners who came out of the prison were not in a mess.

The whole main courtyard was quiet, occasionally there was the sound of the wind blowing the trees, there was no other sound, and there were no other figures. The bleak courtyard is so cold!
Nangong Junfeng pulled Jun Xie over, and was froze again from the temperature in her hands. She trembled lightly, but still stretched out her hand, half-wrapping her waist, and through the contact of her palm, sent the scorching blazing true energy into Jun Xie Inside the body, at the same time stretched out his figure, kicked his feet lightly, and the two of them flew towards the direction of the back mountain like soaring eagles.

Along the way, one must carefully avoid anyone in the village. Nangong Junfeng let go of her spiritual sense and tensed her nerves. Once she found a different aura in front of her, she would avoid it from a distance. Fortunately, all the servants in the village were encountered The servants, the masters are all busy in the front yard.

Jun Xie is honest and honest, quietly walking around the villa with Nangong Junfeng half-embraced, always following her coldly like an outsider, hiding from left to right and leading her towards the back mountain, looking out of shape , just occasionally, slightly raised his eyes, looking towards a certain point in the distant sky.

None of them knew that just when they left the main courtyard, a pair of glinting eyes appeared in a dark corner.

The snow in the back mountain has not completely disappeared, and the back mountain is decorated with a little bit of white snow. Standing on a high place, looking far away, the vision is wide, and the cool mountain breeze blows, which makes people feel comfortable.

Jun Xie stood alone on the top of the mountain, watching Nangong Junfeng's figure disappearing on the mountain path step by step and turning his head three times, his calm face was condensed with an indifference that had not changed for thousands of years, and a ray of evil spirit flashed in his bottomless black pupils. With a strange light, she turned around and raised her eyes to look in the direction of the secret path leading to Yunhe that Nangong Junfeng had pointed out to her.

"Is it a secret path? Heh, I'm afraid that if we cut the weeds and don't get rid of the roots, the spring breeze will blow and regenerate, right?" Jun Xie sneered and said to himself, but there was no smile on his face. He turned his eyes and stared at the sunny sky , Lost for a long time, his eyes became more and more blurred, and the look of longing gradually emerged. He raised his hand and stretched it towards the air, as if he wanted to grab something, but only the cold mountain wind slid through his fingers.

"Mother, wait for me." He clenched his hand in the air tightly, Jun Xie's blurred eyes gradually became clear and scorching, revealing a firm sinister, his thin body trembled slightly in the cold wind, and his loose coat was blowing against the wind Flying up, it seems that it will go away against the wind in the next moment.

For a long time, for a long time, the sky was already shining with dazzling golden light, lightly sprinkled on her body, as if immersed in the golden light, Jun Xie then withdrew his eyes, lowered his hands, turned around, and turned his head towards the secret room without looking back. Walking in the opposite direction of the path, the shadows on the ground were stretched by the setting sun.

Behind her, there were two black shadows squatting among the thorns of the secret path, their eyes fell on the end of the path, waiting for a long time for the person who should have appeared earlier.

"Why hasn't it appeared yet?" One of the younger voices couldn't hold back the irritability and asked.

"Be safe and don't get bored." Another older voice replied in a low voice, paused for a moment, and then asked with some doubts: "According to the time, it should have arrived earlier, has the situation changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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